Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Does The Punishment Of Hell Worry You? Does It Affect Your Point Of View Regarding Those You Care / Don't Care About?

Fornication and homosex simply don't rankle me as they once did, and I regret being able to honestly admit to that.  I distinctly remember in years past how grim these activities and their Biblical implications seemed to me, therefore my outlook relative to those who participated was vastly different than it is today.

And this sexual sin acclimation is true culturally - across the board.  We've all warmed up to or choose to discount the ultimate punishment for these sins as if Hell simply doesn't exist anymore.

So what if a Christian begins participating in these?  Is hell his ultimate fate?  And to take it a step further, what of lusting after another individual via sexual fantasies?  We know the Bible qualifies that sin as equal to physical behavior, therefore again, is hell preeminent for those individuals?  

God's people screw up.  It's documented all within God's word, and of course, we see it time and time again today.  And the stories tend to relay judgement and punishment for these sins.  This is exactly in line with how you as a parent would hopefully treat the children that you consider your own (bio or adopted).  Parents' roles are to parent.  Not coddle or cater to.

But when you see other parents' children screwing up, you feel for them, but since you have no authority over those children, you often tend to leave them be.

God does this too.  Again, take a looksee at the Old Testament.


Middle age too really does a number on a man's perspective.  I'll be 50 in a few years.  Therefore, let me just say here, I'm so fortunate to have had this very full life.  Young men at times call me sir, and overall, young people just know that I'm "over the hill" (or close to it).  And considering that truth, what brings me the most peace is my no longer having to deal with wave after wave of that god-forsaken sexual-sin shame thanks to me no longer being in bondage to it.  

And I wonder if that's played a part in what I admitted to above.  Perhaps my own sanctification, if you will, has in a way, tuned me away from my more empathic / sympathetic point of view.  This, coupled with my gray hair (& disgusting gray nose hairs), undoubtedly has played a role.  It's hard to relate to that which you no longer don't know well.


Now, full disclosure here.

Do know that nothing really keeps me away from Internet porn, even today, except staying absolutely not isolated whilst surfing online.  Therefore, there are those times when opportunity abounds, and I jump right back in for a few minutes.  The relinquishment of my "online - singular - freedom" occurred almost 6.5 years ago when I finally chose to wear Covenant Eyes' bridle.  Eventually too, Samson Society became a mainstay that I embraced with a thankful heart.  The community of Samson keeps one focused on what's lingering beneath those desires to participate in sexual sin.  Therefore, this two-pronged approach worked wonders for me.

I say that to prove to you that my sanctification is ongoing, and that so long as the Internet exists (and Internet-capable devices), I'm likely going to need to stand clear of surfing / walking through my life alone.  It's just too reckless an approach for me.


If you attend a Samson Society (national) retreat, you'll see that Samson Society men tend to be, on average, around 35-40 years of age.  Not to say there aren't younger (& much older) men participating, but overall, they skew less gray and overall more hair.

And I believe this is due to the fact that as Christian men and women we're perhaps more "in tune" to the debauchery of sexual sin (regardless of whether or not we're participating in it) at younger ages (closer to our biological sexual peak / stronger libidos), which in turn convicts us to repent and reach out for help (if need be).  From there, perhaps, as middle age approaches and sexual sin may or may not become a mainstay behavior for us, the internal permissive / dismissiveness sets in. 

You'll recall the Dirty Old Man post from a few weeks back.  It's that mentality that I'm referring to here when I use that word permissiveness.

I don't want to ever be that man.  For it's his willingness to consume smut / compromise his faith that seeds the fields of opportunity for all of those who produce it.  Just as his (low) standards usher in / vaidate all manner of dilution within this world of woe.

But, I must admit, it almost feels inevitable that I lose some degree of my sharpness relative to sexual sin sensitivity.  Therefore, there's no doubt in my mind that only through God's grace can I recollect / relive my youthful days enough to have them work against the dullness of my antiquated conscious.

Keep me awake, Oh Lord.  Allow my gray nose hairs to once again olfactory that distinctive stench of hellfire and brimstone that awaits those who "do what's right within their own eyes" relative to their genitalia.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Great Misunderstanding / Understanding Your Relevancy As A Christian

Despite you yourself, God is working in and through you as a Christian at all times.  He is sovereign, therefore he doesn't need anything more than your faithfulness to get his will accomplished.  And keep in mind that "your faithfulness" is a gift from God himself.

Circumstances within relationships can at times sour.  Suffering too is inevitable.  Nonetheless, as a Christian, being within these trials with whomever (spouse, friends, parents, siblings, etc.) is merited simply by definition of whose you are.

Do you grasp that today?

If so, you should never falsely accuse yourself (or listen to the Accuser himself) relative to the lie that your very presence situationally tipped the scales pejoratively within God's eyes.  That lie is a paradox in an of itself because of the Biblical truth within the first sentence of this post.

Be mindful of voices within your head that state the following:
    -  "She would no doubt be better off without me as her husband."
    -  "This company / volunteer organization would have succeeded / would succeed further had it not /         were it not for my presence here."
    -  "This friendship was doomed from the getgo due to me being one half of the whole."
    -  "My presence here caused all manner of problems and defeats."

Christians carry God's spirit within them.  We are salt and light within this world of woe.  By definition, our very presence consistently makes a righteous impact despite what we may believe of ourselves otherwise.  Focus on that truth today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Just How Internally Influential Is Your Perception of Other People's Perception, & Should Christian Men Demarcate Themselves By Said Internal Influence?

This is the worst post title.  I'm sorry for that.

So what is perception, and what is influence, and are the two interrelated?

To answer the last question, they are interrelated because both perception and influence are arbitrary.  Neither can be measured or proven despite their ubiquity, therefore by cultural definition, they're both readily available for our Enemy* to use against us.  And he especially tends to do so when we're young and naive.  From there, precedents can be set which unhealthily carry forward into manhood.

This Desiring God post needs to be read next.  Take a few minutes, and then report back.  I love Mr. Mathis' point, serving beautifully as a frame of reference here.


I work for my father.  Now, every time I say this (whilst around him), he chimes in by saying that isn't the case.  Instead, he likes to frame my position in his company as "partner" or "independent advisor" or somesuch, but that simply isn't true.  I'm an employee of his who fortunately has an awful lot of independence relative to whom I serve as an advisor / broker.

My father has expectations for me as his employee (as does every employer), and when he's so moved, he'll remind me of those by letting me know how disappointed in me he truly is.  This is his modus operandi and has been throughout my life.  He experienced the same within his own upbringing in no thanks to his now deceased, virago mother.

And he does this mostly with some degree of subtleness (passive agressiveness), but at times, after I've ignored him outright for a lengthy period of time, he explodes on me.  

When I first came to work for him, a few of these explosive episodes indirectly involved my mother (who also works alongside us) simply due to her being within the line of fire.  And it was not pretty, based on what she described to me. 


During my younger years, I avoided my father like the plague because I didn't know how to manage his low-grade anger and impulsive disappointment as I do today.  How I perceived being perceived by him was simply too much to bear.  I had no siblings, therefore my dad was the archetype male within my life that I saw day in and day out.  Therefore that made him super influential, whether I liked it or not.  By God's grace, I picked up on this familial toxicity early on which helped tremendously as I navigated through my young adult years.

Hence, I actively replaced my dad via fantasies, and within these (sexual) fantasies were men who did approve of me.  My imagination was my greatest ally during my childhood due to the fact that I desperately needed an older male within my life who affirmed me through and through.  It was circumstantially bittersweet for me indeed.


As adult men, we must differentiate ourselves from our boyhood selves by really staying on top of this arbitrary concept called perception, and the negative influence it can gain over us.  And undoubtedly, as Christians, we absolutely must not become spiritless automotons who fall in line with groupthink.  Groupthink, I would argue, oftentimes originates in and through perception which in turn lays groundwork for influence.   

Therefore, in closing, who ultimately do we answer to, and what exactly is our end goal?

As Christian men, we answer to our Heavenly Father, and his end goal for us is our faithfulness (which he provides to us).  How do we gauge where we stand regarding these?  

-  Listen & observe your mature Christian peers relative to how they relate to you.  What do they say / are they saying?
-  Listen to God's spirit that lives within you.  If you need him to turn up the volume there, ask for more spirit.
-  Read Scripture and ask for conviction, insight, and wisdom.

The more you do this, the more weight will be released from your shoulders as it relates to all the other.
* No doubt God can use perception and influence for his good as well.  I recognize that, but have chosen to not approach the subject from that angle.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

No Comment

An old Samson friend graced the Lakeside Pres Samson Society meeting firstly, and throughout both that meeting & after-meeting along with the next, he said very little.  Instead, his eyes were observing all that he was experiencing during those few hours on a Saturday morning within a nondescript room within a just as nondescript Lakeside Presbyterian Church.  

I look back on that and smile, loving to recall the wisdom in his approach.

Similarly, an even older Samson friend did the exact same thing, but for much longer than two consecutive meetings.  'Till one day, he finally began to open up relative to the setting he'd chosen to commit himself to week after week.


Over the past months, I've been strength training in my garage, therefore many hours have been spent staring up at the ceiling or the floor, leaning from the garage door track or simply looking out into the street from within.  Therefore, I'm seeing, truly seeing every square meter of this space despite our tenure in this house of almost two decades.  And that's allowed me to appreciate this very flexible room that much more every week.

There's a lot of pressure right now to step into conversations, express your opinion / thoughts on everything from the pandemic, politics, race, law enforcement, symbolism and so forth.  And today, now more than ever, there are a plethora of venues for each of us to express ourselves in and through 24/7/365.  

But, if you'd rather not, do keep in mind, that's perfectly acceptable.  And I think it's important to be reminded of that here.  

Angie and I have a marriage that's built on two things:  1) Communication and 2) Compromise

Both can be tough to execute at times, but if you're a good fit temperamentally like she and I are, it eventually becomes no big deal.  Sometimes, she and I talk about that list that I mentioned above in varying degrees of detail, but not too often because we both know where each other stands on almost everything of any real importance.


There is a time and place for simply choosing not to comment, no matter how much dialogue is going on all around you.  Not only does this approach provide you with opportunity to listen well, but it may very well keep your relational rank intact (save your hide) during this very tumultuous (& noisy) period in history.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Post-Stroke Coitus Therapy (Penis Power)

Angie's been under the care of Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Psycho Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Medical Doctors, and believe it or not, Sex Therapists.

Apparently, female stroke patient's brains tend to reset sexually all the way back to the woman's virgin state.  And, interestingly enough, a sizable portion of assisting female stroke patient's brains in re-awakening / re-circuiting themselves holistically can be monumentally assisted through passionate lovemaking (when deemed physically appropriate for the individual patient).  

Angie shared this with me yesterday during our dinner visit there at Methodist Rehabilitation Hospital (where she's undergoing a few weeks of post stroke in-patient care).  I was curious as to why she kept staring at my crotch every time I'd get up and pace around her room, and finally she began letting the cat out of the bag by saying, "We're going to have to make sex more of a priority now that this has happened".

This post-stroke coitus therapy was pioneered by Dr. Ruth Westheimer who is a renowned sex therapist who gained her notoriety back in the '70s and '80s.  

What's cool is I'll also have an opportunity as the husband (penis purveyor) to undergo some sex therapy (alongside Angie) as well.  And of course, since sex is my most favorite topic, I'll be all ears.

Angie and I both experienced intercourse firstly (lost our virginities) on our honeymoon night back in the mid-'90s.  We stopped at a Best Western in Meridian, MS whilst en route to Gatlinburg, TN for a week away after our wedding here in Jackson.

Of course, I'm anticipating this unforeseen reset for her, and too as her husband, I'm more than happy to provide my sexual services as part of her overall rehabilitation, being just as tender and attentive as I was 23 years ago.  Who'd a thunk that sexual pleasure could be such an effective healer?

Monday, June 8, 2020

Near Death

My near death experience happened whilst in high school at First Baptist Church Jackson's (long since demolished) Family Life Center.  There was some sort of youth event going on and the church was serving chili dogs for the teenagers and their parents.  I took a bite of mine, but failed to chew enough to get that sizable bite down my esophagus.  So, I began to choke almost instantly.  From there, like the idiot teenager that I was, I found a one-hole bathroom to die within.

Literally, I was so embarrassed at my supposed fate, that I refused to go to my parents (who were in the adjacent game room) for assistance with my choking.  Therefore, I hacked and coughed as I contorted and seized, and eventually, seemingly miraculously, the chili dog bite came back up.

And, as you can imagine, it scared the hell out of me.

From there, I calmly exited the bathroom, discarded my remaining chili covered frankfurter and quietly nibbled on a few chips over in the corner of the room.


A Samson friend had a near death by drowning experience whilst whitewater rafting (perhaps on the Ocoee River, if I remember correctly).  I'm assuming it was while he was a college student for that was the first time I ventured down that particular river.  In line with his tale, I can definitely recall my first time down the Ocoee, one of the young women who was with us became trapped (via wedge) under the rapids directly beneath our raft after unexpectedly getting thrown out.  I'll never forgot her terrified countenance as the water zoomed over her slightly submerged head.  It took one of the strongest men onboard to free her from the current.  After being lifted back in by her life jacket, it was clear that she'd had enough of rafting for her lifetime.


One of the first architectural firms I worked at had a handful of interior designers on staff.  These ladies took charge of the interior finishes within the three-dimensional space we architects designed.  One, in particular, was a few years my junior.  She'd quickly become a friend of mine due to the fact that we were hired very close to the same time at this particular firm.  

One day, I traipsed into the break room to eat my lunch, and she was there too.  But on this day, something was undoubtedly wrong due to her obviously being distraught.  Unfortunately, she'd just received word that her boyfriend was dumping her unexpectedly.  The young man was a successful local businessman who was both handsome and extremely well-liked within the community.  My colleague was visibly shaken as she talked incessantly to me about her shock and outrage.  I listened patiently, but I could tell then by her countenance, this was going to have a lasting impact, and that really, there was nothing I could do to diminish that except listen prayerfully.


I've talked to Samson guys who've spent years marred in chronic sin, only to finally admit to themselves (& perhaps a few others) that the motivation behind that sin was powerful negative emotions resulting from emotional near death experiences, many of which involved rejection of some sort.  This proves that rejection is a huge deal that Satan is adept at taking full advantage of.  Therefore, along those lines, sexual fantasies fueled by Internet porn are often easily justifiable within men's minds whilst in a state of relational rejection / outrage.

No doubt within a marriage, there are two means of losing one's spouse, and those are death and divorce.  Both result in searing loss, but it's the latter of the two that truly takes its emotional toll because again, there's that "R" word.  


My wife is currently rehabilitating from the stroke she suffered week before last.  She's here in Jackson at Methodist Rehabilitation Hospital, and thankfully, I'm able to visit with her at dinnertime each day.  Last week, she was at St. D where she was being intensely care for each and every day.  Therefore, the house definitely feels lopsided without her here, though in my mind I know she's not geographically far away at all.  Where we're both at as a couple certainly qualifies as a near death experience that's affected us both, each in its own way.


Never have I eaten a chili dog since that fateful day back in high school.  I doubt too that my Samson friend who almost drown whilst whitewater rafting has ever ventured into that particular outdoor recreational activity since.  And those decisions makes good sense.

But what of those individuals who'll refuse to attempt to relate on some (or perhaps any) level to other people in light of the prior rejection they've experienced?  What of those who'll choose to never darken the door of the church house or small group in light of their past pain?  Along those same lines, what of those who'll refuse to date or attempt to ever step out on a relational limb whatsoever, all because they refuse to expose themselves to the horrific reliving of past traumas?  As Christians, is it morally wrong of them to cower back out of protection, or should they push through that fear instead?  Along those same lines, is it ever justifiable for them to medicate their situation with Internet porn fueled sexual fantasy?

And finally, what exactly is Satan trying to achieve whilst exploiting our past pain?

Near death is a big deal.  (I believe I've already said that.)  The impact varies tremendously, and unfortunately, I believe, Satan is attentive to these "life challenges".  There's no doubt he sees them as opportunities to gain ground relative to the battle that's oftentimes raging within our emotional cores.

A starting point for us, I believe, in wrestling with these questions, is doing our darndest to take our attention off of ourselves and focus instead on exactly where our Enemy is lurking beneath the surface as well as what he's attempting to achieve.  His outlook no doubt takes the long view into account in tandem with all those around us who he similarly works actively to choreograph an unrighteous demise.

Therefore, the question comes down to this.  Can we not do the same but from the opposing point of view?  Hope, I find, does trend towards the long view.

Lagniappe 2 (Highly recommended)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

When The "What If" Comes Home To Roost - Further Thoughts / Update

Today was the second consecutive day I was able to visit my sweet Angie in the hospital.  I arrived right at Noon, and whilst entering her room found her sound asleep.  Having had a full morning of PT and otherwise (starting at 4 AM), she was pooped.  So, I sat there on the vinyl couch under the partially closed venetian blinds and listened to her heavy breathing as she took in some Zzzz...

Overall, it was relatively quiet except for the constant volume of conditioned air being distributed throughout the room via the ceiling diffuser.  I took her cell phone and room phone from her bed ever so carefully in order to not wake her.  And then I just leaned my head back and sat quietly, staring all the while at that one ceiling diffuser.  Eventually, she opened her eyes and we chatted for a few minutes before the announcement came over the intercom that visiting hours were coming to a close.

During the drive to the hospital, I reached out to my Silas to provide an update.  I hadn't chatted with him yesterday, but I had done so everyday since Friday (the day of her stroke), I'd kept him abreast of the crisis in my monotone, matter-of-fact manner.  That being said, during this conversation, he bravely ventured forward by asking me some hard questions.  And I describe them as such because they were qualifying.  And these are always hard by definition.  They're the kind of questions I absolutely love asking of others myself because I tend to make a lot of assumptions otherwise.

To qualify is to determine one's role or responsibility within another person's life - either for a moment, a season or perhaps even for a lifetime.  They're questions that separate the men from the boys in that they're high risk relative to adding additional weight to that which you've already accounted for.

Most men (including myself) aren't looking to carry more weight.  Due to this universally sympathetic truth, qualifying questions are typically deflected easily because they're asked poorly.  And this poorness, I would argue, is usually intentional due to cowardice.  And this is very understandable due to how we as men might fear to look (react) relative to the answers that very well may come at us.  Especially during tight situations.

In closing, it is a fact that this community of Samson men fosters opportunities for qualifying to occur, and that is such a blessing to all of us who participate in following The Path.


Samson Society is so cool.  

I am amazed that it exists, and of all places, there are five freaking groups that meet regularly within the Jackson Metro, my hometown.  

May our prayer be that this community grows, and that its impact will especially come into play when men need it the most.

Novelty Is Suspect / Special Effects Are For Children / Participate Within Jesus' Fanbase

Sweet Ginny Owens and I went on a date one summer during the early '90s.  I was home from my collegiate studies in Starkville at the time.  How I got her number, I cannot remember.  But I do remember retrieving her from her mother's home in northeast Jackson prior to taking her to Northpark Mall's cinema to screen Jurassic Park.  I believe it was the second time I'd screened the film, and obviously, due to my first impression, I'd decided to include her during my sophomore outing.

Ginny is wonderfully talented musically, and what makes these gifts that much more amazing is due to her blindness.  I remember distinctly her asking me to describe the dinosaurs in the film.  That was likely the most difficult question I've ever been asked.

But what makes Ginny and other blind individuals unique is how sheltered they are from novelty and its consistent pull relative to novelty's bias towards the visual.  For this is where novelty tends to root itself, and of course, as we all know as men, our eyes are the easiest means for us to be deceived, hooked, taken advantage of.


I've often wondered if individuals are committing less of a sin if they're lusting after Internet porn on a small screen (tablet / smartphone) versus a large computer monitor.  Obviously, there's the super convenience, if not altogether implied magic of being able to almost instantaneously view porn on these handheld computers, and this drives their appeal to the masses.

A man I once had the privilege of serving as a Silas admitted to me that he'd purchased one of these tablets out of the desire to fall in line with his peers.  From there, his Internet porn use escalated due to the convenience and magicalness of the tablet itself.  He'd typically take the device to the bathroom  where he could easily masturbate at the lavoratory.  Essentially, it was serving as an exponential upgrade to the hard copy porn magazines of yesteryear.


Mainstream films, just like automobiles, are expected to historically wow consumers year after year.  Within films, this is accomplished via special effects, and with automobiles, it's through the expected bells & whistles, interior finishes, performance figures, propulsion systems, etc.  If these two examples aren't successful in keeping pace with consumers' novelty expectations, the film's / automobile's creators will be scorned relative to making something that contains no novelty, but is instead, a "step back" or "antiquated-feeling" effort towards the industry itself.  Therefore, novelty is and likely will always be super high priority for these industries.

To take it a step further, we are bombarded with both professional critics as well as opportunities (for us) to critique just as the pros do 24 / 7 / 365.  This no doubt fuels the rat race of novelty, and it permeates everything within the western world / our western culture.  It is a very weird obsession that refuses to take into account its (at times) own irrelevancy.  


Why is this important to understand about our world?

Firstly, we certainly want the best of whatever it is we're considering to consume whether we're choosing entertainment or depreciating assets, and there's no doubt this is in line with logic.  All of us Americans prefer the best because we feel obligated to how products have been marketed to us as such.  And on the opposing side of that truth, we westerners deed ourselves as well as our families as deserving enough to justify this idealized pursuit.

But mostly, the why can be answered as follows:  Many of us are wired like immature children who cannot get enough of that wow factor hit after hit after hit.  Yet, this is the part that no one wants to admit to because being wowed is also a helluva lotta fun to "kids of all ages" due to how distracting it can be.

The apostle Paul wrote about childishness within Scripture and the dangers of not maturing out of that mindset into adulthood.  I would argue, here in the western world, maturing out of a childish mindset is not an easy thing to do, but especially so from the standpoint of how elevated the wow factor truly is within our society / culture as a whole.


The vehicle that was Howard Wilson Chrysler Plymouth's bread and butter during the summer of 1991 was the Plymouth Voyager.  I know this because I sold many of them whilst working there during those 8 weeks.  The '91 was the second generation of this esteemed minivan, and as such, it served as an almost perfect maturation forward relative to the original vehicle.  Therefore, selling it to retail consumers was almost impossible to screw up.

The sole proprietor of the dealership would masterfully take former (first generation) purchasers through the '91 model , expertly pointing out all of the novel generational upgrades that had been made.  He was incredibly adept at this.  Watching him gave the impression that he'd designed the second generation Voyager himself with all of its novel touches / details.  I used to stand in awe as customers would literally be mesmerized at both his approach as well as the seemingly perfect upgrades this van presented from the first.

There are too many Jurassic Park movies to count.  Too many dinosaurs.  Too many islands.  Too many children trying to outrun prehistoric beasts.  But, there is a distinction between each, and that distinction is novelty.  It's a masterful exercise in selling consumers the same idea rearranged or upgraded for another go round.


Novelty builds on the past.  Having no understanding of the past renders novelty partially impotent.  Also, having an understanding of the past but with no expectation / anticipation towards the future (that's in relation to the past) also renders novelty somewhat impotent.  And, I believe, this is an important point due to how it can serve as a means for us as men to decouple ourselves from the puppeteer behind our obsession with novelty.


In closing, thankfully, most of us see just fine, therefore we're blessed to rely primarily on our eyes to guide us along.

I'll wrap this up with a few questions.  Are you a fan?  Are you within a fanbase?  Is that fanbase for an entertainer, corporate entity (such as a car manufacturer), or maybe even a preacher?

I would encourage you to ask yourself why exactly.  And if you determine that the pursuit of novelty has any part in that admiration, be wary of what could be a sizable part of your boyhood that should have never been allowed to enter (from your childhood past) into your adult self.  

The Bible speaks about seeing / perceiving things in and through our faith alone.  It's a way of life that Ms. Ginny Owens knows all too well, and one I would argue we too should learn to embrace as Christian men.  By doing so, we relinquish the demands of the wow factor to our past immature selves.  This enables us to move forward to varying degrees in an effort to become more and more immune to one of the greatest trappings / obsessions of the western world. 

From there, how we spend our time, talents, thought life, and $$$ will definitely be impacted to better align with our highest priorities as Christian men, rendering the trappings of this world as less and less of a draw.  And this is no doubt a good move as we're called to focus our attention elsewhere, being in the world but not of it.

Remember, our God nor the gospel itself will never be new and improved.  It doesn't need to be.  It is the proper cure.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Dirty Old Man / The Allure Of The Seductress - Part 1

Perhaps I was around the age of my youngest daughter when what I'm about to chronicle here occurred.  Maybe around 9 or 10.  I honestly don't remember.  What I do remember is feeling really dirty whilst being exposed to something that no one should ever see.  And too, this was because it was knowingly wrong.  I knew that from within my child conscience at the time.  As we all know, porn is easy to spot, even when - or especially so - when you're young.

Yet, here I was sitting next to this Dirty Old Man on his couch watching the CRT screen as it projected an image that was just too shocking yet also too enthralling for me to look away from for those few minutes. 


Regularly, when I was a child, neighbors of ours would babysit me after school 'till early evening as my mother worked.  This couple was a little younger than my 'rents, and they had two daughters of their own.  The mother of this household had parents who also lived within our 'hood, and therefore on rare occasion (thankfully), I would be left with them instead (especially if it were over the weekend).  Her parents lived within a ranch house just as everyone else did within "Traceland North" that had the inevitable CRT TV cabinet stationed within the living / den space. 

The Dirty Old Man (my regular babysitter's father) worked as a mailman.  I vividly remember this.  He was small in stature and not surprisingly, there was a striking physical resemblance between father / daughter.  And, in many ways, this resemblance also carried over into their personas.  Callous / jaded are the best words I can come up with to describe both of them based on the vestiges from +/-40 years prior.


So, here I was on this humid Summer evening on St. Augustine Dr. in Madison (just a few houses down from my own) back in the early '80s watching porn next to this Dirty Old Man.  I remember he kept flipping between the porn channel he desperately wanted to watch and others, but eventually, he simply stationed himself on the images of the countless beauties all lined up and exposing their voluptuous breasts.  To describe it further, a mainstreamish porn program was airing that was essentially a topless beauty pageant, and I believe the host was someone akin to a lookalike, very aroused Lyle Waggoner. 

Thankfully, the Dirty Old Man's wife eventually strolled into the den and scolded him for watching the smut, and this seeded enough conviction for him to flip the channel away from it for good.

Nonetheless, the damage had been done despite there only being a few minutes of exposure on my part.


I've had men tell me that they've had similar childhood experiences with their own version of the Dirty Old Man, but usually theirs didn't have the element of obvious conflicted seductiveness that mine did.  And what I'm referring to is the allure of the smut that I witnessed as a boy and its affect / impact on the Dirty Old Man.  Please know, I have no recollection of him attempting to "usher me into the world of men" or anything of that sort on this particular evening.  If anything, he was simply annoyed that I was even there that night due to the fact that my presence was no doubt agitating his own very horny conscience.  Therefore, not only was I interrupting his private pleasure viewing but no doubt taking up precious space within his rancher.

So what of the allure of the seductress through porn or even within day to day life coupled with the role of the Dirty Old Man?  Is it she or he (or both) that's to blame here?  If so, why?  Aren't women rightfully qualified to harness whatever means possible to enjoy their lives / promote their own welfare?  Too, aren't men at times simply qualified as rightfully Dirty when they find themselves facing their arousal templates (within beautiful women or otherwise)?  Sexuality is a gift from God, is it not?  Therefore, why did this feel so very wrong to me as a boy?


Years ago, "Friend Finder" is what an old friend of mine called the hookup site he utilized to connect with two local women remotely.  He took both of these new "Friends" on dates before deciding on one in particular as his newly found romantic partner.  This friend of mine (we'll call him Dean) hadn't dated anyone for as long as I'd known him (+/-5 years).  Instead, it was his many pets that he adored (literally) during what little downtime he had, as he worked long hours as an electrician.  I suppose hookup sites like "Friend Finder" were catered somewhat to introverted men like Dean.  Nonetheless, I remember clearly inviting Dean to bring his new "Friend" with him to my parents' abode for dinner one night in an attempt to respectfully celebrate his newfound relationship.  I did this out of honor and respect for my friend.

First and foremost, the woman he was now dating was physically captivating.  I distinctly remember being caught off guard by how seductive she looked when she stepped out of the car there on my parents' driveway. 

Dean had family money (primarily in the form of land).  Lots of it (for Mississippi).  For that reason as well as his new "Friend's" propensity to encourage Dean to consume alcohol (he was an alcoholic as his father was), Dean's family immediately (mother, sister) grew very suspicious quickly.

But, oh my goodness, this woman was absolutely sexual, ramped up to level ten.  And this seductiveness combined with Dean's years of chastity ushered him into a sexual sin-laden milieu that crushed / warped his pre-"Friend Finder" hyper-rational self.


As an aside, only on one occasion have I seen a Samson man describe his wife as a sex addict.  In essence, blaming her obliquely for their marriage's travails.  And in response to this shocking revelation, I didn't actually find the sex addict title to necessarily run afoul with my impression of her and her story (as told over time by him to me).  Oddly enough, seeing the two of them together with their children coincidentally seemed to actually confirm some of what he'd shared.  She was off the charts confident in her poise within any and all situations.  And again, her sexualness too, was ramped up to level ten just as my aforementioned old friend's (Dean) lover's was. 

Summing these two ladies up here as follows:  Considering a man like myself (w/ my sexual hard wiring), for these two ladies to invoke even a tad bit of interest / arousal, absolutely proved their "sexualized merit". 


In closing, Dean's aforementioned "Found Friend" would eventually begin stalking him by sitting in her car outside the restaurant where we'd be eating during the Samson Society "After Meeting".  Dean overtly refused to not answer her text messages, therefore this served as a means for her to track his whereabouts - even whilst attempting to get help via our Christian community.  Eventually, Dean and his "Friend" had a physical altercation at her home (whilst shacking up) that involved one of Dean's beloved handguns.  By God's grace, despite the gun going off, no one was hurt.  This event thankfully served as a wakeup call for Dean to move out as the attorney fees hit his pocketbook  relative to the assault charges she filed against him.


More questions for us to look into in the future.  Why is it that fornication is considered sin according to Scripture?  I know I've asked this question before within other posts, but obviously it has a multi-faceted answer.

Why is it that Jesus demanded the obedience of his followers' sexual thought life?


An old Presbyterian friend of mine used to cite the Scriptural passages that equated sexual sin to harnessing fire outside of a secure firebox (fireplace), and therefore demonstratively wreaking uncontrolled havoc on those who handled it so stupidly.

This analogy makes me think every time about my parents as teenagers and the ramifications of their collective poor choices, but primarily, I think about the power that so many women choose to so masterfully wield alongside the Dirty Men (old or otherwise) who play their own role within that seductive dance.  This power and this role we'll discuss further next time.  For I believe, it is one of the most personally capitalistic relationships that exists today within our western world.