Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The VERY CHRISTIAN Family Upbringing & Its Potential Child Curse

Ultra-Christian families, based on my experience, are typically those who homeschool their children.  At least this seems to be the case in the Deep South.  I realize there're homeschooling families in other parts of the country (& certainly even in the Deep South) who're not necessarily wanting to quarantine their children from heretical influence.  Instead, they're simply interested in a "superior educational experience" (their words).  But all-in-all, this doesn't seem to be the case here. 

I'd never spent any time with homeschooling families 'till Angie and I reproduced (almost two decades ago).  And it was only through my wife that I came to first rub shoulders with these folks.  Angie had started a "playtime" club for new moms, and it was this club that broadened our horizons therein.

During my wife's first pregnancy, she began reading books on homeschooling, and I was fully supportive of this.  Being a contrarian, I saw no harm in it.  But then, once our oldest was close to school-age, we began engaging directly with the homeschooling community (here in the Jackson Metro) via their formal, hyper-Christianized activities.  Immediately, there was a strident sense to bolt from the premises, and it all came down to feeling ultra-Christian (which I am most definitely NOT).


Angie and I were both educated within private schools.  I attended Madison-Ridgeland Academy K-12, and she attended both a private Presbyterian elementary school in Hattiesburg + Jackson Academy for middle / high school.  Our parents chose this route in order to segregate us from black children.  Plain & simple.  But too, Angie folks wanted her rubbing shoulders with offspring of rich folks as well (Jackson Academy).    

My experience therein was terrible.  Not only was my overall education paltry at MRA, but the lack of diversity (there were only 45 in my class) within the school was stifling.  Angie's experience was far better, and this was mainly because Jackson Academy's approach to educating white children was far more serious (many of the parents of her classmates were prominent attorneys / doctors with high expectations for their children).

We've chosen suburban public schools to educate our three little sinners, and we've no regrets.  Primarily, we did so because

 -  public schools are free of charge
 -  we believe strongly in integration (diverse community within our community)


My heart hurts for children who're reared within ultra-Christian households who then set off into the world worse-off for it.  And obviously, this isn't an across-the-board occurrence, but it does happen.  Often.

A lot of off-the-cuff criticism of homeschooling has to do with children being starved of the socialization construct.  I've not witnessed that to be the case.  Instead, what I've seen is a deep-seated identity crisis within these guys because too much emphasis was placed on they themselves whilst growing up.

In other words, it's as if homeschooled children are cursed to live out the life of only children (no siblings) even if they're members of sizable families.  

And I can speak to that because I am an only child.


To summarize and speaking solely from my experience as an only child, the curse of being an only is anchored in the word assumption.  Assumption based on observation / familiarity.  

Parents typically do not want to "cover their children's bases" (assume the worst) because this is the hard part of being a parent.  Instead, and especially if the child is a well-oiled component of the cooperative (only or homeschooled child), they'd rather assume (erring on the "for the best").  But as we all know, assumptions - particularly those made about those we love - are often just "manifestations of affirmative thinking" versus reality.

Too, parents of only children, I'm convinced, are essentially cursed.  Cursed to never accurately remember their own stupidity (stupid is a verb) in childhood.  It's as if that part of their existence becomes a massive blind spot unless / until they reproduce (at least) once more.


Last weekend during the 2022 National Samson Society retreat, I met a lot of Samson guys who I've grown to admire within the virtual Samson Society group "Make Thursdays Great Again".  One of these had shared - in writing - his story with me this past Spring.  After reading that precious work, he and I chatted once (dialoguing specifically about his story) and from there, continued on within our communal (virtual / long-distance) friendship.  But after meeting him face-to-face last weekend (& subsequently re-reading his story yesterday), my mind was blown relative to how much I actually missed during my first-time through.

This was eye-opening due to how integral it was that I actually meet this Samson guy in order to see him more fully.  Especially considering his taking the time to share his written story with me months prior to last weekend.  

And this metaphorically points back to the curse.  

It was my assuming based in well-oiled componentry (virtual meetings) that successfully diluted my attention to character detail.  For I simply could not see this Samson guy 'till I met him face-to-face.  

So, I suppose another analogy to my homeschooled scenario is sort-of a Brady Bunch (Zoom) family in lieu of a real one.     


Samson Society is by no means queued up for ultra-Christian men, and I'm so grateful for that.  And this is because in order to be part of the community, you are expected to lead with weakness.  Weakness that's more often than not anchored in sexual brokenness.  

Has there ever been an ultra-Christian homeschool where that topic was front & center?  If so, Mr. Nate Larkin would be a fantastic guest lecturer.    

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Cruelty In Samson Society (There Are No Referees)

If you've been engaged within Samson Society for any length of time, you've likely been the victim of some cruelty.  And on the flip side of that, you've likely instigated some regretful words / actions you yourself onto your Samson brothers.  

I can recall the first time this happened to me.  I'd attended a funeral - out of town - with a Samson guy who also knew my parents (Bob & Darlene).  As we were driving back to Jackson, he asked me a rhetorical question that was so heartless to receive.  I remember simply sitting there within the passenger seat of his SUV stunned speechless.  

And unfortunately, it changed my mindset regarding this trusted Samson guy forever.  For I knew exactly where his pointed question had originated:  envy / mistrust and cruelty.  

And it hurt intensely to be his vulnerable target on that day.

But cruelty is fun.  You have to admit to it.  Especially when you're tired or bored or simply becoming annoyed of someone's mundanity / quirks.  And I believe that's what happened in this case.  For my Samson brother was / is from a big bio family (brothers galore) where the expected posturing was no doubt prevalent.  I'm from a tiny family (only child), and I loathe / condone posturing of any ilk.

Have I forgiven this man?  Absolutely.  Yet, I won't (& haven't) be spending much (extended) one-on-one time with him ever again (unless absolutely necessary).  For I feel so moved to protect myself from his cruel interrogation bent.


Thanks to Samson Society, I quickly befriended a young Alabamian who'd been transferred (with his young family) to the Jackson Metro due to this vocation.  This young AL Samson guy was initially invited to the Lakeside Pres Samson Society meeting (which I was facilitating) and chose to attend.

With just a handful of Samson Society meetings under his belt, it became apparent to me that he'd became mesmerized by Rob.  And when I say mesmerized, I'm talking he put me on a pedestal that was stratospheric.  

Yet, he loathed Mississippi(ans), his work in Mississippi, the church they (he & his wife & child) were attending, and he'd no real interest anymore in his faith (in spite of the fact that he was a homeschooled pastor's son).  

But there was one thing that he could not stop ruminating on:  the exceedingly sexy Human Resources Officer at his work who he'd slyly befriended.  For this intoxicating relationship was unlike any he'd ever experienced.

I can remember reaching out to one of the Elders of our church in order to schedule times to pray specifically for this young Alabamian.  I also prayed with my mother (this was a first) in the same vein.  For my young Samson friend's marriage was in tatters due to this "emotional affair", and he was so incredibly despondent / conflicted overall.  Yet, throughout, he was unusually bright and articulate.  Funny and kindhearted.  All of which drew me to him.

And then further down the road he admitted to being clinically depressed.  Or so he thought.

I concurred, strongly urging him to seek therapeutic help.  At this point, I was exhausted as his friend.  The constant negativity / hypercriticality was overwhelming to bear.  "GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!"  "GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!"  "GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!"

As a result, all regularly scheduled communication ceased.  No more emails.  No more meetings (draft beer drinking) in my garage.  Eventually, he took the opportunity to benignly chew my ass out relative to his now shunning prerogative (to protect himself from demon Rob?).  He even went so far as to tell me he'd be happy to meet with me further, at any point in the future, so long as it wasn't one-on-one.  WTF?

Now, keep in mind, he did thank me respectfully for my time / effort invested whilst making it clear that my platonic services were no longer needed.  Thank you very much.

You're welcome?!?  Good riddance.


Seething within Samson guys is often hard to continually stomach.  Particularly when it's aimed upwards.  A lot of guys have such a difficult time resisting the temptation to rank themselves against each other (out of anger).  Especially if their past travails are far darker (within their own eyes) than your own.  Pettiness can grow out of this imbalance therein.  And it can metastasize slowly over the years.  I've had to decouple myself from Samson men as a result.  Men who'd become childish with their quips and petty overcorrections.  Thanks be to God for the ability to block contacts on smartphones.  It's the Steve Jobs' equivalent of a discreet exit.  

I realize that may sound cruel on its own accord, but keep in mind that I gave these Samson men years and years of rope to either hang themselves with or build a bridge (between us).  Per my experience, anger bequeaths the former almost every time.  It is a tough, tough emotion to bear within friendship.


The wives of local Samson guys can torpedo friendships within the Samson community.  Especially if they found themselves responsible for steering the familial ship during their Samson husband's "acting out" (neglectful) years (decades?).  

Suggest to that Samson husband (as his Silas) his need to NOW (accounting for his active recovery efforts) take the reins relative to shoring up marginalized areas of his clan (sans the wife's blessing), and she may very well demonize you in an effort to fortify her comfortable leadership perch.

And this being no matter how much time / effort / resolve you've poured into her man.  Her control (or sense thereof) may very well take precedent (out of fear).


And finally, there're simply bad days for every Samson guy.  Days where fatigue and emotional exhaustion are too much.  Align those conditions with two (or more) Samson guys who've known (& trusted) each other for many years, and you can potentially have a recipe for relational fallout (of the most intense sort) in just a matter of minutes.  For the tongue is full of poison.  

I had this happen to me at the last in-person Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society meeting I attended (October '21).  In fact, the situation escalated so quickly that my heart absolutely breaks whilst thinking back on it.  

So many painful words.  So much rubble left behind relative to that / those friendship(s).  


During the live podcast recording at the 2022 National Samson Society Retreat last weekend, one of the Jackson, Mississippi Samson guys who attended cited (in general terms) his own hurtful experiences within the local Samson Society here within the Jackson Metro area.  In doing so, (I believe) he'd hoped forlornly (from Mr. Nate Larkin & Mr. Aaron Porter) for some antidote to these horrible relational failures which cause such tremendous pain / disappointment.     

I silently appreciated (I was in the audience) this young man's courage to bring this to our fearless Samson Society leaders.  For it's what instigated me to finally write this post.  

Genuine Samson Society relationships are hard.  That's why most men aren't interested therein.  There're no guardrails.  There're no referees.  In fact, the Samson Society charter doesn't address any sort of "Code of Conduct" for a Samson guy.  And that's intentional, for sure.  

As Christians, we're called to put others before ourselves.  Yet, even within scripture, we can see friendships between Bible characters pivot or sour altogether (sometimes violently).  

What I've found is God uses these developments too.  For I've never become bitter, only further hopeful, motivating me to anticipate what's next relative to platonic connection and love within this ministry.   

Be forewarned.  Don't adjudicate the ministry of Samson Society itself solely through the lens of your inevitable Samson guys' relational heartache.  Jesus' disciples fought / loved hard, yet they never lost sight of their purpose in following their Lord together.   

This photo was taken during last weekend's 2022 National Samson Society Retreat.  It represents the current lineup of Samson guys who attend "Make Thursdays Great Again" on Thursday nights at 7 PM CST (virtual Samson Society meeting).  As you can see, our virtual Samson group was well represented amongst the 150+ Samson guys who attended this wonderful retreat. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

What Is The Primary Purpose Of Samson Society? / How Are You Investing Your Time?

The primary purpose of Samson Society is for you yourself to exploit / take advantage of it to whatever degree you feel so moved relative to your personal recovery.  

Samson Society costs nothing to participate in (except time).  Its start was a tome written and published in the past few decades (2007).  A tome which inspired men to begin meeting / following the simple format introduced.  It was very grassroots with absolutely zero forecasted goals / established milestones (Mr. Nate Larkin's book sales weren't noteworthy). 

Not long thereafter, "48 Hours of Frankness" weekends were spun-off along with a podcast and eventually National Retreats (the tenth of which will be held in 2023 - National Samson Society Summit).

Samson House (nonprofit arm of Samson Society) came to fruition around the halfway point of said annual National Retreats.  As such, Samson Society's digital presence was upgraded dramatically, making this men's ministry more and more accessible (primarily via a plethora of scheduled / weekly Zoom Samson Society meeting opportunities).  


For Rob, here's how I specifically (personal journey) took advantage (time invested therein) of Samson Society (since 2014):  After spending a few years within the mothership Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society group (starting in August 2014), I felt so moved to support the first "breakout" Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society group (Grace Crossing Church - Gluckstadt).  I spent one year there, watching it bless that church / suburban metro area immensely.  Eventually, I spearheaded a Samson Society group at my own church, Lakeside Presbyterian Church.  I facilitated there for four years, every Saturday morning at 7 AM.  What was so pleasing to see therein (besides the blessings that came from the meeting itself) was the spinoff meetings that reproduced as a result of our church's effort to support men so generously.  Specifically, young (much younger than Rob) Samson guys took the bull by the horns and positioned Samson Society groups at their own home churches within the Jackson Metro. 

I couldn't resist participating in the National Samson Society retreats throughout these years.  Perhaps I've attended 5 or possibly 6 total, all of which were held in Middle Tennessee.  

Too, I've attended 3-4 Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society specific retreats (organized by Mr. Don Waller).  Not to mention a few regional (supported by Samson Society National) retreats both in GA and AL.  And all of these were very beneficial to Rob's recovery for such a time as that. 


I'm me.  You're you.  The notion of plunging headfirst into Samson Society as I have may not be for you.  

Nonetheless, I have to tout my Silas 3.0 (he began engaging with Samson Society back in April of 2022) at this point relative to me beginning to (trend) see him exploit / take advantage of this wonderful ministry within the same vein (gusto) that I have throughout the past eight years.   

What's cool about this is how longstanding (15+ years) my friendship has been with this man / his family / extended family.  Know too, our friendship was built on our sharing our mutual stories relative to sexual sin (it was awkward to say the least) at the outset (he was 30 / I was 35).

Who'd a thunk?  (I realize I've stated that prior.)

Nonetheless, his approach to Samson Society feels validating to Rob, and I really appreciate that.  It's weird to no longer be such the loner-Samson Society (holistic) zealot that I've sort of always been.

I'm so grateful for my Silas 3.0.  His presence / commitment has made the less-than-supremely comfortable times (like at the present) within Samson Society worth it.

In closing, I'm happy to report that he and I are already both registered for the 2023 National Samson Society Retreat at Sky Ranch in East Texas.