Some veteran Jackson Mississippi Samson guys' musings, recommended resources, and Samson Society news / updates (all written by 100% Grade A - Human Intelligence)
Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:
Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at
Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at
Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.
Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.
Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Resisting Societal Pressures In Pursuit of Holiness
Cultural norms embrace depravity. Sin is normalized. There is no higher standard, i.e. perfection or comprehension on any level of God's love / grace for his people because man is god himself.
What drives these lies is the illusion of authority each of us is exposed to on a daily basis. Our own independent authority. This is authenticated by the single family home, the singular automobile, my pocket computer, my vocation, my retirement account, my children, my hobbies, my church, my sexuality and so forth. All of which reinforces the singular concept of ME and my rights and my independent authority.
Ultimately, it comes down to being convinced that I'm accountable to no one and that none of these aforementioned items are anything other than RIGHTS.
Well, that's just horseshit.
God brought you into being. It's by his grace that you exist and receive the tangible "rights" that are at your disposal each and every day. He put you on this Earth at this point in time on whatever soil he chose - for one reason - to glorify him.
But, if you were to listen to our culture, that truth would never come through. And without that truth, we're simply never going to comprehend holiness because we do not on any level comprehend God.
Therefore, what can we do to comprehend God?
Look to his Son. It's the easiest, most prolific source of knowledge relative to God and his holiness, and what's so helpful about studying the life of Jesus, as it's presented within the gospels, is you'll in tandem see a man who glorifies God (his Heavenly Father).
But Jesus didn't have a single family home, an automobile, a pocket computer, a vocation, a retirement account, children, hobbies, church home, or even have sex - all of which separate my mindset from his own! All I can say to that is he was 100% God and 100% man all at once yet still served as the perfect standard for achieving consistent holiness, day after day after day. My advice to you (and to myself) is to put those cultural shelters aside within your mind / soul long enough to empathize with Christ. And I'll say it again, he was 100% God and 100% man all at once. Marinate on that truth.
In closing, why pursue holiness?
It's the only thing worth living for because God is the only trustworthy, unchanging absolute in man's life / existence, and he's proven that through his son and what his son did on our behalf (atonement).
Be faithful to what God created you to be today by being obedient to him and ever aware of whose you are each and every moment. This is what brings true joy and peace that surpasses understanding, and those two gifts / absolute rights (as adopted sons of God) fuel our pursuit of holiness as our eyes are continually opened to the erroneous "truths" within our culture.
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave THE RIGHT to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
John 1: 12-13
Sunday, September 1, 2019
No One Really Cares About Your Problems (Except Perhaps Your Momma)
Within most administrative state government positions / lineage, individuals stay put 'till their eligible via PERS to retire. This devout Christian man was no different, though via this new appointment, he was given the opportunity to work within a more challenging / influential position and subsequently, make more money (both then and expectedly during his future retirement tenure).
I was overjoyed to be interviewed by this man for the aforementioned "second in command" position. I was young, but had the leadership skills / drive to do the job well - and man, did I ever want to take on this challenge! Nonetheless, I didn't make the cut. And especially considering this man's obvious Christian stance, I was no doubt extremely disappointed.
Christian bosses had never been part of my vocational narrative up to that point. Ever. Even during architecture school - if not especially during architecture school - pagans lead the way.
The entire notion of working for a devout Christian was incredibly appealing to me. I just knew I would excel within that kind of environment - knowing that I would be reporting directly to him!
Two years past and I received a telephone call from this man - my devout Christian superhero!
The good news of an open position hit me like a love bomb. I was elated to now have the opportunity to work for this man.
Henceforth, I was on my way to becoming a bureaucrat! Hurray!
Despite my not being appointed at this time to the originally sought "second in command" position, I excelled as a minion, working diligently to use my skillset on behalf of the state of Mississippi. I really enjoyed the work and actually didn't mind the arduous workload despite my not actually seeing my Christian Superhero much at all. On the exterior, it was all such a breath of fresh air for me.
Now, let's talk about what was going on personally within Rob during this time.
This was well before I became privy to Samson Society, therefore my struggles with worthlessness / Internet porn were running absolutely unchecked.
To demonstrate this, I remember clearly one day whilst sneaking a quick peek at salacious material online at my bureaucrat cubicle. There came from behind me the following statement: "This was the reason I chose Frank over you."
I swiftly swiveled around in my cubicle, only to see my Christian Superhero there shaming me. I remember looking up at his disappointed countenance, and being so shocked at what he'd just spoken that it left me completely speechless.
"This. Was. The. Reason. I. Chose. Frank. Over. You."
Essentially, I had now received confirmation of the fact that Rob was (and perhaps always had been) nothing more in his mind than a liability. Just. Like. That.
Christian Superhero never spoke to me after he made that adjudication. Not. One. Word. (I kind of like separating my words like that). And this was despite my additional 3 to 4 years of working at that bureau.
It reminded me (whilst looking back) on the time my father shamed me intensely (as a middle schooler) over my masturbation habit by repeatedly attempting to catch me in the act. I can only assume that Christian Superhero must have suspected something, and therefore took it upon himself to take the same approach my father had all those years ago.
Suffice to say, overall, my father has quite the penchant for reminding me of how I qualify within his mind as a liability - for numerous problematic reasons that go far beyond my middle school days. Hence, I steer clear of him as much as I can. As you might imagine, from this point forward, I did the same with Christian Superhero, though thankfully, that wasn't all that hard to do because as I mentioned prior, he seemed to intentionally steer clear of me after this particular juncture.
The hard lesson here for all of us is that a man's hopes and dreams of being intentionally cared for in relation to his own personal struggles (whatever they may be) aren't likely to pan out outside of a community like Samson Society.
Even within the most well-intentioned churches with the most devout Christian Superheroes, if there's an opportunity to discount / label another man as a liability to the group (body), that labeling will typically come about.
And we all do this as sinners. In fact, I find myself doing it every day whether I'm panning the congregation from the choir loft at Lakeside Pres or eyeing the panhandler standing on the curb on my way to the office each morning.
Liability there. Liability there. Liability over there. Liability there. Liability there. Liabilities everywhere!
It just feels so good to look down on people. Doesn't it?
This is why it's so critical that men seek help (and hopefully eventually find it) for their problems / personal struggles. If not, their problems / personal struggles will dramatically undermine both their present and future as it relates to their marriage, vocation, and so forth. It's only a matter of time.
All the more reason to take the resource of Samson Society very, very seriously, and give thanks to God for making it available to you and me both.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Harkens Back
I would know because I too was once a teen, and during my high school career, I spent most every Friday night at the football field. Rob attended a small private academy in Madison. Having graduated in 1990, this school was definitely not in its prime academically, but from an athletics standpoint, we held our ground quite well.
My involvement in the marching band is what dictated my attendance at each and every game. I played clarinet when I wasn't drum majoring. I did this because my backside is my best side, therefore what better way to make a good impression?
Yesterday, I had lunch with my oldest friend. Like myself, he has an 11th grade daughter who's attending a sizable local high school. I asked if he attended the Friday night football games. He said no, but that his daughter did with her friends.
This friend adores football, and his daughter's high school team is renowned for being very competitive, therefore why didn't he attend the games with her, taking his younger son along too?
He decreed that because it's varsity football, he's uninterested. Hmmm....
I experience feelings of worthlessness whilst attending my daughter's high school football games, but despite this fact, I'm there at every home game due to the fact that Caroline (my 11th grade daughter) is on the dance team.
Where are these feelings originating from?
Frankly, I'm not completely sure, but I do know it has a lot to do with how attending these games harkens back to my teenage years.
Imagine feeling like a plant, say a Holly Bush, whilst watching / playing music at your high school's football games. That's how I felt as a teenager. Literally. Plants are simply background here in Mississippi due to the fact that they're everywhere. Also, plants come across as asexual. Too, that was an identifier for me.
Also, plants have no brain. Again, I can relate. The game of football, for the longest time, befuddled me, but that was especially the case in high school. I simply could not keep up with whom had the ball, what down it was, and which team was headed in which direction.
So, last night at the Northwest Rankin versus Gulfport High football game, I was the Holly Bush in the stands. Certainly, I'd grown a little since 1988, but overall, I was still just a benign plant. And frankly, it prompted many more negative feelings than I'd like to be dealing with right now.
Now, back to my old friend whom I mentioned earlier.
Jesse had a shitty high school experience. I know this because he's described it to me. He went to public school down in south Mississippi, and he was the consummate outcast. Some of the hi-jinx he endured, were I to record them here, would make you cringe in vicarious shame.
And that's why (I believe) he steers clear of his daughter's high school football games. For him, college served as a relief valve. An escape from hell in so many ways. Therefore, his Mississippi State Bulldogs, he lives to support through and through in honor of that specific collegiate era of his life.
It is so weird feeling like a fucking plant.
Samson Society Isn't Where You're Setting Yourself Up To Be Pursued
This is probably the biggest differentiator between Samson Society and any other religious-based ministry involving men.
Men, typically within religious orgs, are expected to serve. They're often asked to lead through serving, in fact. This oftentimes is a precursor for keeping men outside of the walls of churches as they simply do not wish to be relegated to that particular role. But, for those of us who grew up in churches, we observed men of every ilk, serve, serve, serve through their attendance, volunteerism, attitudes, etc.
I have a new friend in Samson Society who's not understanding this as of late, and he's admitted repeatedly that it's simply "in his DNA" to serve. We'll call him a "giver". Therefore, inevitably, oftentimes our conversations end with him asking me how he can be of help - in particular as it relates to me pursuing him as a friend.
Isn't that nice, kind, and considerate of him?
It is, but he's wasting his time here.
It's not that I'm not appreciative of his servitude, but it's not helpful to either me nor him within this community.
So, why is that?
When you position yourself to serve others within Samson Society, you're selling out your own self and the work that you need to do there.
Let me repeat that.
When you position yourself to serve others within Samson Society, you're selling out your own self and the work that you need to do there.
Therefore, this runs counter to the sole purpose of Samson Society.
Samson Society is a selfish, self-focused, self-centered pursuit. Essentially, it's all about you and your recovery / story.
So, what does that look like?
Unlike men in church, you as a Samson Society member make demands of other people. Firstly, you do this by asking another man to be your Silas. From there, you speak up in meetings, taking your opportunity to be heard seriously and very self-focusedly. You don't talk about anyone or anything but what's going on inside your head at that particular moment, and similarly, as you're engaging with your Silas, you do likewise. You focus on you.
You reach out to your Silas as often as you'd like, and you do so with one goal in mind: to appease / serve your own self.
Sounds awfully self-centered, doesn't it?
Stop serving / attempting to serve others within Samson Society! Take pleasure in, for once, doing / experiencing something that's exclusively for your benefit. Within this setting, there's nothing to prove, no goals to meet, no reputation to uphold, therefore enjoy yourself as you focus on your recovery.
And remember, that your recovery benefits those you love outside of Samson Society, therefore by being as self-focused as you need to be within our community, you're actually serving them.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Pray For The Waller Family
Top photo looks to be in the spirit of Samson Society. Governor Waller had great hair. |
Taken during first Samson Society retreat - late Spring of 2016. |
Fun at Andrew's abode. |
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Learning To Enjoy The Stink Of Manly BO
If I run and subsequently sweat - even just a little, I typically will rinse off with the hose on the patio. Again, I'm working towards not feeling sticky, oily, salty. Dirty.
Immediately following my daily shower, I put on deodorant. I use one particular brand that works well for me. I can remember whilst a teen, using a brand that only came in a cream. It was what I came to know firstly relative to the necessity of deodorant, and boy was it a lot of trouble to deal with. On hot, humid summer days, it took close to 1/2 an hour for the cream to dry under my arms. And as you might imagine, this was and felt incredibly gross as I headed off to school.
For a number of years now, I've been trimming my underarm hair, keeping it very close cut to my skin. I do this because it promotes that feeling of cleanliness (I have loads of armpit hair which I don't appreciate in the least).
We've all run across men who stink of body odor. And this is tough to deal with because everyone mostly expects people to not smell at all unless it's a pleasant smell. There's like an unwritten rule regarding this.
Oftentimes, if you visit nursing homes, you'll find that the residents stink. This is because they're not adept any longer at bathing, therefore they choose not to. Obviously, if you go any number of days without bathing, you're going to start smelling ripe.
But where, overall, do we clean up for the most?
Even moreso than work, I would argue.
Church demands extra deodorant with a little cologne too.
What is Samson Society?
It's a weekly meeting of Christian men who're willingly exposing their stink to everyone else there. They talk authentically about their marriage, children, vocation, their struggles with fear, anger, lust, anxiety, sexuality, and on and on, and they allow the portion of themselves which consistently stays well hidden (deodorized) to be exposed.
It's as simple an analogy as that.
Now, when you first step into a Samson Society meeting, you're likely going to be somewhat repulsed by the stench. We men hide so much of our true selves that it's become more of a reality to us than actual reality. Therefore, as a newbie, you need to be steady and not become intimidated by the stink.
Back in 2012, my best friend and I signed up to compete in the 5k Warrior Dash right outside of Jackson. This friend was arguably my first Silas despite the fact that neither of us knew anything about Samson Society at the time. Unfortunately, the race was only run by me as my friend chose to bail. My dad was kind enough to accompany me to the site, and I did compete on that very cool spring morning.
Upon completion, I was an absolute mess, covered in mud and filth all over. The greatest disappointment I had was not having my friend there to similarly be covered in muck alongside Rob. I have to admit that it almost seemed sacrilege to be there competing without him by my side.
When you're involved in Samson Society, it's routine to run through the mud, but you do it together. And yes, from start to finish (in heaven) , you do smell pretty awful.
Come join us! It makes our deodorized life so much easier to live.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Christianity Isn't About Being Caught In Your Sin; It's About Being Released From Depravity (& Subsequently Being Able to Take a Whole Lotta Crap)
That's the point of Christianity.
And in doing so, become like him.
Who is Jesus Christ?
So strong.
So resilient.
So humble.
So much of a servant.
Strong enough to die for men who despised him and all he stood for.
All the while, hating religion and the religious leadership.
Embracing others' pain yet never minimizing his own.
"Strike me instead!"
This was his love for humanity.
As Christians, that same love lives within us.
Therefore, we're no longer our own, and life becomes all about pointing everyone around us towards Christ through our words, our actions, and - most importantly - our motives.
What does this look like?
It means we're loyal to a fault to Christ-honoring good works. We give every ounce of ourselves to be used by God. Our focus is on what we're called to do for others, expecting nothing in response except being asked for more. And our attitudes are reflective of our being cognizant of the grace that's been / being bestowed on us.
Also, we're expected to suffer, often to be abandoned and many times demonized. Our motives questioned, our goodness and blessings envied, and ultimately, our lives targeted for execution by Satan and all of his many demons.
This is following Christ. It inundates every part of our lives - vocation, friendships, marriage, rearing children, volunteer work and so forth. And it will likely make our life exceedingly hard via our own disappointments and unfaithfulness as well as the disappointments and unfaithfulness brought on by others.
So why would anyone wish to take part in this transformation?
Faith in the unseen. Faith which is of God. Imbued within us. That cannot be ignored, wished, or rationalized away. Faith which firstly serves to expose us to our sin prior to giving us the ability to reach towards our Savior.
This is why Christians are some of the weirdest, seemingly weakest / most close-minded people on Earth. And this makes them easy to spot, hate, and take advantage of. Which they expect.