Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Showing posts with label Sexual sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual sin. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What Is One of The Necessary Roles Of Journalism? To Promote Decency (Whilst HOPEFULLY Making You Think)

Illinois woman discovers dead husband in closet months after disappearance | Fox News

Hoarding is an extreme form of obsessing over oneself / one's inner thoughts.  It's a deep-seated bondage relative to one's psyche that manifests itself via chronic, compulsive consumption (purchase & stockpiling) of goods.  Oftentimes, for a hoarder, the cable television channel QVC or the URL, Craigslist / eBay, is on par with Internet porn for a Samson guy.

Hoarding is exploiting one's individual rights (related to consuming) within epidemic proportions.  It is being the ultimate PERSONAL advocate to such a degree that no one else's "well-being" is of concern except your own.


The greatest gift to the hoarder is the difficulty therein in hiding their problem (especially when the corpse of a loved one is unearthed within the hoarded goods). 

Immediately following our wedding, 26-years ago, Angie and I moved into our first home (an upstairs 2-bedroom apartment in Ridgeland).  We ended up leasing that flat for four years, and throughout the majority of that time, a hoarder lived beneath us.  I know this because of how apparent it was looking from the outside in.

Though I didn't consider myself a snoop, it was easy getting a clear view inside whilst circumnavigating to the back of our building (in order to empty our cat's litterbox).  I vividly recall how shocked I was the first time I glanced into her windows, particularly relative to her kitchen.  (Keep in mind that her flat's floor plan was identical to our own.)

Our neighbor's hoarding became so problematic that we (upstairs) began experiencing an ant invasion (they found their way into our staples within our small pantry).  Soon thereafter, I approached our downstairs neighbor.  With her being single (with one elementary age daughter), I didn't care to rat on her to management.  As a result (I'm assuming), the ant problem did subside, yet in no way did her overall living conditions improve (based on my continued indiscriminate / concerned observations).

Chronic porn use is exploiting one's individual online rights (related to consuming) within epidemic proportions.  It is being the ultimate PERSONAL advocate to such a degree that no one else's "well-being" is of concern except your own.

The greatest curse to the chronic porn user is the definitive vacuum by which they exist within. 


My first hope regarding finding support as a same-sex attracted Christian man was via reading online blogs (2007-).  These were blogs written by men who looked to be walking the same road I was attempting / had been attempting to navigate.  I knew there'd be no formal support available from my church (I'd looked hard) or within the community (here in Mississippi) at large, and that the professional journalism community (religious or secular) certainly wouldn't touch a story like my own with a ten-foot pole.  

These blog writings that had been published online were like a breath of fresh air within a vacuum.  And many of these men talked too of their struggle with chronic gay porn consumption (which I very much could relate to) now that the Internet was on the scene!

This is why I write here and encourage others to do the same.  Consider it an ode to that first gasp of resuscitating oxygen.

My hope is men can find hope before their inward obsessiveness results in the collateral damage that so often is the inevitable.  Perhaps this blog (journal) will in some way offer support as those aforementioned ones did for me - all those years ago.

Decency:  conformity to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste & modesty, etc. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Should I Take (Advantage Of) This Trip?

Chemistry.  You've heard that word before, and no doubt you've experienced it for yourself.  That's the best word I know to describe sexual tension / attraction between two people.  

I vividly remember facilitating a project meeting (during Rob's architecture career) at a Mississippi university 10+ years ago.  There were 6-8 of us in the conference room of the Physical Plan, and partway through the meeting, a lovely young lady was invited in.  She was a campus museum curator, and now in attendance because the university-owned museum (that she oversaw) would be impacted by said construction project in the near future.  Therefore, we felt compelled to include her early on within the planning stages in order minimize disruption for her department.  

I immediately took note of the chemistry between her and one of the young engineers in the room.  It was easy to spot as they dialogued regarding scheduling / logistical coordination pertaining to the project scope.  Looking back, I've often wondered if they ever followed up with each other after the fact.  

Body language, pupils, facial expressions are dead giveaways to chemistry.


My oldest daughter has a pronounced impact on certain men.  Even when she was in early high school and still wearing braces, I'd witness younger men react "chemistrially" to her presence.  Because she was a minor (& I was present), you could clearly see their discomfort as they wrestled with the situation, they now found themselves within.  

An old Samson friend used to react the same way around her (he hasn't seen her for many years).  Even with his own wife / children present.  It was always amusing to me due to the fact that I knew his porn diet consisted solely of "Barely Legal / Girls Next Door" models.


On the opposite end of the spectrum is chemistry between younger men and older women.  

Here's another memory:  my second (sophomore year) potluck college roommate once bragged about having a sexual relationship with one of his friend's moms.  This guy looked far older than he was, primarily due to his hugely muscular build.  That, combined with his overall machismo, lead me to not question his track record in spite of how uncomfortable it made me whilst ruminating on.

Similarly, I have friends now within Samson Society who've admitted to bedding older women, many of which were married (at the time) and mothers.


I serve as a board member of a local (community) volunteer organization.  I ended up therein by providence, having run-into the org's tenured director (she resides within a neighboring community) one Sunday morning whilst out running (exercising).

As I came to know the director better, I began to see how much I admired her commitment to this org and subsequently to the community she and I both have been longstanding members of (which the org directly serves).  This woman is highly intelligent / driven / passionate.  As such, she talks incessantly about whatever's on the forefront of her prefrontal cortex (which is A LOT).  

It didn't take me long to sense the chemistry between us (much moreso on her end than mine).

I've been serving as a board member for most of '22, and though she and I haven't worked directly on any projects throughout this calendar year, she's beginning to propose that we do (in '23).  

Know too that this wonderful lady is retired and serving as her (almost entirely homebound) husband's full-time caregiver.  They've had a long, successful marriage, but unfortunately at the present, his health is failing rapidly.  She, on the opposite end of the spectrum, is as vibrant and youthful as ever.  

So, I know what you're thinking.  What does she look like?

She's pretty hot for a grandmother.  In fact, she's the hottest grandmother, by far, that I've seen in some time (other than my mom who obviously CANNOT / WILL NOT count).


During our last board meeting (a few weeks back), an out-of-state regional retreat was discussed.  It quickly became apparent that it was a retreat (hosted within the larger eco-system of the org itself) that someone needed to attend from our board.  I spoke up to represent our group, and soon thereafter duly coordinated my '23 calendar accordingly to accommodate the two-day excursion.  The aforementioned director regretted not being able to attend (ailing husband).  As such, my commitment to do so was warmly received by everyone in attendance.  

Yesterday, (12/15) I received an email from our director stating that she'd like to attend too.


[I couldn't help but be reminded of my mother's adulterous trysts with her boss 40 years ago (I was 10 years-old at the time) during out-of-town trips to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.]

The director went on to say that her husband "used to" accompany her on trips like these.


I replied to her email with the following:  "I only agreed to attend the regional conference in your absence, therefore once you make a final decision on attending, if you're unable to go, I'll gladly sign up to represent [the org] during that event.  I have coordinated my work schedule accordingly, therefore I'm on standby to sign-up.  There's no need to expend [our org's] resources for two reps to attend."  

Thanks mom (for the memories)!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The VERY CHRISTIAN Family Upbringing & Its Potential Child Curse

Ultra-Christian families, based on my experience, are typically those who homeschool their children.  At least this seems to be the case in the Deep South.  I realize there're homeschooling families in other parts of the country (& certainly even in the Deep South) who're not necessarily wanting to quarantine their children from heretical influence.  Instead, they're simply interested in a "superior educational experience" (their words).  But all-in-all, this doesn't seem to be the case here. 

I'd never spent any time with homeschooling families 'till Angie and I reproduced (almost two decades ago).  And it was only through my wife that I came to first rub shoulders with these folks.  Angie had started a "playtime" club for new moms, and it was this club that broadened our horizons therein.

During my wife's first pregnancy, she began reading books on homeschooling, and I was fully supportive of this.  Being a contrarian, I saw no harm in it.  But then, once our oldest was close to school-age, we began engaging directly with the homeschooling community (here in the Jackson Metro) via their formal, hyper-Christianized activities.  Immediately, there was a strident sense to bolt from the premises, and it all came down to feeling ultra-Christian (which I am most definitely NOT).


Angie and I were both educated within private schools.  I attended Madison-Ridgeland Academy K-12, and she attended both a private Presbyterian elementary school in Hattiesburg + Jackson Academy for middle / high school.  Our parents chose this route in order to segregate us from black children.  Plain & simple.  But too, Angie folks wanted her rubbing shoulders with offspring of rich folks as well (Jackson Academy).    

My experience therein was terrible.  Not only was my overall education paltry at MRA, but the lack of diversity (there were only 45 in my class) within the school was stifling.  Angie's experience was far better, and this was mainly because Jackson Academy's approach to educating white children was far more serious (many of the parents of her classmates were prominent attorneys / doctors with high expectations for their children).

We've chosen suburban public schools to educate our three little sinners, and we've no regrets.  Primarily, we did so because

 -  public schools are free of charge
 -  we believe strongly in integration (diverse community within our community)


My heart hurts for children who're reared within ultra-Christian households who then set off into the world worse-off for it.  And obviously, this isn't an across-the-board occurrence, but it does happen.  Often.

A lot of off-the-cuff criticism of homeschooling has to do with children being starved of the socialization construct.  I've not witnessed that to be the case.  Instead, what I've seen is a deep-seated identity crisis within these guys because too much emphasis was placed on they themselves whilst growing up.

In other words, it's as if homeschooled children are cursed to live out the life of only children (no siblings) even if they're members of sizable families.  

And I can speak to that because I am an only child.


To summarize and speaking solely from my experience as an only child, the curse of being an only is anchored in the word assumption.  Assumption based on observation / familiarity.  

Parents typically do not want to "cover their children's bases" (assume the worst) because this is the hard part of being a parent.  Instead, and especially if the child is a well-oiled component of the cooperative (only or homeschooled child), they'd rather assume (erring on the "for the best").  But as we all know, assumptions - particularly those made about those we love - are often just "manifestations of affirmative thinking" versus reality.

Too, parents of only children, I'm convinced, are essentially cursed.  Cursed to never accurately remember their own stupidity (stupid is a verb) in childhood.  It's as if that part of their existence becomes a massive blind spot unless / until they reproduce (at least) once more.


Last weekend during the 2022 National Samson Society retreat, I met a lot of Samson guys who I've grown to admire within the virtual Samson Society group "Make Thursdays Great Again".  One of these had shared - in writing - his story with me this past Spring.  After reading that precious work, he and I chatted once (dialoguing specifically about his story) and from there, continued on within our communal (virtual / long-distance) friendship.  But after meeting him face-to-face last weekend (& subsequently re-reading his story yesterday), my mind was blown relative to how much I actually missed during my first-time through.

This was eye-opening due to how integral it was that I actually meet this Samson guy in order to see him more fully.  Especially considering his taking the time to share his written story with me months prior to last weekend.  

And this metaphorically points back to the curse.  

It was my assuming based in well-oiled componentry (virtual meetings) that successfully diluted my attention to character detail.  For I simply could not see this Samson guy 'till I met him face-to-face.  

So, I suppose another analogy to my homeschooled scenario is sort-of a Brady Bunch (Zoom) family in lieu of a real one.     


Samson Society is by no means queued up for ultra-Christian men, and I'm so grateful for that.  And this is because in order to be part of the community, you are expected to lead with weakness.  Weakness that's more often than not anchored in sexual brokenness.  

Has there ever been an ultra-Christian homeschool where that topic was front & center?  If so, Mr. Nate Larkin would be a fantastic guest lecturer.    

Friday, September 23, 2022

Insinuating The Ultimatum / Rerun relationship

My first Silas relationship was one that cross pollinated (he and I served each other as Silases) despite the fact that we were not (yet - by a long shot) integrated into Samson Society.  And this was because we weren't privy to it (this was 2010 / 2011 / 2012).  Nonetheless, we knew exactly what we both wanted from the friendship for we were both struggling mightily with compulsive sexual sin (porn consumption).

How did this unique precedent-setting relationship originate?  

Chris (Silas 1.0) approached me about having an unassuming lunch.  From there, he announced that he was a "Porn Addict" while we ate our gyro plates at Jerusalem Cafe in Jackson.  As you might imagine, with him being our church's Youth Pastor, I nearly shit a brick when he said this.  

Overall, whilst looking back on this season, I can say that it was an amazing (+/-18) month journey.  

Until it wasn't.  


At the outset of our friendship, Chris' personal and work life were in shambles, and it was mostly his own fault.  Specifically, as it related to his laziness.  Chris loved "winging it" relative to EVERYTHING.  Prep work, in his opinion, was not at all for him.  Instead, he used his "free time" to play video games, surf porn, or watch television / films (keep in mind that he was married with three small children). 

According to Chris, because "winging it" had been his modus operandi throughout his life (he was in his early to mid 30s at this time), he knew of no real way to "chart a new course" (become un-lazy / grow up / become more responsible).  

I can remember vividly chatting and praying, chatting and praying, chatting and praying (after we'd run together) EVERY Tuesday evening in my garage.  And often, we'd end up arguing over some of the pettiest of things.  But, all in all, I never once relinquished my role as his "best gay friend" (his words) as I tried my darndest to understand / support him for such a time as that.  Chris was intelligent / creative and articulate.  I liked that.  Plus, he respected me and all my unique weirdness.

The implosion of our co-Silas relationship occurred when I finally insisted that we expand our group.  Chris was vehemently uninterested in doing this.  He claimed there'd be no benefit to it.  Yet, I believed his argument didn't hold water due to whom I was recommending we loop in.  Hence, I saw it as a win-win for both of us, and therefore the best way forward.

In the end, Chris (to this day) claims I "betrayed" him by going against his wishes in this regard.  


So, why did I do this?

This is a question Chris has never asked.  And the reason he's never asked it is as follows:  all he's ever been concerned with is him being "sold out" (& by the way, I wasn't the only one - historically - to do this to him) and all the negative feelings that came with that.  

I simply cannot relate to his one-way point of view, but I do respect / honor his feelings.

And just so you know, presently, I talk to Chris every week and have been for the past year or so.  He's one of my oldest of friends.  Thanks be to God, via Samson Society National / Regional Retreats, we've found (once again) common relational ground.  Everything that went down before ('12) simply has never been / will never be worked through.  We don't discuss it because we don't see any benefit therein.  It's as if we were two different versions of ourselves at the outset of our longstanding friendship.  Hence, we've learned to leave the past in the past.  And I'm extremely grateful for this miracle approach because I love Chris dearly.  And too, there is so much truth in that statement.


So why did I do to Chris what he so feared would occur?

I looped in a third man in order to relieve my own emotional / spiritual pressure relative to our friendship.  Chris' personal / vocational circumstances, throughout these early years of us communing together, continued to worsen for him (& for our church's youth ministry).  No amount of time together - chatting & praying, chatting & praying - seemed to improve his situation.  Though we very much enjoyed each other's company, I couldn't deny how burdened and used I felt.  

The other portion of this was just how self-focused Chris was during this season.  And I believe this too was due to the ongoing falling out regarding his own personal failings / negligence.  He was literally watching everything fall down around him at this time which had to have been completely overwhelming.

In essence, Rob was rucking it for his Silas, yet each week, more and more weight was being added to the rucksack.  Eventually, I chose to unload some of it onto someone else.  Someone whom I knew also loved / supported Chris as I did.


Why bring all of this up?

Today, I'm in a very similar situation with another man, and frankly, I cannot believe it.  I've been dialoguing multiple times a week with this friend (since March), ending each chat with an intentional prayer, since early '22.  This guy is a few years older than I, and though his situation certainly isn't identical to Chris', there're remarkable similarities.  

David and I met back in February at a regional Samson retreat.  And we hit it off immediately.  And just as with Chris, I deeply pitied this man's situation (vocational / personal).

And so here I am.  As each week passes, David's situation continues to degrade, and once again, my rucksack is simply too much for me to bear.  

I've tried repeatedly (even to the point of having the MTGA facilitator personally invite him) to motivate David to attend the same virtual Samson Society meeting that I regularly attend ("Make Thursdays Great Again"), but he won't make it (or any other Samson Society meeting) a priority.  I desperately want him to make this commitment because I know that group well.  They'll come alongside and love David as I do.  For he's a wonderfully intelligent / articulate Christian man.

Oh, dear Jesus, where do I go from here?  Do I continue forward bearing the weight of this man's situation alone, or do I lay down an ultimatum relative to him taking the necessary steps to expand our too small circle all around?

Please pray for Rob regarding this rerun relationship.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

"Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death"

Grindr names a new CEO as it prepares to go public | Fortune

Once this occurs (public offering), with the magnitude of cash that will come as a result; cash that will be pouring into this tech company (as IPO shares are sold), there will be an explosion of usage that's far beyond what's cited within this article.  And the reason for this is as follows.  Publicly traded companies, no matter their ethical / moral roots, gain significant legitimacy amongst the throngs.  Overnight legitimacy.  This, in contrast, to privately-held companies.  That baked-in legitimacy drives usage / consumption of whatever product / service said company sells.  Even if it's gay sex.

With usage will come an almost exponentially larger number of anonymous hookups, and with anonymous hookups will come regret / shame / STDs.  From there, a patron is just another push / notification / swipe away from repeating the cycle.  Over & over again.

God help us.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

These Are Dangerous Times To Be Living Alone. Especially If You've Established A Perceived Anonymity Involving Both The Internet & Sexual Sin.

I love meeting new Samson guys.  Hearing their stories and supporting them therein via my listening ear is what it's all about.  There's no judgement there.  It's all about simply listening, asking questions and listening some more.  Perhaps eventually, they'll be a recommendation or two tossed from my lips, but those are always at a minimum (though I must admit their seeming authoritativeness can be off putting to some) until I feel so moved.    

I'm fortunate to have listened to hundreds upon hundreds of hours - throughout my life - as either a Silas or simply a Samson brother.  If you know Rob at all, you know that I adore men.  Hence, meeting new guys and listening to their stories is an incredibly enriching experience for me.  You'll also know though that I don't miss much whilst listening.  And I'm fairly certain this is tied to how God has tuned me overall towards the same sex.


Many years ago, I was an avid CNET fan.  This website interested me enough to browse there moreso than occasionally (in spite of the fact that I'm by no means a tech nerd).  I especially enjoyed their weekly (Fridays) wrap up summary video which captured the "tech news" over the past seven days.  The host of this weekly video was comedic, the writing intelligent and the editing was anything but generic.  It was entertaining stuff.  

During one of these weekly wrap-up videos, the host featured the first (supposedly) iteration of webcam roulette URLs.  Essentially, per what the host described; this URL allowed one to play webcam roulette with whomever else was logged in simultaneously (with their webcam turned on).  

And as an aside, the host made it very clear that what she had experienced therein was quite sexually explicit in nature as she "played around" with this new website invention.

Who'd a thunk?  Strangers being sexually explicit online?  Shocking.


The Internet is all about efficiency, is it not?  Instantaneous satisfaction.  No matter the need.  

Keeping that in mind, webcam roulette URLs most definitely meet a distinct need via the power and anonymity of the Internet.  And the keyword here is anonymity.  


Somewhere around 2008 or '09, a beloved Aussie friend (who I'd met online via Yahoo! Groups), and I were beginning to establish a webcam routine.  For reference, at the time, my PC barely met the minimum computing requirements for Skype.  Prior to this, my Aussie friend and I emailed each other voraciously (for well over a year).  Like myself, this guy was a writer at heart, but who also happened to be a husband / father who struggled with unwanted same-sex attraction.  

Unfortunately, it didn't take too long for Scott (after we'd established our webcam routine) to decide to expose himself to me unannounced.  From there, during that episode, he began masturbating to climax.  I have to admit, it was initially quite erotic observing him doing this through his laptop's webcam, but it didn't take long for me to feel the ickiness associated with this sort of Internet-centric experience, particularly in contrast to where our friendship had been.  Hence, after that one time, in line with a mutual agreement, he and I both kept our zippers zipped up.  

Not too many months after this eye-opening event, I asked that we take a year-long friendship sabbatical.  He agreed to this with a broken heart.  As you might imagine, our relationship never recovered from that "extended vacation".   


Let me stop here and define what I mean by ickiness.

Whenever I engage with other men, I feel 110%.  The experience is akin to me walking in their shoes.  It's for sure emotionally exhausting, but as such, me simply being me.

This being my normal, I am deeply fearful of what a sexual experience might look like with said men because of the damage my involvement would bring about.  In other words, think of it as me taking a massive overstep into their lives.  Now, viewing a pixelated video, fed through an anonymous guy's webcam, isn't the same as real, face-to-face sexual experiences or even (as described above) a friend-to-friend webcam one.

All that being said, ickiness feelings are essentially those which alarm me to the fact that I've either entered in or are fast approaching the cesspool of human experience.  The lowest of the low.  Debased.  Repugnant.  To expound on that a bit, I'd put it in the same category as visiting those plywood-assembled "private booths" oftentimes found towards the back of the adult bookstore.  You know the ones.  Where the red and pink incandescent bulbs dangle above your head as you anticipate yet another anonymous hookup.

In my opinion, webcam roulette is right there in the thick of those pollutants.  Particularly if you're participating therein as a Christian.

Here's my plea:  Value yourself and the Holy Spirit in such a manner that you're unwilling to stoop to this level.  No matter how lonely you may feel.  Value your witness as a Christian in such a manner that you're unwilling to stoop to this level.  Pray to God that your ickiness barometer stays sensitive and sharp.  Ask him for the self-control to heed its warnings reflexively.

And never forget to pray for those who're submerged in the filth, getting pulled deeper and deeper into the dump.  For ickiness to them is what normal looks like.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Wrestling Away Control / Rob Can't Be Trusted

I obtained a new desktop PC at work, and taking into consideration how well things are going as of late - in general - I'm prone to celebrate by consuming some gay Internet porn.

Yet, my newly appointed Covenant Eyes Ally has been informed (by me) of the arrival of this new desktop PC.  Plus, I assured him that I'd install Covenant Eyes soon thereafter (which I have).  

But, oh my goodness, how I wanted to take a half hour or so (or more) and see what might pop up if I searched for "Hairy muscle men gay porn", utilizing this zippy, brand-spanking new processor.  

Yesterday, I had one of our vehicles serviced, and regrettably, I chose to wait for the service to be completed (it took MUCH LONGER than anticipated).  After lunch, one of the young mechanics moseyed into the waiting room to refill his Yeti (I was close to being comatose on the cheap leather sofa), and I immediately became enthralled by his physical beauty.  I'd brought my Bible, and had been reading it on and off throughout my moratorium, but the text was no match for this Adonis.  All in all, it was quite a gift to have a few moments with this young man.

Hence, I could have - today - searched for "Hot mechanic gay porn" as well in order to have the Internet fully exploit (take advantage of?) my memorable encounter.  But, I chose not to, knowing all along that, thanks to Covenant Eyes, I'm not isolated / alone with my thoughts on my new desktop PC.


I spoke to one of my Silees at length yesterday, (7/6) morning whilst waiting on my vehicle, and he was telling me of an encounter he had with multiple beautiful women who were grocery shopping in string bikinis (with thong bottoms) where he & his wife live on the East Coast.  

This guy admires hot women as much as I do hot guys.  And thanks to the Internet, as a follow-up to his encounter, he could just as easily have searched for "Hot MILF string bikini grocery shopping", and the Internet would oblige - no questions asked.


Thanks be to God for Covenant Eyes.  Otherwise, I'd be screwed.  For I do not need to be consuming gay Internet porn.  Even for +/-30 minutes to "christen" my new PC.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Welcome Back, Addict

Addict isn't a moniker I use often, but I'm beginning to warm up to it more and more these days.  And this is because I'm beginning to understand what differentiates an addict from everyone else.  My first Silas dubbed himself a "porn addict", and this was +/-15 years ago (well before either of us had even heard of Samson Society).  He described his use of porn akin to brushing his teeth each day in spite of his role as our church's Youth Pastor.  The experience brought him absolutely zero remorse / guilt.  Instead, it was his go-to for that dopamine hit - time & time again.

This man's vocation (spiritual conspicuousness) suffered tremendously as a result, but just as much, his laziness was to blame.  At the time, his sweet wife was more than willing to run their household (they had three small children) while he committed himself to "down time" (Internet porn, online video games, and obsessive Alabama football fandom).  Too, this friend was one of the first to purchase an iPhone (for both he & his wife), making it that much easier to follow through with his MO whilst sitting on his rear end.

But back then, I simply couldn't stomach the word addict combined with Internet porn.  Even if our then Youth Pastor felt no remorse towards his prolific sin.  Instead, what I saw was an enabling combined with nomenclature justification.  Regarding the former, it came from both his wife and his employer (our church), not to mention the culture (ease of access / overall smugness towards porn) and technology itself.

And regarding the latter, I believe he also exploited the term in order to justify his chronic use of Internet porn to that much a greater degree.  So, I truly don't believe he - in particular - was ever addicted to porn.  


But what about the "porn addict" who's not an enabled lazy bum?  What if he's instead a hyper-involved, overly responsible community servant who just happens to use a steady stream of porn to jack off to regularly?  Add to those descriptors his struggle with general anxiety disorder combined with a markedly different pre-Christian "life" (narrative) than post-Christian.

What about this guy?  Is he truly addicted?

To answer this question, you must know that this guy has recently been introduced to a weekly Samson Society (virtual), and as such, he's routinely involving himself in a 30+ member group of seasoned Samson guys.  And this ongoing experience has rocked his world.  He feels like he's found Xanadu, and the communal blessings therein continue to bolster his fortitude against his private vice.

And this is so much so that this guy's even signed up for this fall's 2022 National Samson Society retreat (having only been involved in the Samson community for a few months).   

As a result, his private behaviors have become much more intentionally not regarding sexual sin (because in his mind, they're no longer private, thanks to his virtual Samson community).  To add to that, he's even beginning to recognize how his behavior impacts (even if it's the tiniest bit) the community he's now found himself a part of.  And this motivates him to stop seeing himself as singular / lonely / isolated / removed / pariah.  Thanks be to God.

I have no idea if this guy is an addict.  The jury is still out.


A couple of three weeks ago, an old friend telephoned me out of the blue.  I first connected with this guy decades ago whilst architecting.  From our very first juncture, I was absolutely intrigued by this dude.  He was handsome, intelligent, articulate yet so very reserved and formal, almost to the point of Victorian.  At the time, I'd no idea what it meant for anyone - much less someone like him - to be so deeply ashamed of your / their past.  Therefore, I didn't recognize it, or if I did, I chose not to see it.  Instead, I just assumed he was wired a bit differently than most (if not everyone else I'd met up to that point in time).

Alcoholism is / has been quite the destructive force within my old friend's ancestry.  He once told me that his parents chose to marry due to their "compatibility" relative to drinking (they were drinking buddies).  He also shared that at one point during his childhood (growing up in Yazoo City), he and his sister found themselves going door to door, pleading with their tone-deaf neighbors to intervene back at their home.  He went on to say that he and sis desperately feared that their father would beat their mother to death, all in a fit of alcohol-fueled rage.  Hence, their motivation to forlornly seek help. 

It was during my old friend's grad school days (in Iowa) where life for him truly went off the rails.  So much so that were it not for his mother's instinctual rescue, he'd likely have ended up dead.  Alcohol played a sizable role therein.

Yesterday, he spent an hour or so with me here at the house.  By his account, he's +/-100 days sober.  Regular AA meetings combined with his sponsor combined with group and individual therapy sessions are critically important for him to stay sober.  Even today, as a mid 50s man, he's monetarily / emotionally dependent on his mother.  Yet, he's at peace with that lack of autonomy, knowing full well how destructive his alcohol-fueled - independent - forays can be.  

In my opinion, this old friend is most definitely an addict.  For it is a chemical substance he's craving.  One that's administered via drink.  I welcome him with open arms back into my life.  Thanks be to God.


What drew me to viewing Internet porn at work, eventually leading to my termination from Delta State University in September of 2013?  First off, up to that point in time (& even whilst living in Cleveland), I only had readily available access to gay porn at work.  That combined with so much of my behavior being fueled by intense curiosity, relative to what the Internet had in store for me, partially answers the aforementioned question.  Beyond that, it eventually became apparent that consuming gay porn at work had become a risk-taking adventure.  An adventure that drew me in as much as the salacious imagery itself. 

For it's through risk-taking that I experience tangible feelings of masculinity.  Especially if the risk-taking behavior is externally non-descript (shockingly out of character) yet internally capricious.  Viewing gay porn (of all things for a married, Christian man to be looking at!) fit the bill perfectly in that regard.  

Now, that being said, I experienced tremendous amounts of guilt for both wasting my employers' time and risking the destruction of my Christian witness (I wrote about this extensively on my many years now defunct personal blog).  Also, gay porn's draw to me was definitely proportional to how uninterested in my work I happened to be.  In essence, monotony / fatigue did me no favors in this regard.  

Therefore, I most definitely wasn't an addict.  I was / am more like my former Youth Pastor friend.

I was curious, bored whilst languishing over the sin-laden rush I'd receive via my masculine-feeling ruse.  It was as simple as that.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Small Man's Sexual Prowess / Coitus Resume Levels The Playing Field

I had the most eye-opening conversation yesterday.  It put so much needed perspective on the affirming power of intercourse for small men.  Plus, it deeply impressed upon me how differently I would view intercourse if:

1.  I had ever viewed myself as a small man.
2.  I'd had frequent, intensely pleasurable intercourse as a boy.

Now, full disclosure.  When Rob looks internally, Rob sees a void.  Invisible.  Most men aren't like Rob.  Instead, most men see themselves in comparison to other men, and that has a lot to do with how other men treat them in kind.

For those men who see themselves as physically diminutive, I'm convinced that their sexual prowess can, in their eyes, level the playing field.  And I suppose this originates from coitus itself, taken from the standpoint of being allowed / granted the opportunity to participate.  And that participation "entrance exam" consisting of an unspoken belief in the small man's credentials therein.  In other words, if he's chosen, it's not instinctual (in heat).  No, if he's chosen - HE - it's because she CHOOSES all of him to rock her world.

In essence, because "small man's" in fact small (there's no denying that), perhaps there's the belief that his sexual prowess overcompensates / makes up for his stature (in his mind), or to take that a step further, he may even see it as his very own superpower / McGuffin.


Are strip clubs frequented moreso by small men?  And if so, is it because strip clubs denature or strip away the patrons' figurative (everyday) qualities and only leave behind their sexual prowess?  What about massage parlors?  Both of these places are filled with beautiful, sexy women who're identifying / adjudicating the male patrons discriminately through (one of a handful) the lens of their sexual prowess.  

If a stripper feels drawn to small men, that's perfectly okay with him because there's the assumption that her attraction negates / marginalizes his stature and only considers his sexual prowess (holistically). 

Where can a small man certainly NOT BE OVERLOOKED within the world of men he inhabits - day in and day out?  Certainly not (from his perspective) at church or work or on the golf course / at the gym.  Where then?

A world where his unique toolset of sexual prowess equalizes.  Especially if his lasered-into-his-brain sex resume points all the way back to his childhood (when he first had intercourse a dozen or so times with his girlfriend on her parents' couch).  For he was only sixteen years-old then with a height of 5'-7" and weight of 110 lbs.  Hence, he was no doubt small, but seduced into pumping that beautiful thing full of semen over and over and over again.  And this girl knew exactly what she wanted from her small boyfriend.  AND HE ADORED EVERY MINUTE OF IT.

And this is where coitus short-circuited his boy brain, giving his sexuality, as a young man, an elevated, domineering platform (wickedly unhealthy bias) from which to peer down from. 

And even now, as a middle-aged man, his sexuality is still on that platform, elevated above everything else.  It is the primary identifier of value, worth, and it's directly / primarily linked to small man's relationship with women (by far the most important gender).  ALBEIT EVERY SINGLE ATTRACTIVE (TO HIM) WOMAN ON PLANET EARTH.  Whether it's his wife, girlfriend, co-worker.  Any woman that he's either had intercourse with or senses would be interested - even in the slightest - of having a sexual relationship with small man.  For she holds the key to legitimizing him emotionally via her willingness to take part in a sexual exchange.

In the end, this is what draws him again and again back to the strip club / whorehouse / massage parlor / phone sex numbers / emotional affairs.  There's a justification there that perfectly synchronizes with his need for feeling loved / accepted in a manner he can interpret.


Years ago, I met my first small man (by his own definition).  And to me, he wouldn't necessarily qualify as such, but he had been a lean, wiry boy and that self-loathing sorta stuck therein.  This man was brilliant, hard-working, articulate, but none of those attributes could overwrite / compete introspectively with his "smallness".  Every fiber of his being was consistently wrestling with this notion of not measuring up physically.  And oh my goodness, did it ever fuel the commiserate hyper-competitive, hyper-critical cynic that he was.  He was literally in bondage to himself.

By my standards, his height was certainly normal (well above average), but overall, he definitely was built lean.  Not surprisingly, this young man loved John Mayer's music, and of course, had John Mayer been a muscled-up "douchebag" (his words), his opinion of his music would have been decidedly different.

I have to wonder how old Mr. John Mayer was when he was first seduced into pumping that beautiful thing full of semen over and over and over again.  Maybe sixteen?

I'm going to be thinking about this all weekend.

I'm so fortunate to have had that dialogue with my small man friend.  

All of this is testimony to the confidence inspiring, wretchedly distorting power of coitus.

And btw, this is what our present-day culture presents as the standard for men (he even gives off electrical sparks he's so hot):

Check out the picture-perfect lighting on those waxed pecs / abs / arms.  This is what you call depression through entertainment.  

& btw, I have a hard time imagining Thor frequenting strip clubs (unless he himself is performing).  

Saturday, June 4, 2022

My Need To Be Seen / Pursued By Men I Respect (& How Porn Defaults To Fulfill That Need)

All of my issues with gay porn - for the most part - have a common denominator of attempting to fill a void of feeling isolated from the universal community of men.  

When I was a senior in high school, I purchased my first Playgirl magazine, and this was the first time I saw photos of completely naked men.  Though I only held on to the magazine (the year was 1990) for 3-4 days, in looking back, it opened my eyes to how disgusted I was with my own self.  And that disgust was rooted in simply not feeling comfortable behaving / being seen as a man (& I'm not referring to conformity).  Now, you must know that I certainly didn't feel like a woman (at this time in my life or ever).  Instead, I simply felt worthless having no perceived masculine identity whatsoever.
What did this Playgirl magazine actually provide for teenage Rob?  Two things.
Being semi-nude (shirtless) is a normal "celebration" of being male.  Being fully naked too, isn't frowned upon, though it's relegated to specific settings where men gather (locker rooms, skinny dipping, etc.).
The pictorial of one Playgirl model, in particular, blew my synapses because he was so natural looking, yet it was apparent he'd no shame regarding his physique.  The young man was probably 5-8 years older than I at the time.  He was below average height, had average size junk and did not in any way look manufactured / manicured.  Hence, he had loads of body hair and even minute skin imperfections that hadn't been airbrushed away.  And yes, he was in great physical shape, but it reflected his no doubt athletic prowess more than vanity (this guy was not a pro bodybuilder).  
All of this added up to this complete masculine comfortableness that I longed too to have.  This I could emotionally latch onto via porn.
On the flip side of that comfortableness, there was the allure of symbolically being known by those you're putting your trust in.  As a teenager, no one knew anything about my sexuality except me and God.  And though I refused to loathe my sexual attractions towards men (believing they were a result of a number of circumstantial factors), I desperately needed to be known (as every teenager does) by someone I could trust with this (& the rest of myself).  But there wasn't anyone - that being a real person - for me to be pursued by in this regard.
Therefore, I fantasized about being known by my middle school youth pastor, classmates at school, etc.  Eventually, these fantasies migrated to photos of semi-nude men on greeting cards and in wall calendars, all of which lead up to the Playgirl magazine purchase.  Every fantasy had a theme of known Rob being relationally pursued.

Subconsciously, the aforementioned naked model in the Playgirl pictorial, I felt, was being known by me - as the viewer, and he had been known by the photographer & his crew likewise.  This blew my mind, but I didn't at all understand what was truly happening inside my brain at that young of an age.  Today, thankfully, I'm beginning to.
In the past, I've joked during Samson Society meetings about having a secret desire to be a porn model.  Taking the notion of being known to the extreme served as the root of that joke.
What served as the breaking point for Rob regarding these needs not being met?
2013 (I'd just turned 40) was the year I worked in Cleveland, MS as Delta State University's Campus Architect.  About six middle managers, all mostly close to my age, reported to me, and each of them had minions beneath them.  This entire grouping was nothing but men, all of which were laborers overseeing everything from campus landscaping to HVAC systems.  The perceived authenticity / comradery between these men left me feeling extremely isolated.  Naturally, I turned to our pastor at Covenant Pres Cleveland for help, but he freaked out at even the slightest hint of discussing sex / sexuality.  Eventually, I once again turned to gay porn / writing on a now defunct blog to cope.  Doing this on my work PC is what got me fired.
I came away feeling so rejected and ashamed.  But, it was through that pain that God ushered me into Samson Society in August of 2014. 

Samson Society serves as a petri dish for being known authentically.  The meetings provide a framework, week after week, for sharing / presenting oneself to the group, and from there, there's opportunity to connect one-on-one in order to be known that much more intimately.

Each of the two resolutions I cited above are too resolved (in my mind) within the Samson community.  The only difference being (between it and gay porn), is Samson Society takes much more work / commitment / patience.  

And since Samson guys are actual - living / breathing - warts & all relationships, they're much richer / diverse / nurturing / sustaining / helpful.  But too, that being said, as with any close friendship, none of these relationships are without setbacks, disappointments, and pain.  

I love to consume porn, but I love what Samson Society has offered me as an alternative more.  Thanks be to God for Samson Society.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Reclaiming Childhood Trauma With The Help Of Unexpected New Friends (From MN Of All Places)

The +/-300-400 ranch housed 'hood I was reared in (Madison during the '80s) had a neighborhood pool that had been constructed as an optional amenity for the homeowners.  There was no homeowners' association to govern this mid-70s' subdivision, yet this pool was fortunately maintained - seasonally - by a group of volunteers - paying utility bills, overseeing upkeep, and distributing pool "membership" keys each summer.

The inground pool was a large rectangle with a slide, diving board serving the 12'-0" deep end.  As such, it was more than sufficient to accommodate the Traceland North throngs during the summertime.  

There weren't many occasions during my childhood where swimming at night within this pool was encouraged / allowed, but I do vividly recall spending countless mornings / afternoons there.  Bob & Darlene always ate dinner fairly early, therefore usually by 5 PM, we'd have vacated the swimming pool for the short drive back home.

Yet, there was one distinct occasion during my childhood where I did find myself at this pool at night, and it was then that I discovered how quickly a comfortable, very familiar setting can be so easily robbed of all its noteworthiness.


The photo below is from the glossy cover of a 1988 wall calendar I kept "in my secret stash" as a teen.  The model shown here (gotta love that mullet!) was featured a handful of times within the publication, but it was this cover photo that mesmerized / captivated young Rob.  I nervously purchased this wall calendar at Northpark Mall's Spencer Gifts under the tutelage that I was "needing a gag gift" for one of my imaginary sisters.  I can still remember the excitement of removing the plastic wrap once I had it home.  And from there, sexual fantasy after sexual fantasy ensued, most of which centered on this guy pursuing me tenderly.  The fantasy made me feel safe, loved and important.  It was as reliable as daybreak, yet situating itself with great reliability as indwelling sin.

When I was around the age (11 - 12) of my youngest daughter, Darlene entrusted me to some older neighborhood boys one evening while she and my dad went out.  This was during the summer, and the plan was for these teens to keep up with Rob whilst night swimming at the aforementioned neighborhood swimming pool.  I was understandably a little anxious about this setup, having never been put into this situation before.  These older boys were around the ages of 16 and 19 at the time.  They were brothers and both lived with their 'rents on the opposite side (from us) of our 'hood.  Though I didn't know them well, I'd agreed to this setup in order to accommodate my parents.  Plus, I sort of liked the notion of spending time alone with these older boys at the pool outside the bounds of routine.  I remember them as tough, carefree teens whose overconfidence far exceeded my own.  

Unfortunately, what happened that evening truly served to turn my love of that venue as well as any semblance of love for myself on its head, and the outcome here had all the more voracity due to Satan's impeccable timing (early adolescence).


Last week (the week between Christmas and New Year's), we vacationed in Sandestin, FL, renting a condo overlooking the beautiful Gulf.  We'd never been there during the winter, yet we were pleasantly surprised at the (unseasonably?) balmy weather and overall smaller crowds.  The swimming pools are heated this time of year which helps with the comfort level - particularly if you choose to swim at night.  My daughters love swimming, but they especially love ending their vacation days with a swim.  For me though, swimming at night has never been an especially enjoyable experience, and up until last week, I wasn't exactly sure why.

Because of the breezy, chilled night air, even fewer resort vacationers joined us in the water after the sun went down (early).  Yet, during our first evening there, two boys did surprisingly appear.  I'd taken note of the older of the two (an unusually athletically built 16-year-old) as he slipped into the hot tub a few minutes prior with his younger brother.

After a few minutes of continuing to toss a glow football between my girls, I waded over to these (obviously) brothers and inquired if they'd be interested in joining in the fun.  And this set the stage for a very unique, temporary friendship.  A friendship that resulted in all of us rendezvousing most nights, within that same hourglass-shaped pool, throughout the time we were there.

You need to know that the boys were from rural Minnesota.  As such, having never been to this sprawling seaside resort (much less FL), they truly were fish out of water.  We had the best time getting to know and having the privilege of being hospitable to them.  Later in the week, I also had the good fortune of meeting their father (poolside), and from there, both of our families agreed to share dinner at a local pizzeria at the conclusion of our time together.  It was a blast.


Through all of this, God tenderly reminded me of the physical assault I experienced as an 11 - 12-year-old boy at my long since compartmentalized Traceland North swimming pool.  It was as if he literally walked me back to the horror hand-in-hand as night after night we'd reconvene with our routine there at Sandestin.  Observing these MN brothers' masculine character, in such sharp contrast to what I'd experienced as a boy, served as the perfect reformative sauve.  For it so clearly demonstrated how much I'd longed to be / understood how I could have been affirmed within that swimming pool setting all those years ago.  

The physical assault was a childhood horror that I'd never spoken of to anyone.  For in and through that, I'd had impregnated within me the notion of young Rob being defective relative to his masculinity.  Hence, from that point forward, I simply refused to face my defective self.  Immediately following, I began hiding and turning inward to placate / medicate my trauma.  And that's where homosexual fantasy, in many ways, became my "adolescence preserver".  

Please know that I cannot underestimate the intense shame I experienced as a result of being treated, by these adolescent guardians, with so little respect.  What little masculine dignity I had - at that time - as a very young man, was literally stripped clean that night.

In closing, I'm grateful to have clear direction relative to my work ahead.  For 2022 will definitely be a year of focusing on unpacking / wrestling with this notion of childhood me being internally labeled as defect(ive).  Combined with all the ramifications therein, I hope to best position the boy inside, going forward, in opposition to that label.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

How Might Cultivating / Observing Your (Grand)Son(s)' Ongoing Maturation Impact Your Own Maturation?

There are so many questions I have regarding this topic.  As such, I've attempted to provide an overarching summation of them all within the title (question) of this post. 

But firstly, I need to qualify my use of the word maturation.  That word implies merited positivity, but I'm not necessarily making that assumption.  I'm citing this word more from the standpoint of unmitigated growth or narrative.  Growth / narrative that moves forward but not necessarily within a righteous / healthy capacity.  The emphasis here is on the concept of forward.


I'm a father to three daughters, therefore I've no firsthand experience with fathering a son whilst observing / taking note of how it might affect / impact me.  That's my disclaimer before you read any further.

Here's an interesting question (to me at least):

Obviously, adolescence brought on by the onset of puberty brings the penchant for lustful fantasy within boys.  If during that development, you as the boy's dad experience a reduction / newfound resolve not to (continue to?) nurture the same, is this somehow the result of your identity as the dad (older, more mature man) being amplified / distinguished - by association - in kind?  

I do believe there are a lot of opportunities for fathers to find their footing / make better sense of their identities as grown ass men in contrast, but also in relation to, their sons, and this occurrence surely plays out via an offset, progressive narrative as both males take on their associative roles within the family.

And I'm really interested in knowing more about this phenomenon, yet everything I do know is speculative based on observation.  Nonetheless, I feel so moved to imply some theories / relay some thoughts here.


At my uncle's funeral earlier this week, I was pleased to see a younger cousin of mine (he's in his mid-40s) who has resided in Austin, TX throughout his adulthood.  Benji is a richly successful businessman within the tech field.  He gained a foothold within that industry (after finishing at Delta State University) thanks to a familial connection (his wife's family) to Michael Dell.  In line with that, Benji is an extremely handsome guy with a megawatt smile (& charisma to match).  He's also a family man with an adopted son and two biological daughters.  Smart + good looking + ambitious + opportunistic has equated to worldly success for him.

Not surprisingly, even at the graveside service, Benji was nonchalantly gloating about his hectic professional life, peppering the formalities with talk of him needing to jet over to Europe for work before the Thanksgiving holiday.  I asked a handful of questions during the few moments I had (having not seen him since 2010), some of which were clearly confusing.  But that was only because they were tied to details he'd shared with me years ago (via a handful of email exchanges) that were no longer presently relevant (my remembered reality versus his present reality).  And that's what got me thinking about his drive forward and what possibly has fueled that for he himself.  It's important to note that Benji is the middle child of three sons, yet he's by far the only hyper-successful standout.

Similarly important to note is that Benji's (became deceased back in 2010) dad (an older brother of my father) was the antithesis of Benji relative to ambition.  So where might have Benji's drive culminated from exactly?

Let's take a closer look at my cousin's relationship with his adopted son.  For I believe therein may lie one of many distinct keys to understanding his distinctiveness.


Within Year One of Benji's marriage (he married a lovely young woman from the Mississippi Delta soon after completing his undergrad work at DSU), he and his new wife hastily proceeded with an international adoption of a Russian boy (the child's exact age unknown).  At that time, Benji's obligations at Dell Computer had him dutifully traveling worldwide for the majority of the year.  For his meteoric rise up the corporate ladder, in spite of his youth, demanded this.  Hence, the adopted son saw much less of his driven dad, as part of his newfound Texas upbringing, than he'd expected to.

Once the boy entered into middle / high school, he began experimenting with illegal drugs and fornicating.  In time, three girls became pregnant prior to the young man being incarcerated within the Pacific Northwest.  

Now, I know I've blazed through that boy's life with those few sentences, but my point is this:  He became an unbridled rebel that in no way synchronized with his upstanding, materially wealthy, highly successful / established Texas family.

What few times I've dialogued with Benji about his relationship with his son, there's been nothing but bitterness and outrage towards the boy's "ungrateful moral assault" on Benji and his wife.  To me, that particular attitude is simply posturing.  For I know my cousin.  He's a smart dude with a heart of gold.  As such, I believe he both bit off far more than he could chew on one hand whilst refusing to do the necessary intensive parenting work (rooted in being present for the adopted boy) on the other.  In other words, he chose his career over his very unique parental obligation.

Could the moral failings of his adopted son be serving to sink one side of an associative identity pendulum between these two men?  A pendulum that, in opposition, elevates / propels my cousin, Benji, to perform / succeed at a ridiculously demanding pace?  Is that even possible?


Along the same lines (but by no means the same), I often wonder how the patriarchal shame my father experienced relative to impregnating my mother (his girlfriend), as an 18-year-old country boy, impacted his moral outlook going forward into adulthood.  As far as I'm concerned, my father's entire identity is anchored in the notion of the prosperity gospel (well before anyone dubbed it as such).  Hence, after making that big time sexual mistake (& seeing it come forth even, into this world, as Rob, Jr.), there would be no more slip ups in that regard or otherwise.  

And I can vouch for that.

My dad has never made any time for lust.  He's never made any time for cheating.  He's never made any time for lying, and always, always attends church (& served as a deacon) on Sundays / Wednesdays.  The man doesn't drink or smoke or hang with those who do.  Now, he's by no means a saint, yet his appearance is consistently saintly, with no mention EVER of his teenage moral failings.  Whitewashed veneer is he.

And then there was me, his son.  Who eventually became an effeminate outcast as a young man who was quietly rejected (by him).  An outcast who, without the very stable home life he was given, his overactive imagination, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, would have been at great risk for losing every bit of his emotional / spiritual footing in this world of woe.   


Now, let's change this up a bit before we close all this speculative thinking and hearsay out.

There's only been one occasion (that I distinctly remember) where I've heard a dad acknowledge his son's athletically built body in a way that felt sanctimonious.  And not surprisingly, considering the context, this occurred in reference to the son's past decisions relative to (not) playing college sports (as if his athletic build had been put to waste).  Decisions which the father regretted witnessing (likely because he'd have chosen differently had it been his choice to make).

I do recall being within the presence of family friends (both father & son present) who had sons who were respectfully acknowledged for their physical builds / athleticism, but these were super rare occasions that I simply stumbled upon.   One in particular occurred after a varsity football game when I was a young teen.  My grandfather and I had stopped by one of his fellow parishioners' homes, and during that short visit, I witnessed what I just described.  The only reason I was there was due to me visiting my grandparents within the Mississippi Delta as a teenager, and man, witnessing this affirmative event became the highlight of my stay with them that weekend.

Here's how it played out:  The unspoken yet respectful acknowledgement consisted of the athletically built teenage son presenting his semi-nude self post shower, in response to our visit (simply to say hello).  From what I recall, my grandfather and I were dialoguing with the boy's parents in their small living room when he came in to speak.  He was wearing shorts with no shirt, and his hair was still damp from his shower.  If I remember correctly, he did have a towel flung over one shoulder.  And all of these particulars made his greeting that much more dynamic as everyone, in turn, congratulated him on the "big win" (he was a player on the hometown varsity team) earlier in the evening.  

And that episode, my friend, is what I'd like to segue from since it points directly to the beginning of this post.  It may get a little weird from here on out, but I'm certain you'll not be surprised at that, considering the author of this post.


Mr. Don Waller brought his college-age son along to the 2021 National Samson Society retreat a few weekends back.  I didn't spend too much time with either of them, but one thing I did take note of was Don's associative role (as father) versus what I'm used to seeing of him within those settings.

And I've tried to think through that in reverse.  Wondering how different an associative role truly is - as a dad - when your child is female.  Of course, there wouldn't have been any appropriateness to Don bringing his daughter to the retreat, but for comparison's sake, what if he had?  How might his associative role play been different - internally and otherwise?

The primary need that men have is respect, whereas the primary need women have is security.  And I believe that manly need has a great deal of cross pollination capability / opportunity between father / son.  And this is the key difference in rearing sons versus rearing daughters.

Sons are a male version of your DNA.  There's no denying they're a next male generation of a portion of you.  As such, I would argue, the efficiency / efficacy therein relative to this potential cross pollination (healthy or unhealthy) is noteworthy, if not undeniable.  And that's pretty exciting stuff to acknowledge.


In closing, I spent close to an hour listening to a (new to me) Samson guy's story on Saturday night during the 2021 National Samson Society retreat.  He'd been referred to me, therefore in spite of my fatigue, I lent my ear.  This man was extremely articulate, highlighting his story episodically with a multitude of remembered dates.  Nonetheless, I simply wasn't all that absorbed in what he was disclosing, even with the calendared milestones that were there for reference.  And it wasn't as if it wasn't an interesting, relatable tale.  I just had other things on my mind.

Yet, he said something to me that took me aback.  And that was this disclosure:  he was grateful that he didn't end up (this man was a widower in his early 60s) with a son to rear due to his fear of sexualizing the boy. 

And him sharing that reminded me of something someone said to Rob when my first two daughters (the third was yet to be born) were small.  A colleague of mine (serving within a volunteer organization) relayed to me, off the cuff, that she was convinced that I was "better equipped" to father girls than boys.  Hence, she was glad to see me given that opportunity.

What the fuck?!?  (This was my internal reaction then.)

What the fuck?!?

Maybe someone had said something similar to this Samson dude.