As a 52-year-old, I have and continue to be a very curious person. And this curiosity primarily is seated towards men / boys / males. Whether it's interpersonal, business, church, if males are involved therein, I'm curious as to who these dudes are specifically / what motivates them to be involved / their backstory, etc. In other words, if I had been Steve Trevor, landing on Themyscira by accident, I would likely have quickly died from boredom. Why? To Rob, women, in particular, are incredibly boring / uninteresting handiworks of the Creator God. And no, that statement doesn't automatically make me a misogynist. For I love my wife and my daughters with my whole heart.
Some veteran Jackson Mississippi Samson guys' musings, recommended resources, and Samson Society news / updates (all written by 100% Grade A - Human Intelligence)
Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:
Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at
Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at
Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.
Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.
Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Curiosity Guardrails
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
When Seduction / Sexual Conquest Fuel A Man's Masculinity Engine / "Boys Will Be Boys"
Perhaps you've heard the term "serial adulterer". Or perhaps "womanizer". Numerous high-profile entertainers (TV, film, music, sports) are labeled as such. And that makes sense. They're entertainers. Suave. Confident. And oftentimes, very, very professionally successful (or at least aspiring / appearing to be).
Have you ever thought of intercourse as calisthenics?
Friday, November 29, 2024
Captivated By Masculinity (+ Baritone Voices)
Tuesday, (11/26) my youngest daughter and I screened "Gladiator II" at our local cinema. Interestingly enough, "Gladiator I" was released in 2000 when I was 28 years old. Back then, I was absolutely captivated by masculinity. To the point that seeing a film that so celebrated it (as "Gladiator I" did) would have only sent me deeper into private despairing. For masculinity (as I perceived it) had enough gravitational pull to consistently hijack my thoughts, causing me to ruminate / obsess in such a way that could easily be described as cerebral / emotional bondage. As such, particular as a newlywed, I felt the only means of escape was to avoid entertainment firstly that celebrated it (as "Gladiator I" so successfully / ostentatiously did).
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Will God Resurrect BoyRob? (Especially Considering That Blazen Rebuke By My Own Hands.)
I often have vivid dreams. Recently, one of those featured my toy poodle, a childhood dog that my parents purchased for me when I was in 6th grade.
I wish I could say I was a loving, caring dog owner, but I was not. This animal served more like a physical stand-in for the part of me that simply wanted to be loved (too much?). And as such, due to my disgust with myself, I absolutely didn't fulfill that wish.
Nonetheless, the dog lived a 15+ year life, existing well into my young adulthood (thanks to my 'rents caring for him while I was away at college).
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Shortened leash
I've written that Covenant Eyes is no longer working on my pocket computer, and that my pocket computer has a screen that's larger and more vibrant than anything I've ever had prior (I "inherited" it from my oldest daughter earlier this year as a result of her purchasing her own, more up-to-date pocket computer).
For years, I've kept my pocket computer on my bedside table whilst sleeping. Hence, I was prone to browse the www late into the night and also whilst having short bouts of insomnia during the early morning.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Identify / Identity Through Observational Contrasts. Embracing / Celebrating God-Given Opportunities For Discernment Regarding Who You Truly Are.
There were so many positive attributes to working for the state of MS ('06-'12) as a Staff Architect, but one of my favorites was the opportunity to befriend / work with architects / engineers, that I'd never met prior, from all over the Magnolia State. And I'll say it again: All architects are very unique (before getting into specifics).
One local (Jackson Metro) architect I worked alongside on many a bond-monies funded project was +/-15 years my senior. This elder statesmanish, laid-back sole proprietor worked from home and had recently passed the finish line pertaining to rearing his two (then young adult) children (they were more or less up and out).
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
I Don't Want To Be Like You / "Can I Truly Respect This Guy?"
Dreaming about my past work as an architect (intern & eventually licensed pro) between '96 and '06 (private sector job) happens often. And these dreams are so vivid that whilst waking up, I'm so very relieved to no longer bear the burdens I once did (though I really do enjoy the heady emotions brought on by the fantastical revisit).
At that time ('96-'06), I was (almost) fresh out of college, and having never met an architect that I truly wished to emulate / look up to (high school / college experience or otherwise), I gravitated towards the man who hired me for such a time as that.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
What Is It About Fall 2024?
I don't have a favorite season, and I believe that's because I'm from Mississippi (where Fall & Spring are miniscule). Plus, winter here is so very mild (free air conditioning!). Therefore, for Rob, it all just blends together month to month to month.
But fall of 2024 is different. Something about it...
Friday, September 20, 2024
Do You Dabble In Internet Porn Consumption? If So, Why?
I know I dabble out of habit. It's like opening the refrigerator door and staring blankly inside for 10-15 minutes. I do reach inside to pick up CERTAIN items, examining those thoroughly prior to returning them to a shelf. But I never open these, and certainly don't eat / drink from said containers. Instead, I simply close the door and walk away once I feel thoroughly bored with myself.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Recommended Reading / Rob's Cycle of Porn
The Cycle of Pornography | Evidence Unseen
My first encounter with porn (late elementary school) occurred at my uncle's apartment. I was around 4-5th grade, and it was my cousin (my uncle's son - an only child like me) who exposed me to his father's Penthouse magazines. Even then, it was the male models that I was drawn to the most. Nonetheless, I was so curious as to what sex / sensuality was. These soft-lensed, exquisitely photographed pictorials fueled my desire to learn more. I remember masturbating in the hall bathroom after my cousin and I had "had our fill". I loved the powerful arousal that occurred via these photos (tied to the clandestine investigation) which in turn made the climaxes that much moreso unbelievable.
Looking back, I had no idea what was truly going on due to being brought up in such a vacuum-of-sexual-information-household. Nonetheless, what I did know was I too (as a human being) was "wired for sex", therefore it felt imperative that I take these opportunities to learn / feel as much as possible in this regard.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
Lusting After Buck Rogers Porn
I was one of the few that purchased a movie ticket to see 2001's Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within on the big screen. And I did so in order to have the experience of viewing a (almost) photorealistic computer-generated film (despite the fact that I'd never played any of the video games).
That was one day ago. I have no idea who utilized AI to generate these images of "bald, muscle, hairy men", but they were proud enough to publicly post them. In all honesty, this isn't a far cry from what the characters looked like in Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within back in 2001, and that film had a production budget of $100 million dollars. These stills came from readily available AI software that's currently at everyone's fingertips (costing next to nothing to harness).
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Compromises Made To Recovery Work Add Up Over Time / Place = Expected Behavior
My middle daughter and I were in AR last week and whilst there, we had dinner at a memorable Hot Springs sports bar. The restaurant was tucked in the corner of a strip shopping center adjacent to our hotel which made it too convenient to not pass up.