Spring has sprung in Mississippi.
Some veteran Jackson Mississippi Samson guys' musings, recommended resources, and Samson Society news / updates (all written by 100% Grade A - Human Intelligence)
Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:
Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.
Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.
Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.
Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
That Hot, Sexy Runner: Reversing The Clock By 20 Years...
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Utilizing Unresolved Familial Baggage To Perpetuate / Justify A Rudderless Life / Existence (With Much Rubble By The Wayside). Recognizing How Easy It Is To Establish An Identity For Identity's Sake.
Growing up Southern Baptist, I recall vividly (as a teen) one particular pastor chiding us parishioners (First Baptist Church Jackson) from the pulpit with, "Do you know that you know that you know?"
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Once More, A Boiled Toad
Being same-sex attracted has always been my sexual norm. I've never known anything different. When I began dating my future wife (mid-'90s), I was far more attracted to her holistically than likely other potential suitors might have been. And this springboarded off of our childhood friendship which became far more important than either of us realized 'till we began dating. Angie was tender. Her touch was soft and consistent. Plus, she was loyal to a fault. I could go on, but my point here is I had the benefit of being able to easily look beyond the sole opportunity to lay with her (intercourse), as her husband, in regard to potentially marrying.
Another norm for me is the Deep South culture. A big portion of which basks in college football competition / rivalries. This one too is experienced by Rob in ways that don't necessarily fit the typical Mississippi redneck.
It's important to know that Mississippi is all I know relative to a home. As such, it's a hotbed of football-loving and has been for as long as I've known it. My dad, Robert, Sr., grew up immersed in this Southeastern Conference culture. As such, it's as definitive as the very blood type that circulates through his veins.
I joined the marching band (clarinet / drum major) in middle school out of curiosity (& as an escape route from PE class) more than anything else. As such, Friday nights during each of my subsequent fall semesters were mostly spent back on the private academy's grounds - at each and every football game.
From there, I segued into my college's marching band where again, I spent every fall weekend (along with three bowl games!) supporting the team, but this time, I was wearing a maroon & white band uniform. At the conclusion of 1994, my tenure as a Maroon Band member bittersweetly came to a close.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Let's Not Forget To Consider The Unlevel Playing Field
Adam Young was our keynote speaker during the 2023 National Samson Society Retreat. I did not attend either of his sessions (I continued to man the registration table during Friday evening's session), but I did slip in at the tail end of the second one (Saturday morning). During those few minutes, a Q & A session was underway within the packed auditorium, and Adam was navigating those queries with answers that landed beautifully each and every time. Also, he was really humorous with many of his answers as he sveltely circled back to accentuate previous bullet points that were no doubt key to his talk.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Hamstring Yourself (For Your Own Good) While You're (Still) Young. This Will Best Prepare You To Re-Prioritize Entertainment Tech Well Into Middle-Age.
I broke my Californian Morman Silee's heart last night by bearing down on him for recently snapping up the latest & greatest pocket computer.
He couldn't answer logically why he'd justified the purchase. Instead, he just laughed nervously as I continued to interrogate.
So, why exactly should he be scorned for owning the latest, most advanced smartphone?
To make him think. So few people actually do this anymore.
This is why I'm a card-carrying Samson guy:
There is nothing on Earth I enjoy more than watching videos of gorgeous, hot guys having sex with each other. Particularly hot guys who are really into each other's bodies. All along, giving the impression, to the audience (me!), that they have a love for each other that's being expressed sexually. Too, it's icing on the cake if these videos are well lit ("high" production values), and the set (where the sex is taking place) is seemingly well designed.
To take it a step further, I like following certain gay porn models by watching video after video of them having sex with various other men or mens (or just themselves). It's a way for me to privately "get to know" / form a "relationship" these men who're dedicated to their field. Especially from the standpoint of how they specifically engage with their onscreen lovers.
In all honesty, watching these muscled, hairy studs orgasm is the zenith of pleasurable experiences for Rob. Seeing this is like winning the lottery! Especially when the camera captures their countenance as they're climaxing. Seeing their eyes roll back into their skulls as they hold their breath / moan in ecstasy...losing all semblance of respectable cool. This is what I (my flesh) live to see!
And as you know, dear reader, the Internet is / was designed for PORN!
The absolute first line of defense that I have against satiating my fleshly craving to consume videos of men having sex is to pull back far enough to attack the problem via access.
You cannot run if you're crippled. It's as simple as that.
Hence, in order to properly advocate for myself, I had to willingly hamstring relative to tech. And this approach has served me incredibly well.
So, who am I exactly relative to tech?
The Turners don't own a television other than a 27" Sony CRT that I purchased back in 2000 ($549.99 at Best Buy) when I passed the Architectural Registration Exam. It's in an entertainment cabinet at the foot of our bed in the master bedroom. It isn't tied to CATV or an Internet streaming service. All this behemoth is capable of doing is playing DVD video at 480i resolution (it does have a 16:9 widescreen viewing mode).
My wife, Angie, bought an Internet tablet years ago, but I don't have the passcode to unlock. We do not subscribe to any Internet streaming service nor are we a member of Amazon Prime.
My smartphone is so antiquated that it's really only suited for calls, texting, and navigation. It will take photos / videos, but it has so little memory that it won't hold too many. I am not engaged in social media at all. The notion of using my pocket computer to make video / photo selfies sounds about as interesting (& productive) as watching (or starring in) episodes of Teletubbies.
I do not and would not ever own a computer watch.
The laptop I have at home (to engage in the virtual Samson Society group, "Brain Changers", on Sunday afternoons) is a dinosaur. Surfing the Internet is possible, but it's very laborious. I often get the "High Memory Usage!" warning whilst having multiple tabs open within the browser.
I came to adjudicate early on as a young man (pre-Internet) that it would greatly benefit me to become a contrarian to westerner's passionate pursuit of media consumption if I wanted to live any form of a fulfilling, Christ-centric life. Having been reared within a household where television broadcasting (CATV) was consumed nightly (weekdays & weekends), it didn't take me long to wake up to how much precious time I'd wasted staring at my parents' 20" Toshiba CRT television.
Be smart, dear reader. If you enjoy lust as much as Rob does (& are as convicted as I am relative to its spiritual toxicity), put yourself on a very short (hardware / software) leash today. It's your first line of defense against being normal.
From there, use your time to read or write a book / poetry, play or compose a song on a musical instrument, exercise, volunteer, visit a friend, plant / tend to a garden, etc.
Anything is more respectable than staring at a screen, consuming mind-rotting content that will do you no good down the road.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
It's Endearing Providing Matrimonial Security (After All These 27 Years) Whilst Horizontal
I mentioned (within a previous post) our recent sleep divorce. This was something facilitated by our middle daughter (also) leaving for college this fall. In anticipation of this, over the course of this past summer, the "big girls" room was transformed - via new twin beds / mattresses - from child's room to extra bedroom.
Throughout, my wife was (somewhat privately) repositioning all of this on her own behalf. Particularly when it came to the mattress purchases (they were quite luxuriously expensive).
My wife's "stroke arm" (her left arm) is often (most comfortable) extended perpendicular to her body whilst she snoozes. Hence, our queen bed doesn't necessitate this well, particularly with her 200lb husband (me) adjacent.
Hence, about a month ago (in tandem with daughter #2 leaving for college), the sleep divorce was finalized. It took me absolutely no time to adjust accordingly, though there were a few nights of eeriness as I began to imagine that Angie had stroked out for a second time and had died.
Earlier this week, Angie announced that the sleep divorce was over. She was ready to sleep re-marry.
At first, she was sharing the room with our youngest daughter (8th grader) who was sleeping within the adjacent twin bed. But that didn't last (her snoring quickly shut this Jill & Jill setup down).
It was the aloneness that got to her. Being there within that tiny bedroom by herself.
I'm wondering, though I haven't mentioned it, if it harkened back to her weeklong May 2020 hospital stay post-stroke. Being ushered in and out of ICU a handful of times throughout that week, and being there alone (I was only allowed to visit for one hour midday, each day, due to pandemic restrictions), made a distinct impression.
So now she's back in bed with her husband. And, according to her, she's sleeping soundly.
It feels nice to provide that security to her via exceedingly close proximity.
My oldest friend's (college) somewhat recently widowed mom began sleeping with a call-in radio broadcast playing from the adjacent pillow. She did this to honor her deceased husband's presence enough to replicate that deeply longed for feeling of husband security (her husband died in his early 90s).
Now she's found herself alone in the single-family home that they'd owned together for decades.
Women crave security. Men crave respect.
Angie feels secure. Rob feels respected. Win-win.
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Is There Any More Hellacious Location To Consume Porn / Masturbate Than A Port-O-Potty In The Desert Sands Of The Middle East?
I can't think of any.
Friday, February 17, 2023
Cruising In Arkansas
I did extensive traveling through The Natural State earlier this week. Around 8 PM CST one evening, whilst traveling I-40 W, I had to stop and urinate. Being almost an hour out from my destination in northwest AR, I took advantage of a Rest Area. A very remote Rest Area.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Are You Caressing My Scalp? / I Was Simply Attempting To Be Nice...
Back around 2007, I befriended an Aussie via the magic of the Internet. Scott & I hit it off immediately, and the friendship endured (with fervor) for +/-18 months (it was an email bonanza as we were both fervent writers).
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Wrestling Away Control / Rob Can't Be Trusted
I obtained a new desktop PC at work, and taking into consideration how well things are going as of late - in general - I'm prone to celebrate by consuming some gay Internet porn.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
How Best To Disrespect That Important Man In Your Life
At the outset of the church service on Easter Sunday morning, a concerned mom reflexively approached me about her adult son. In doing so, she asked me to reach out to him in spite of the fact that I'd already done so prior (this guy's about my age & visited our church - a few times - with his fiancé last spring). Per his mother, the son had remarried (wife #2) last summer, and as a result, his ex-wife was not / had not (quite understandably) responded well (as the mother of his only child). Therefore, her son was in an emotional pickle for such a time as this and had been for some time.
Friday, April 15, 2022
Tough As Snails
"It's like I'm married to a man! She's almost identical to her own father who was tough as nails."
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
You Are Being Pursued By A Culture That's Aimed Squarely At Your Soul. Where Can We As Christian Men Properly Wrestle With / Find Solace From This Reality?
As westerners, we demure with ease so long as our comfortableness is maintained. For we are materially wealthy (& subsequently hyper comfortable) to the nth degree with expected conveniences galore. Yet comfort comes, so very often, with strings attached. Strings that pay homage to / speak to our idolatrous nature.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
How Might Cultivating / Observing Your (Grand)Son(s)' Ongoing Maturation Impact Your Own Maturation?
There are so many questions I have regarding this topic. As such, I've attempted to provide an overarching summation of them all within the title (question) of this post.
But firstly, I need to qualify my use of the word maturation. That word implies merited positivity, but I'm not necessarily making that assumption. I'm citing this word more from the standpoint of unmitigated growth or narrative. Growth / narrative that moves forward but not necessarily within a righteous / healthy capacity. The emphasis here is on the concept of forward.