Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Is The Risk For Heartache Worth Taking, In light Of The Potential Gains In Maturing Forward?

For most men, any supposed "Christian men's group" is reflexively (& covertly) dubbed a heart trap in the making.  Unless the group is clearly defined by some purposeful action.  

Perhaps that purposeful action is Bible study or prayer.  Maybe its missions work, either overseas or domestic.

I can recall many years ago working with a man who absolutely jumped at any and every chance he could to participate in local - disaster relief - mission projects.  These mostly consisted of heavy duty clean up work (landscaping, trash, debris) in order to clear roads and property immediately following a localized natural disaster.  

This man was a draftsmen by trade who worked for a short stint at an architecture firm I was employed with here in Jackson.  He was quite the anomaly relative to his masculinity and subsequent physical prowess.  I remember too that he was very reserved and not at all quick to be provoked.  As such, he was the definitive man's man.


Attending Samson Society meetings is essentially foreplay to following The Path.  

You get started rounding the bases each time you attend a meeting, and this can go on for years and years so long as you never ask another man to be your Silas.  And a number of guys do this.


One reason is the risk.  The risk of eventual rejection as friendships change over time.

Friendships aren't meant to last forever, or at least stay relationally constant.  Therefore, some form of rejection is implied therein.  Eventually.

And this is hard to stomach for many men.  Especially guys who're used to boy scout troops or sports teams, all of which promulgate situational friendships between men that have a definitive beginning, activity-based middle, and conclusion (end of season / Webelos).  Even certain work environments serve as stand-ins for men relative to offering up a prepackaged (safe / BPA-free!) opportunities for friendships.


The foregone conclusion though is that you simply must take the risk if you're going to experience all of God's best for you via the Samson Society.  As such, you will not mature forward - to any real extent - without allowing yourself to get emotionally entangled within the life of at least one other man.  

He also should be a strong pick.  Someone you'll be able to feed from.  Lean on.  Rest in.  And ultimately, be challenged by. 

And yes, it is hard to eventually see those friendships wane, especially when your Silas seems to (more?) naturally cozy up to some other Samson guy.  

So, my advice to you is as follows.

Throw caution to the wind.  Invest in yourself by choosing a Silas today.  From there, stay in the present.  And simply follow The Path.

And remember this.  Your following The Path changes you just as it does your Silas, therefore those changes do often garner platonic movement that then places you in a better position to eventually serve someone else.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Christian Man's Job Title Isn't Of Any Real Value. His Identity Is In Christ.

One of my favorite Samson guys (who's also a dear friend) lost a well-paying, reputable government job here (in Jackson) - a few years back - by inadvertently sending a text message to the wrong person (outside of the immediate organization).  Information within the message's content was unfortunately confidential outside of his workplace, therefore he had to be let go.  It was a formality, and as such, he then moved to a position within the private sector within +/-30 days of getting fired.

This Samson guy's emotional reaction to this unfortunate series of events was quite even keeled and steady.  After owning up to his mistake, he quickly went forth and found alternative employment here in town (within the same vocation).  And thanks to his skillset and reputation, that made for a not so difficult task.


Much of his emotional steadiness relative to his termination, I believe, was attributed to two things.

One, his job was not where his entire identity (if any) lied.

Two, the procedural details that went down relative to his termination (by his supervisors) were handled with grace and respect towards this friend of mine.


This Samson guy that I've mentioned here grew up in Jackson.  This place, for him, is home.  I believe that bit of info had a lot to do with item number one due to the fact that there's comfort in living and working within your hometown.  There's a lifelong narrative there, and that narrative can provide the foundation for a man's true identity.  Therefore, him losing his job was analogous to his house being blown off its foundation via a terrible storm, but the foundation / property in which the foundation resided on being left untouched.  From there, the task of rebuilding (finding new employment) was certainly unforeseen but not overwhelming to conceive.  

And then regarding item two, he perhaps was also helped by this hometown narrative since growing up / living in Jackson is not unlike being reared in a really big small town.  (I'm speculating here.  He may have simply had a really thoughtful, kind supervisor).  As such, homies tend to be treated with more respect than outsiders by default.


My oldest friend, Bartholomew Pendergrast (I wish that were his real name!), went to MSU with me, tracking alongside within the Architorture School 'till we both graduated in 1995.  +/-18 months ago, he moved his family to Alabama to take his fifth appointment (position) within yet another beloved architecture job.  And man, does he ever love / have great respect for the profession of architecture.  It really is of critical importance to him (much moreso than it ever was to me).

It's important to note that Bartholomew, up until +/-18 months ago, had only worked / lived in Mississippi (either central or southern), and that he too is 48 years of age.  

This past Friday, the majority shareholder of the firm where he now works in Alabama ushered him into his office for a Q & A session relative to a sexual harassment complaint (from a female colleague) that had been filed against him earlier that week.


When I lost my Director of Planning & Administration (campus architect) job from Delta State University back in September of '13 (due to me breaking their IT policy), I lost my entire identity, and I cannot emphasize that enough.  I had no friends - either younger, same or elder aged (pastor or otherwise) - at the time, nor was my relationship with my parents (back home) anywhere near where I hoped it might be (by age 40).  My wife was terrified of what the future might hold (because I was and because she was also jobless at the time) and my daughters were too little to care in the least.  Whilst looking back, it felt as if our entire family had been thrown off a proverbial cliff.

And where we were residing - Cleveland, MS - was not unlike living in an entirely different country because it was so isolated from anywhere else yet relationally conflicted (for the same reason).  Regarding the latter, it was as if the town considered itself to be larger and more sophisticated than it really was, yet no amount of good press or signature projects could change reality.  There were only so many jobs of a certain ilk to go around within that small Delta town setting, the impoverished / marginalized were ever present, etc.

Immediately following my job loss, I began rapidly losing weight 'till eventually I was 14 pounds lighter than before (within just a few weeks).  This was due to me losing my appetite, therefore I ate fewer and fewer calories during the days I hunkered down within the four walls of our rental.  This was seemingly reinforced by my insomnia which kept me from sleeping more than 4 - 5 hours a night.

I could go into further detail regarding just how bad things became for me, but I won't bore you.  Know this though, it was as if people I trusted / respected completely (my superiors at Delta State) took my heart and submerged it into a vat of acid.  And they did so whilst not at all taking into consideration the efforts we'd put forth in relocating there a year prior nor how the execution of said termination might impact me emotionally long-term.

So what came of this trauma that points back to the title of this post, and was God's ultimate good work being orchestrated throughout?


I never again seeded any portion of my identity in my career.  In fact, I was very intentional in repositioning myself within a vocation (Turner Insurance & Financial Services) that would merely suffice versus one that would exult.


The recognition of my vulnerability as it related to seeding any portion of my identity within my vocation.  As such, I had to find some form of work that failing at wouldn't really make much of an impression.  And this is why I continue to work for my parents at TIFS today, which is no doubt exactly where God wants me to be.


One of the primary descriptors of me myself is my inability to see / take stock in Rob.  Perhaps I truly am some form of a vampire (reflection-less) in this regard.  Therefore, I have a difficult time believing what others say about me because I have such a difficult, if not impossible time, corroborating it internally.  In line with this peculiarity, I'm motivated to put my faith in God to lead, trusting him with the compass relative to most every aspect of my life.

The Bible talks about God's only real interest being in man's heart and whether it is tuned 100% towards him.  It speaks thunderously about God's jealousy of our love and attention and his hatred towards idols that we may choose to worship instead of / alongside him.  

It's impossible to not idolize other people, friendships, vocation, material wealth, and on and on.  Our fallen humanity constantly defaults to this sin.  

But, it's much easier to idolize other items (like these listed above) if you cannot see you yourself at all or with any real accuracy.  You might say there's a predisposition there or a tendency for us vampires to fall into this trap.  


My old college friend, Bartholomew, is just like me in this regard.  Blind to his worth.  Blind to who he really is.  It's what binds us together as friends and always has.  Call it our unspoken pact.

Therefore, if he loses this Alabama architecture job, he will suffer tremendous emotional fallout as I did when I lost my job there in small town Cleveland all those years ago.  

If he survives that fallout, my hope is that he'll follow my lead, and position himself - in the future - within a place where he's no longer susceptible to losing "everything" overnight.  But, I'm not so sure he'd be willing to make that much of a decisive change for himself.  Seeing your income change, losing the baked-in respect that comes with a tenured vocation, all of these things are so very hard to let go of.  But especially for vampires.

If he'll do this, his faith will grow, and his love for himself will soon follow.  For besides God, there should be no one who cares more for us than us.  And that is the hardest lesson I've had to learn in life.

We learn so much about ourselves and in particular, our own weaknesses, through our wrestlings with intense bouts of debilitating pain.

In closing, our western culture wholeheartedly embraces the monumental amount of emphasis (& importance) that can come from the notoriety that's seemingly baked into certain careers and career paths.  My advice to you is not to be fooled by that.  It's an especially dangerous setup whilst finding yourself personally isolated.

Our culture is the worst barometer of all to live one's life by.  And this is because it's orchestrated by the Devil.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mainstreaming & Conveniently Privatizing The Old-Fashioned Peep Show (Holy Rollers Beware!) - Recommended Reading

OnlyFans, COVID-19 pandemic have spurred a new sexual revolution (nypost.com)

Over the past few days, I was reactively labeled a "Holy Roller".  The text message decreeing this label actually auto-corrected it firstly to "Hot Roller" which I personally like equally as well.

A "Holy Roller", I believe, is a label I'll blithely embrace now that I've been provided the opportunity.  Thank you very much.

Here's a definition I found on Urban Dictionary:  "A person that is heavily relgious [sic], listens to contemporary christian music, and has a "holier then thou" attitude."

I believe that last part really nails it.  Don't you think?


My junior year at Mississippi State saw me embracing yet another two semesters of living within Evans Hall, a 4 - 6 story CMU (concrete masonry unit) -walled building whose sole architectural inspiration had no doubt been communist bloc housing.  As such, this was too another year of coming together with a pot luck roommate.  

Steve was a good bit older than I, a veteran, and very, very bitter towards "Holy Rollers" (of which I was one).  As a side note, the only logic I could deduce relative to me being paired up with him was the fact that he too was from the Metro Jackson area.  

What I observed over the course of those two semesters with Steve back in '93 - '94 was how my "Holy Roller" presence literally made him miserable - simply by default.  For I wasn't scorned and bitter towards God nor the church, and my overall attitude wasn't one of "justified callousness" towards most everything and everyone around me.  Instead, I was hopeful and at peace.  Deeply convicted and as such, very faithful (despite my inner demons).  And this positively propelled me through my coursework within Architorture school.  Without it, I'd never have made it through.


Steve had a porn magazine stash that he'd use when I was out of our room (which was more often than not).  I vividly remember stumbling across this stack of magazines, most of which consisted of periodicals he'd acquired whilst serving in the Navy overseas.  I also recall well how Steve was a perpetually light sleeper, therefore most every night after turning in, I'd dare not attempt to pleasure myself.  Instead, I'd lie there frozen in the dark, waiting patiently for his breathing to regulate, signaling an all clear for me to comfortably fall asleep.

It was kind of like living with someone who was always on edge.  Never at peace.  Always looking for something or someone else to blame.  Blame.  Blame.

That was it.  That sums it up.  Steve was the consummate blamer, and as such, within my mind, a perpetual loser.

It was a tough, tough experience to live with this older guy for those 9 months - day in and day out, but my God's grace, I made it through.

And by the way, Steve grew up in the same church (FBC) I did here in Jackson.  His half-sister was younger than he was, and she and I had - at one time - been friends.


But what this living arrangement did for me - throughout the two semesters - was priceless.

It mustered in me the drive to never cave as Steve had.  To never embrace an attitude of worthlessness despite my own - very private - internal struggle with worthlessness.  There's a big difference there.

For what I saw saddened me, though I no doubt understood how convenient it was for Steve, relative to synchronizing his no holds barred approach to embracing our culture's wholehearted slide into the abyss of perpetual filthiness, with how he felt about his own self - on the inside.   

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Hardest Days To Be A Christian

There have been three occasions - during my almost 25 year marriage - where individuals (all of which are or were neighbors) have said (to my face) cruel and hateful things to me about Angie (my wife) out of spite.

Let me expound on the phrase - "out of spite".  It means as a result of being really angry with me first and foremost.

I have no problem with individuals being angry at me.  That's their choice.  I learned years ago that my spiritual gift is vacuuming.  I bring out either the best or worse within those I engage with.  Considering all of that, when individuals indirectly attack my spouse as a result of their vitriol towards me, that's when I want to lose my Christianity.


There've been a number of times (either amongst the Samson Society community or otherwise), over the past 7 years, where I've harbored quite (or to some lesser degree) the disdain for friend's wives.  Sometimes it was due to their temperament or maybe their general incompetency as a __________.  But rarely do guys pick up on this from me - unless I feel so moved - on behalf of what I'll dub "the greater good".  Therefore, I'm personally familiar with the circumstances surrounding what can manifest itself as indirect relational tension.  


Angie is one of those wives / mothers that's an easy target for cruel and hateful scorn.  She's one in a million, and as such, her halo is blindingly bright.  Therefore, most individuals recognize this immediately upon meeting her, and as a result, resentment can fester (towards her and me as her fortunate spouse) 'till an eventual breach.

Of note here though is that one of these three aforementioned occasions did manifest itself from the mouth of a man.  That was truly the most unusual (& demonstrative) profession of disgust with me as I witnessed this older guy cast his derogatory net wide enough to include Angie.  Weird.


Back in the '80s there was this stupid, terrible movie that played on HBO repeat an awful lot.  It was an early Stephen King adaptation called Firestarter, and it starred a young, way overrated actress who had a reputation for spending her free time in bars in LA.  That being said, the only redeeming quality of this screen turd was the inclusion of Mr. George C. Scott (one of my favorite actors), though it was unfortunate that he found himself mixed up in this cinematic debacle.

Case in point, if I weren't a Christian, I'd want to be Drew Barrymore's character in that stupid movie.  

Hopefully you catch my drift.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Are Males Who Regale In Their Homosexual Sin Really Men (Physicality Notwithstanding)?

The only way I know how to answer that question is to consider what men crave:  Respect.  

Taking that into account, should you provide respect to men who're actively participating in homosexual sin?  What if their expectations for respect are not the same as those for straight men, does that - in and of itself - disqualify them from manhood?  Conversely, how do men with homosexual desires best lend respect to other men (no matter the orientation), and if they choose not to abide by "traditional" rules, does that disqualify they themselves similarly despite their not actively participating in homosexual sin?

Well, let's break down the actual act of paying / providing respect to someone - from a "traditional" standpoint.


Think about attending a wake / funeral.  This is an act of paying respect despite the fact that it's an end of life exercise that arguably doesn't require but an hour or so of your time / attention.  Yet, you're definitely involving yourself quietly within this individual's Earthly existence.

And that involvement really is pretty profound, if you consider it for a few moments.  Why?

Attending a funeral isn't a private affair.  If you do it right, you're engaging with the family prior or post attending some form of a service.  And by doing this, you're acknowledging that person's story, their representation of humanity, as they saw fit to play it out, throughout the course of their life.  I would argue this to be one of the highest forms of showing / paying respect, but too, it likely serves as a microcosm relative to respectful days past.  Arguably, a man's zenith relative to garnering respect may very well culminate at his end of days.

Somewhat in opposition to that, what does the Bible present to us relative to men who're actively involved in homosexual sin?  Specifically, how does God react to it?  

Oh, it's bad.  You know that.  It's really, really bad.

There are two instances Biblically where terrible repercussions are dealt out to entire municipalities due to the torrid ubiquity of homosexual sin.

Too, the Bible speaks of men who're "turned over to" their homosexual desires.  This implies that God releases them from their God-given natural tendencies (orientation) completely, and from there, there's no turning back.

Whilst circling back to the notion of funerals, often homosexual sin promulgates sexually transmitted diseases.  These infectious diseases do shorten life either directly or by making a man's body indirectly more vulnerable to other issues down the road.

One area of the church that you rarely, if ever, hear anything about is its active involvement in supporting HIV / AIDS patients / ministries that do so  And this is either during their diagnoses of the virus infection or at the end stage when the virus has mutated into Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.  The flashpoint here is that HIV is primarily a virus infection that men who're actively involved in homosexual sin (sodomy) are physically susceptible to.  There's no arguing against the fact that the Bible doesn't shy away from clearly modeling the mandate (Jesus teaching & modeling for us) of caring for the sick, yet the church is often staunchly unsupportive of putting any of its resources towards ministerial opportunities that even remotely condones sinful behavior.  And I believe this is an awesomely helpful litmus test for us as individuals.  


There are eleven houses on our cul-de-sac, one of which has been mortgaged thrice (over the past 20+ years of its existence).  The current mortgagee is a middle-aged bachelor who discreetly moved out many months ago to live with his girlfriend.  The girlfriend's abode must not be too far away because our neighbor regularly drives through to check his mail and take a gander at his empty house, and about every two weeks, he'll use a portion of his Sunday to maintain the landscaping prior to returning to his home away from home.  

This particular house was occupied when we mortgaged our home back in late 2000.  It was one of two others that were built at the time Angie and I came "on the scene".  And as such, the home has had zero renovation work done to it since its initial occupancy two decades ago.  Perhaps this status quo might persists for a few years longer, but eventually, costly renovation work will need to be done (especially if the home is ever listed "For Sale").

Weirdly enough, (& I won't go into too many details here) my parents have the same exact situation going on with one of their bachelor neighbors (within their suburban 'hood), though that house is considerably larger and the bachelor considerably older.

This is a setup that feels exceedingly juvenile to me.  Especially from the standpoint of leaving all ten of us neighbors in the dark as to why the house is now empty.  Therefore, I can't comprehend why this mid-50s year old man would behave this way.


Now, let's talk about my favorite topic.  Sex.  

Sex can be mighty important to some men from the standpoint of bringing about copious amounts of respect (perceived or otherwise).  I recall vividly my potluck roommate during my sophomore year at MSU wooing women into our dorm room in order to receive AM fellatio in between classes.  How disconcerting it was to attempt to unlock our dorm room door after my first class only to have it immediately slammed in my face in response to my unexpected arrival "home".  

Man, those were some good collegiate memories indeed!

But again, this is juvenile behavior.  We're focuses on men within this post.  Not horny boys.  But, maybe the answers to some of these questions I've posed simply is a question of true manhood versus boyhood.


I spent at least six months being counseled by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi back in 1995.  The sessions were executed via landline telephone, but nevertheless, they were so helpful to me at the time.  Dr. Nicolosi spent a lot of time corroborating my understanding of how my early childhood days (in particular) had set the stage for me to develop homosexual desires.  He also hastened to tell me that there was at least a 50% chance that these homosexual desires would never go away - no matter if I remained single or married (obviously female at the time) the love of my life. 

We also talked an awful lot about homosexual desires being greatly undermined / placated / diminished by one working diligently to "advance" into the "world of men".  And what he meant by that was behaving like a man, even within areas of my life that (within that vein) I was exceedingly naïve and cautious / hesitant / uncomfortable towards. 

As I thought more and more about this, I realized that I was not a whole lot different than every other guy out there (I was in my early 20s at the time).  No doubt, advancing into the "world of men" can be a frightening thought for a lot of guys, and I just happened to be one of those who'd hyper-sexualized countless other men in reaction to that fear.


So, here the questions I posed again:  ...should you provide respect to men who're actively participating in homosexual sin?  What if their expectations for respect are not the same as those for straight men, does that - in and of itself - disqualify them from manhood?  

No, you shouldn't.  They're behaving like boys and as such, as boys often do, they're only thinking of their own desires / wants (in regards to their homosexual desires) versus the health / welfare of those around him.  A healthy, God-breathed relationship between men should never contain a sexual component(s).  Of course, that statement runs counter to everything our culture embraces here in 2021 as it pertains to admitting to and managing homosexual desires.

Conversely, how do men with homosexual desires best lend respect to other men (no matter the orientation), and if they choose not to abide by "traditional" rules, does that disqualify they themselves similarly despite their not actively participating in homosexual sin?

The key to this question are the words "other men" (no matter the orientation).  This implies that the guy with homosexual desires is a (behaving like a) man (respect) as well, therefore that truth dictates his motive / intentions behind how his respecting will / should always be played out.  

Men who have the chutzpah to fess up to their homosexual desires are to be commended for their bravery in doing so.  From there, the next question for him is - what are you doing / going to do to maximize this opportunity to daily relinquish this particular thorn to Christ in anticipation of seeing him use it to his glory?  Also, considering pragmatics, where's your support?  It's a two-way street.   

Thursday, April 8, 2021

If Samson Society Has Been A Benefit To You, Why Not Support The Ministry Financially? Don't Just Be A Taker. Be A Giver. It's Enriching To A Man's Soul To Give Generously.


Dear Rob
Spring has arrived and there is new life sprouting up everywhere. That’s particularly true for Samson Society. 

Here are just a few examples:
  • We have been averaging 3-5 men in our daily Newcomer meetings, and many of those men are diving right in to weekly online meetings and connecting with a Silas as a daily traveling companion. That’s between 90 and 150 new members per month!
  • We now have over 1800 men receiving our daily devotional, or listening to it on Alexa or podcasts.
  • We have added The Sarah Society for the wives and girlfriends of Pirate Monks and it is thriving. There is hope for those devastated by the trauma of betrayal.
  • In the last few months we have added Samson meetings in Italian, Spanish, and Russian languages, with French and Chinese in the works. Plus, we have men from 49 countries attending meetings.
And then we get this message from a new Pirate Monk:
"Just wanted to say thank you for everyone here. It has been a difficult road, but slowly I’m getting there, step by step (and a few steps back along the way too). So thanks for being there. I don’t know where I’d be without my Samson Society brothers, but I’m glad I’m here (and my wife is too!).”
We have so much for which to be grateful, not the least of which is YOU. Thank you for your support of the Samson Society mission through Samson House. 
We continue to rescue families by helping men live in the freedom of authenticity, but the need continues to grow as well. As more and more people realize the destructive habit of porn use feeds the human trafficking industry, Samson Society’s profile is attracting more attention. We’re up for the challenge, but we need your ongoing support. If you haven’t already, please consider increasing your contribution and making it monthly. Thank you for your support!
You can contribute HERE.
As always, please feel free to contact us with questions and constructive comments. We are partners in this great work. And it cannot go without mention, we need your prayers - we are well aware of the enemy against whom we fight this battle.

Gratefully yours,
Tom Moucka
Samson House, President

Nate Larkin
Samson Society, Founder
Contribute Here