I truly enjoy hosting a newcomers' meeting on Saturday mornings. To initially hear these men's stories and how they came to take their first steps into our community is such the privilege. As such, I feel so moved to offer them specifically some advice going forward.
Some veteran Jackson Mississippi Samson guys' musings, recommended resources, and Samson Society news / updates (all written by 100% Grade A - Human Intelligence)
Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:
Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.
Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.
Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.
Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Advice To Samson Newcomers
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Amazing Reunion
I spoke with my freshman roommate (Mississippi State University) yesterday, (2/17) for the first time since last seeing him in '91 (we didn't part ways amiably). Having acquired his cell phone # from our aforementioned rental neighbors, I placed a call on Valentine's Day (don't read anything into that one, please), leaving Chad a detailed voicemail.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
A Powerful Stream Of Piss
One way to ensure high pressure urination is to hold it in for a while. Another way is to acquiesce one's genitals into their "best" (most pleasurable) behavior (coitus). & I don't say that in jest. Everyone (ideally) hopes to show their lover a good time when the time comes (sorry). And by that very hopeful goal / definition, the resulting acidic release will no doubt be impressive.
In closing, remember where you once were, my Samson brother, when you first stepped foot into a meeting. As such, encourage newbies to pee, all the more, 'till they've fully relieved themselves. And this may take months, if not years, of being listened to. For their troubles didn't happen overnight, and it will take time for their permanent / new home to be planned / constructed.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Curiosity Guardrails
As a 52-year-old, I have and continue to be a very curious person. And this curiosity primarily is seated towards men / boys / males. Whether it's interpersonal, business, church, if males are involved therein, I'm curious as to who these dudes are specifically / what motivates them to be involved / their backstory, etc. In other words, if I had been Steve Trevor, landing on Themyscira by accident, I would likely have quickly died from boredom. Why? To Rob, women, in particular, are incredibly boring / uninteresting handiworks of the Creator God. And no, that statement doesn't automatically make me a misogynist. For I love my wife and my daughters with my whole heart.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Ready To Listen? Ready To Be Heard? If So, Samson Society Might Just Be For You In 2025.
Mr. Nate Larkin has been hosting one of the (5-6 per week) "newcomer meetings" for quite a while now. These meetings serve as a clearinghouse for men who're interested in joining Samson Society (gaining access to virtual meetings / Slack, etc.), and it's assumed they've never attended an in-person Samson meeting (i.e. they're very green).
Saturday, August 17, 2024
It's Been Ten Years Since I First Stepped Foot Into A Samson Society Meeting!
Over the past ten years, I've attended at least one Samson Society meeting a week. August 2014 at First Baptist Church Jackson (Summit Counseling suite) was when that first meeting (involving Rob) occurred. I had met with Mr. Don Waller (facilitator of said meeting) on one occasion, and from there, he ushered me into his group (which at the time was the only Samson Society meeting in Mississippi, as far as we knew).
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Intimacy With Men Lives On Via Memory & Technology
Sledge's birthday is 2024's Memorial Day. Leading up to his birthday, each year, I re-listen to his audio journals & re-read his personal analytical work that he so fearlessly sent my way back in 2018. Sledge was 28 at the time, and I was 45. We'd met due to his willingness to step into the Samson Society meeting I facilitated at Lakeside Pres. At the time, lust was a sizable part of his life, and he'd found himself convicted therein whilst hearing a mutual friend of ours share his testimony (prior to referring his audience to Samson Society).
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Resist Being Relationally Territorial Within Samson Society. Remember, You're Only "Brothers" In Concept Alone. Nonetheless, Never Stop Considering The Relational "What If?"
Being an only child helps me in this regard. I've no siblings to mar my relational outlook.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
A Hard Funeral(s) To Sit Through
Out of respect for my father, I attended a funeral (unrelated to family) today. This wasn't the first time I'd done this. When I was in high school, I attended a funeral with him. I remember it clearly, for the deceased had killed himself via suicide, leaving behind a boy who was only one or two years older than I (the boy went to my high school and the divorced dad had attended church with us).
That was my first hard funeral due to the tragedy tied to the cause of death.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
What Is A Silas?
Here is what our experience tells us: You can get sober from anything going to meetings, but you can’t stay sober just going to meetings. That’s why, in the end, it isn’t even about the meetings. The meetings are a portal into the brotherhood. Samson really lives BETWEEN the meetings in relationships, conversations, friendships. Christianity, properly understood, is a team sport, not an individual event. We’ve been failing because we’ve been playing the wrong game! If we play 1-on-1 against a superior opponent, we will fail.
The lead person on your team we call a Silas. He is the one you are in regular communication with. There is an element of accountability, but it is not focused on sin management. If I just focus on the behavior, I run the risk of mastering that specific behavior and becoming a self-righteous Pharisee. Instead, I give another person (my Silas) real-time access to my whole life. What I’m feeling, thinking, doing, and thinking of doing.My Silas is not an expert. He is a guy on the same road walking the same direction. But when it comes to my life, he has an advantage over me – he’s not in it! That gives him a perspective on my life that I don’t have. There are whole parts of my life that I can’t see because I’m inside it. Like trying to read the label from inside the bottle.
Here are some of the things my Silas does:
- He gets to know my story.
- He remembers the things I tend to forget.
- He asks the questions I tend to avoid.
- He notices patterns I don’t see.
- He reminds me who I really am.
You are not imposing on him. He gets as much out of the relationship as you do. He needs you to call him. Everyone needs a few moments each day to get out of their own head and focus on another person.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Hi Mate! (Reciprocal Mover & Shaker)
Sledge was his Internet pseudonym. It didn't take but just a few days before he divulged his real name, Scott, to me. Scott was a mover & shaker. Brilliant, creative, funny and full of hope and joy. And what made our friendship truly unique was his nationality. Scott was Australian, having lived in Brisbane all of his life.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Wield Your Positive Influence Here Within Samson Society
One of the most substantial outcomes relative to teenage Rob wielding his (positive) influence happened during an (snow day) ice storm. The year was likely somewhere around early 1988. The Christmas prior, I'd been gifted a Yamaha keyboard (though I actually didn't play keyboard with any semblance of true ability).
My best friend, Greg, on the other hand, did play keyboard with envious skill, and he'd just purchased his own Yamaha synthesizer (from Service Merchandise, no doubt) in response to having "test driven" my own.
Since I was always looking to spend time with Greg, and knowing that we both enjoyed our mutual friend, Todd's companionship (who just happened to own a Casio keyboard), our keyboard trio, Infinity, serendipitously came together.
And man, oh man, did we three enjoy our time together, composing and practicing, practicing, practicing before finally performing (school talent shows, etc.). And it all took root with the three of us sitting cross-legged on my small bedroom's cut-pile carpeted floor, laughing and carrying-on, as only us three nerdy Mississippi teens could do during a mid-January late '80s snow day.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Join Me In Recognizing / Celebrating "Jesus January" - Starting In Three Days!
We're going to focus within this post on monks (an applicable subject, don't you think?). Specifically, those who lived during the Middle Ages, long before Mr. Nate Larkin wrote his brilliant tome, Samson & The Pirate Monks. Yes, you read that correctly. Monks. Those men of the religious order who resided (past tense) within monasteries, wearing those heavy (usually brown), drab, floor-length robes whilst sporting those gosh awful haircuts.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Discovery / Narrative, Arousal = Architecture Of Sexuality VS. Longings / Triggers, Fetishes = Mobile Homes Of Lust
"I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." [This is horseshit.]
Architecture, by definition, wouldn't exist were it not for critics. Critics use their fine-tuned, scholarly adjudication skillset and from there, communicate to the masses what and why a building qualifies as architecture. And they do this as an outpouring of their zeal for standout, outstandingly designed buildings. Buildings which seemingly capture volumetric space in a masterful way (architect = master builder).
A worthwhile architectural critic, by definition, is exceedingly knowledgeable of their subject. It's this knowledge that allows their critique to carry so much weight.
Guys who find themselves within Samson Society typically fall into the category of sexuality aficionados. I would argue many of these men entered into crisis (pre-Samson Society) of some sort due to their individual passion for sex colliding with their (in very simplified terms) longstanding / life-long isolated state (inability to find helpful knowledge / understanding therein).
Religion undoubtedly can play a role in this cataclysm (the majority of Samson guys are Christians). As such, I would argue that this then knowledge / understanding vacuum will occur alongside the false accusation that "No one else within the church is experiencing nor is as interested in sexuality as you are...FrEaK". [This too is horseshit.]
Porn, phone sex, hook-up & circle jerk roulette sites all provide pitifully unreliable information regarding sex, yet it's devoured by these men. Why? Ease of private accessibility. Too, (if they choose to take this step) transactional sexual relations (strip clubs, massage parlors, prostitution) further their woefully biased / distorted thinking. Why? Ease of private accessibility.
And all of this internalization of such their favorite topic eventually manifests ruts within their minds. Call them fetishes or triggers. They're deep valleys within their grey matter equating to salacious comfort food of the ultra-processed Wal-Mart impulse-buy caliber.
Hence, it's cheap, deadly fare. Would you choose to dine out of a trash heap for each and every meal? It's important to remember that although this is the least healthy means to find caloric sustenance, it's still sustenance.
There has to be a healthy way for men - who're like us - to gain needed knowledge regarding sexuality in line with their individual discovery / narrative leading towards arousal.
Now, what am I referring to when I say, "men like us"? Go back to what I wrote earlier within this post.
I'm referring to men who're passionate about sex and therefore deliberately ruminate on it. Within the same vein as guys who're similarly passionate about other topics of interest such as cars, hunting, video games and so forth.