Losing my campus architect job from Delta State University proved devastating to me emotionally. For it was an environment I found challenging, energetic and perfectly suited for someone of my professional skillset (plus it was my dad's alma mater). I cannot overstate here how satisfied I was with this administrative position. It was September of 2013 when the termination occurred, right around this time of year (late summer transitioning into early fall). Though I'd only been employed there for one year, I'd spent countless hours of overtime (mostly weekends) shoring up the position of Campus Architect (at the expense of my family / personal life), all of which had resulted in some needed stability / restored confidence within the Physical Plant.
Some veteran Jackson Mississippi Samson guys' musings, recommended resources, and Samson Society news / updates (all written by 100% Grade A - Human Intelligence)
Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:
Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.
Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.
Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.
Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Denying Yourself & Making Faithfulness (To Christ) Your Highest Priority
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Those Wounds Are No More
Earlier this year, I was appointed to serve on a volunteer board for a local nonprofit. All of our active board members (6 individuals) had to take part in some overarching (annual) training yesterday, (4/29), and that training grouped us together with a number of other "affiliate (localized - statewide) boards" that duly represent this national org throughout the Magnolia State.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Bad / Poor Mouthing
Bad / poor mouthing is the practice of tearing others down behind their backs. It's usually executed amongst a triangulated peer group - friends, family, co-workers, and it's done because we all feel - at times - entitled to do so.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Focus On The Dignity Shown You
As Christian men, we really can't think / quantify / qualify our sin enough. There should never be a concluding statement or last chapter. Qualifying our sin is like shaving. It's procedural and ongoing. And I would argue, for every man, it should be important enough to do regularly.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
The Great Misunderstanding / Understanding Your Relevancy As A Christian
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Just How Internally Influential Is Your Perception of Other People's Perception, & Should Christian Men Demarcate Themselves By Said Internal Influence?
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Our favorite creek was the beautiful White Sand Creek just down the road from our home. We could literally walk to it from our house and for two young Mississippi boys, it might as well have been heaven. This magical place was the setting for many a summer adventure; in this place, the waters flowed swift and clear, and the beautiful white sand bars felt like a fiery powder under our feet as we ran across them chasing each other. We spent our time alternately splashing around in the water and then searching for treasures such as pieces of driftwood or unusual rocks that we would find lining the banks of the creek. We delighted in digging crawdads out of their holes. If we were lucky, we might spot a frog or perhaps a turtle or two sunning itself on a log. Attempts to catch the turtles were usually futile, as the elusive reptiles seemed to have an inherent sense of our presence and jump into the water before we could reach them. There were times when we would engage in games of hide and seek as we hid in the bushes that lined one bank of the creek. Other times we would float on our backs and see how far the current would carry us downstream before mother began to holler at us and tell us to come back. Sometimes, we would simply sit at the water’s edge in a shallow pool of water and watch the water as it ebbed and flowed around our bodies. We had moments where we would roughhouse, as young brothers are often apt to do, taking turns dunking each other in the water. I remember sometimes just simply sitting there on the banks of the creek, basking in the warm summer sun as I watched the waters flow by.
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Young Pip, following
Estella in Great Expectations (1946)
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I have come to let
in the light, Estella!
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You’re MY HOPE in
the shadows!
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Many years later, my
son looking down at White Sand Creek, circa 2018
Stephen Coleman is a member of the Samson Society and is a guest contributor to the Samson Society blog.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Supernatural Presence Within
Jesus ascended into heaven, having spent 30 or so additional days on the Earth after his resurrection from the dead. He stated that it would be better for him to exit than stay in order for the Holy Spirit to "relieve him" (my way of seeing it) here on Earth.
In all honesty, I've never put much thought into whom or why he said that 'till recently. Therefore, what you're about to read is my take on an important foundational topic of Scripture from the point of view of a Reformed Christian.
When I was lassoed in by the gospel at age 13, I have no doubt the Holy Spirit entered in. I credit it's help with so many righteous decisions / periods of enduring suffering well, though I'll be the first to admit that I was far from perfect. But what I've never considered is how God's spirit affects 47-year old Rob day to day as I go about living my life. The Bible is clear that our bodies are vessels for God's spirit to "make itself home" within. Therefore, this notion that post-conversion God's spirit might overstay its welcome, or simply cease to be present doesn't line up with Scripture. In fact, it's more in line with the homeyness analogy which would be, as time advances, God's spirit only becomes that much more integrated within.
When my wife became a mother to our first child, her identity as Angie changed. It wasn't that she became someone else, but due to her birthing Caroline, it was as if another permanent point of view was put in place simultaneously.
Let me give you an example of this.
Angie detests being out in the heat because she physiologically reacts to it almost immediately by perspiring profusely. Literally all over her body, within a matter of a few minutes, she looks as if she's been out in the scorching hot sun for over an hour. When she was a student at Baylor (very hot fall semesters), she loathed having to walk across campus to class due to the inevitable perspiration on her face, in her hair, etc. that she'd have to cope with whilst walking and during her class. And this issue has stigmatized her literally to the point of pretty much never walking outside the house unless it's less than 85 degrees F. Interestingly enough, her father had this same physiological quirk, and I must say that I'm thankful it wasn't passed along to any of our 3 little sinners.
Our oldest daughter is a varsity dancer, therefore at every high school football game, she's there with the team, shaking her ass at the fans. As part of this, there's tailgating and so forth that we as "dance team parents" are encouraged to be a part of. Well, you dear reader already know how I feel at high school football games.
Inevitably, the first 4 or 5 games are played within quite uncomfortable climate conditions here within the Magnolia state, and this is especially true considering the tailgating food frenzy starts 90 minutes prior to kickoff. And guess who's there despite the heat? At each and every home game? My sweet, profusely sweaty Angie. And, of course, she's all smiles and in good spirits as the mother of Caroline.
90 days after being terminated from my job at Delta State for breaking their Information Technology policy, I wasn't experiencing any emotional healing. If anything was happening, I was actually becoming more despondent. During the initial 30 days (this was about this time of year in 2013), I lost 14 pounds, slept no more than 3 to 4 hours a night, and experienced hopelessness like I'd never experienced in my life. You would have thought that I'd lost a child or was going through a divorce had only the qualitative emotional suffering been taken into account. Eventually, I soon discovered that I had developed PTSD due to the severity of the emotional trauma, therefore from there, I found myself on an 18 month collision course dealing with daily flashbacks of the termination and subsequent emotional fallout.
Leading up to that termination was a point of spiritual reckoning for me that I had no clue how to come to grips with. Essentially, 3 months prior to that fateful day, I wrote a letter to our pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church which specifically asked him for help with my continued struggle with sexual sin. Well before that letter was penned (soon after we joined the congregation), he became privy to my former blog, The Architect's Garage, which detailed my entire struggle with homosexual desire, porn, my faith, and so forth. Unfortunately, Pastor Tim only chose to respond to my aforementioned letter 5 weeks after I had handed it off to him. But by then, it was much too late. Not only had too much time passed for me to keep my needy outstretched hand open for him, but circumstantially, my vocational situation had only grown that much more difficult for me to cope with.
Therefore, there was a deep seated sense of personal and spiritual rejection and negligence here that went far beyond a simple job loss, and it rocked me (& God's spirit within me) to the very core of my being. Hence, I believe, the fertile ground for suicidal thoughts and the horrific extenuating trauma brought on by PTSD.
The Bible mentions "grieving God's spirit" a few times. It also talks an awful lot about God's emotional state of mind (this is especially true with the Old Testament). The former, to me, for such a time as this, has much to do with Rob being "impressed upon" by the latter. To put it another way, God's spirit within me responds to my life circumstances, and from there, I experience His return that's therefore aligned with his emotional state of being. Call it Heavenly Father empathy if you will.
Similarly, I believe God's spirit, that resides within Rob, positions itself towards certain individuals who are brought into my sphere of influence due to this same holy empathy. And I've seen this occur even if I may not personally be drawn to those / that particular individual(s). Upon discovering this, it has been hugely impressed upon my heart, therefore I think on it often.
Lastly, how does this apply to Samson Society?
God's spirit within me draws me in or repels me from certain Samson guys depending on circumstance / need. It also tempers my heart, allowing me to be far more patient / interested than Rob truly is or ever would be.
As most of you know, I love men. But that doesn't apply to every one. It can't. But God's spirit within me is far greater and more interested than I ever could be.
It is such a privilege to be a vessel for God's Holy Spirit. I'm a better man for it. To God be the glory!
The undeniable truth is this: Samson Society is built on God's spirit doing its good work in and through Samson guys as we support each other via relational accountability.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Be Transformed
This truth is a very frustrating one due to the fact that we live in a culture that prioritizes customization as well as the illusion of total life control. Therefore, as consumers, we gravitate towards experiences that provide this by default. Whether we're purchasing an automobile, a technological device, or a hamburger.
We want instantaneous gratification with exactly what we specify from our entertainment, recreational activities, even spiritual experiences. And, who wouldn't? It's such a conveniently luxurious paradigm to exist within.
Hence, these two work against each other, to the point that we begin to question why we're not seeing cross pollination occur between (which is ridiculous to consider, but often at times, how our brains operate).
I want to encourage you to consider the following:
The more you invest personally in cultural catering / luxuries, conversely, the more you'll potentially become stupefied / confused relative to your relationships - whether they're corporate or individual 'till eventually you begin to equate expectationally (my word) one with the other. Be mindful of that. It's a very slippery slope that can wreak emotional havoc rather quickly.
Remember, we're sheep. Sheep are stupid. Stupid is a verb. Many a divorce, premature job quitting, abandoned friendship, estranged family member, disappointment in church / charitable org stems from this unequivocal stance. DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP. If you do, know this, you've been duped.
Lastly, you also have little control over your own self as it relates to sin and your sin nature. Disappointing but true. In other words, it's going to get the best of you unless you become an adopted son of God, and even then, you're going to have to fight tooth and nail to be victorious over your flesh over the long-term.
And that truth leads me to eternity, a word / concept that's as ignored as the entire concept of sin is within our culture.
Eternity: Afterlife. Heaven. Hell. Man's soul living beyond his body.
Do you believe or think on this truth? The Bible is built on this concept of life after death here on Earth. If you happen to believe life ends at brain death, you might as well take your Bible and use it as a doorstop.
As children, we all certainly hoped for eternity by default. That was ingrained in our DNA. Ask any child about death, and you'll immediately see that it scares them (just as it should scare us). They're keenly interested in believing that life doesn't simply stop there. Jesus cited children's simple faith as an example of what man's faith should look like, and that story I'm reminded of here.
Do you believe in life after death? Does it terrify you to consider eternity in hell for yourself and those I mentioned earlier (all those people you have no control over)?
Are you interested in allowing God to transform you into someone else, even as you continue to walk this Earth? The Bible says that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds. What does that mean, and how might it occur? Read Scripture. It's detailed there. The apostle Paul in particular, wrote an awful lot about this.
For me, there's much peace of mind that comes with knowing transformation is happening / active within my life, and that this process is God's alone to ordain / implement / execute. I like resting in this truth. Especially when I'm frustrated over the one I mentioned earlier. Too, I rest similarly knowing I can pray for those whom I have no control over and trust that God's hand is / will be working within their lives as well - as he sees fit.
I want to experience heaven after death, but too, I similarly want to experience heaven now by taking part in the becoming of a new Rob each and every day. There's joy there in seeing that occur as my flesh dies and my spirit matures. All thanks to God's grace. Let that be your / our only focus today.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
How Rob Knows
If you live long enough, at some point, you're going to experience emotional trauma. Usually it involves abrupt, "undeserved" loss. I use the latter term because it's the resulting pain from that trauma that triggers that descriptor, and typically what follows is the question of "What did I do to deserve this?".
As human beings, we rarely, if ever, have enough faith. Our sin-nature is constantly working to diminish this purest, rarest, most precious of resources. If we were to encounter loss with the necessary faith, there would be no discontent grown out of self-pity due to the fact that there would be little to no self left at that point within us. Therefore, with no self, there's no stupid questions like, "What did I do to deserve this?".
And this leads me to the next reveal which I'll also utilize to finish out this emotional trauma reference.
Being born again results in God's spirit inhabiting man. This spirit works in and through him, bringing about a temperament / persona that's not his own. The Bible refers to this as the "fruits of the spirit". All of these fruits are contrasted wildly to our sin nature, therefore they can bring about behaviors and even entire life circumstances that promulgate the consistent thriving / growth of those around us. It's a way of living life that runs counter to our culture's notion of "do whatever makes you happy, you happy, you happy, you happy."
These fruits combined form one Voltron-like-robot-being called obedience.
And it's that obedience that ultimately provides a path for us to be healed of our trauma. Though the scars will never fade, the horrible pain and suffering from the trauma lessens and lessens 'till it's gone.
What does that process look like exactly?
It depends on the individual. It may involve counsel, community, or none of those, though time for healing to occur is a given. And when you step out on the other side of that valley, the miracle of healing deepens your faith all the more by molding you that much further into the created being God wishes you to be. It's change that brings about contentment which in turn nourishes faith in that which is unseen.