Things have changed within the "mainstream" ("higher-end" production value) gay porn landscape.
When I first gained access to the www, back in 1998, I was immediately transfixed via the anabolic-steroid enhanced bodybuilders, spray-tanned and posing in all of their naked glory. And it was their bodies, photographed completely naked, that stood out. I'd seen plenty of bodybuilders / fitness models photographed semi-nude (newsstand) but nothing like this. These models had no doubt seen the monetary gain in shedding what little clothing they had left, and many of them went on to partake in "gay for pay" roles that, no doubt, brandished them a sizable payday.
Let me provide some commentary regarding that last sentence.
"Gay for pay" consists of heterosexual men who're willing to engage within gay sex (solo masturbation scenes, homosexual fellatio and / or homosexual sodomy scenes) onscreen so long as the profit margin is to their heterosexual liking.
As such, with the properly prescribed erectile dysfunction medication within their systems, these bodybuilders were off and coming (no matter their sexual orientation)!
And obviously, the audience was there to consume these images / videos (like me) due to the unbelievable vision of it all. Despite the fact that all of us consumers knew - deep down - that everything we were watching was fictionalized. In other words, none of these beautiful men were actually sexually aroused by any of these other men. Instead, wet vaginas and beautiful breasts combined with a slender / hourglass feminine figure is what they truly desired. It's just that didn't pay nearly as well.
Fast forward to 2024.
Today, gay porn seems to now fall in line with gay for gay. As such, these videos consist of actual gay men having intensely authentic gay sex (solo masturbation scenes, homosexual fellatio and / or homosexual sodomy scenes) on camera.
Though prescription meds are certainly still a go-to as erectile insurance, much of what you see today within these videos is legitimate lust between two men. This represents a 180-degree about face from content that's decades old.
And many of these men aren't vying for recognition as anabolic-steroid enhanced bodybuilders. Not at all. And that's due to the fact that a sizable number of them are outright physically beautiful men who're simply in tiptop (natural) shape.
So, what's behind this change?
The Internet is what's brought the same-sex attracted male into community and that community has demanded normalization (zero bias) through and through. And it's achieved this primarily by normalizing gay sex. Prior to the Internet, the tiny minority of same-sex attracted people were confined to wherever they found themselves on planet Earth. As such, the notion of sodomy (or any other form of same-sex sex) only served to (mostly) disgust mainstream culture.
Today's (20–30-year-old) gay porn model has been reared online. Hence, they're living homosexual lives that are as mainstream as apple pie. Gay sex equates to hetero sex equates to gay sex equates to hetero sex. That's how they've been taught to see our world.
Gay men typically seek out multiple sex partners in line with their typical modus operandi. Monogamy isn't usually of interest to them. This is a fact. By definition, porn is anchored in the expectation of actors engaging with countless sex partners.
What better candidate is there then for gay porn than naturally great looking, same sex attracted men who've been brought up into this digital age? Gay sex equates to hetero sex equates to gay sex equates to hetero sex.
There's none better. Yet, I would argue, witnessing "the real thing" versus the fantastical from decades past, can be jarring. Read on.
Have you ever seen gay porn models - beautiful, healthy, great looking gay porn models - who're sporting cock piercings? Again, I'm referring to gay porn performers who're extremely handsome, great looking, same-sex attracted men versus creepy looking sadist-types with ink from stem to stern.
I have and it's absolutely shocking to witness.
Do you know what I'm referring to when I type cock piercing?
Why would I ask this question?
The very existence of cock piercings (and ultimately proliferation of) serves as testimony to just how mainstream homosexual sex has become.
A man's penis isn't meant to be pierced for any conceivable reason. Not only is it a profoundly unremarkable organ aesthetically (hanging their unassumingly between men's legs), but its anatomical purpose is tied to the most important component of civilization's very existence - reproduction.
The penis isn't like an earlobe which symmetrically frames one's face. Instead, it's a more like a 11th finger that 99% of the time stays "deflated" and stowed.
By having the penis mutilated with a piercing is to not only denigrate its very purpose, but it places tremendous visual emphasis on a portion of a man's body that's purely functional. Not to mention the tremendous health risk involved with this procedure.
But this is obviously not the point of view of gay men. Particularly gay men who're having sex with other gay men onscreen.
And that's what's beginning to become apparent within today's gay porn.
The penis is now the earlobe of the gay porn actor.
There's a lot that's truly fucked up about that. So much so, that it sheds a tremendous amount of light on the today's gay porn industry.
I so wish I could sit down with some of these men and find out how they came to the place where they're at. I'd like to know what thought process they went through to choose to mutilate their penises via piercings.
And ultimately, I'd love to know of those men who came to that place where they suddenly realized the bill of goods they'd been sold before fleeing for help.
Pray, dear readers, for these men and their salvation. Versus the demise and eternal death that awaits them (& all of us) if we're not rescued from our depraved selves.