Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What Exactly Are You Looking For Whilst Consuming Salacious Material?

I would argue that it's respect.  Respect for your own self first and foremost.

Many men (pagan or otherwise) never realize this, and why should they?  Instead, they simply pontificate about what it is they're drawn to within salacious photographic material.  And this day and age, thanks to the Internet, this can go on ad nauseum (just as the material itself can).

Of course, most boys spend some time consuming salacious material simply due to the newness of it all coupled with hormones.  Teenage boys = case in point = normal.

I believe most Christian men simply stop thinking clearly post consumption.  The guilt and shame are too much, thoroughly gumming up their synapses.  Most have been reared in environments that are such sexuality discourse vacuums that they're unequipped to even begin to handle the Pandora's Box that's been opened by said salacious photographic material.  A number of individuals cite this developmental neglect whilst describing their ramping up towards their inevitable addiction.  Perhaps.  I do know that there's a massive vulnerability there, and it's rooted in simply ill equipped Christian men facing one of the, if not the most culturally amplified identifier there is sans any real knowledge of what they're facing from the standpoint of what it's doing to them and why.

"Are you gay?  Straight?  A virgin?  Have you had sex with her / him?"

"How's your sex life?  What are you doing to make yourself more attractive?  Do you feel attractive today?"

Sex has become the the lens within our western culture that we've chosen to see humanity through, therefore due to the ubiquity of cultural influence, we find ourselves using it within a similar vein.  It's almost impossible not to.

So that's two issues at stake here, one rooted in emotions fueled by blatant, childlike ignorance and the other fueled by circumstance / setting.


There is little respect from outside sources this day and age relative to simply being a man, and one could argue this is well deserved due to men's penchant to abuse, neglect, strongarming both women, children, and other men in order to please themselves.  But too, due to our present day global "knowledge economy", the specific attributes of being men - physical attributes in particular - do not automatically appoint us to serve as the breadwinner / protector / fighter - this day and age - within our households.  Instead, our vocational roles (& therefore familial roles), at least, have become equalized across the board.

Something else to consider.  Biblically, men are called to serve (their wives firstly), but most men within our culture cannot identify any part of themselves on any level with scripture.  Why is this?

Because the Bible is God's Word.  Written word.  In book form.

My how different the world of men would be had God either utilized a Netflix series to relay his plan for his created world or hired a couple of NFL teams to spell it out during a pre-game show!

Two more issues at stake.  Men's masculine roles being massively infringed upon / squeezed / diluted coupled with the ignorance of men relative to their cursory understanding of God's expectations for them.


"Stave off every sin option!"  That's what my friend would say.  "Stop fertilizing that particular row of your mental garden.  Cut off that route."  You get the picture.  And it makes sense, but there's that root problem that's not being addressed.  The one that points back to the title of this post.  And I hate asking this question because it's so hard to admit to needing to be answered.


When I was a boy (only child), a good neighborhood friend (also an only child) would have me over to his house much more often than me returning the favor likewise.  In looking back, this was because I much more enjoyed time over there than time at my own home (w/ my friend in tow).  And this was rooted in what I saw / experienced of his household and how vastly different it was than my own.

My friend's father was, by today's standards, a dirty, old man.  He was the antithesis of what I was used to seeing within my boyhood world.  The man actually looked dirty, if you know what I mean.  His skin was leathery and tan with a few murky green tattoos scattered about.  He drank whiskey and told dirty jokes.  And he was always sitting in his recliner over in the corner of their small den flipping through channels on their CRT TV as furniture.

But the most interesting thing about this man was his willingness to dialogue with us boys.  Not about school or toys, Boy Scouting (my friend and I were in the same cub scout troop) or church, but women and wine, sex and all things profane.  It was shocking at first to be around this, but so different than another friend's dad who simply laid silently on their couch all the time corpse-like.  The man was motionless whilst staring at the TV, never once acknowledging our presence as we traversed silently to and fro through their small den.

By today's standards / expectations, my friend's dad (if he were still living) would represent the ultimate politically incorrect caricature of a man, but I would argue, also by today's standards, that my memory of him embodies the perpetual anchoring of truth, relative to true manhood, from the angle of who we all would like on some level to grow up to be.  And this I believe was true despite his crustiness and unrefined influence.  I mean, you certainly had to work to see through that perimeter, but from there, he was simply to be respected.  Plus, he had a wonderful sense of humor and was genuinely a fun-loving older man.  Below is a photo of the mid '80s 4Runner.  He had one of these (it was navy blue with a black top) with a Dukes of Hazzard horn.


1.  If you're going to love and love well, you must firstly love yourself as the man God created you to be.  And that internal love is rooted in respect (for yourself).  2.  Despite our culture's choosing to elevate sexuality as its language / rating system for life in general, we're absolutely not wise to follow suit, but as men, especially Christian men, we should be moreso enlightened to why this is effectively so (& its affecting role on us) more than anyone else.  And from there, I would argue, peace settles in, and we're sort of "in on the childishness of it all" if you know what I mean.

3.  Now, when it comes to my third point, it's simply the reality we live in.  Some guys experience a lot of background feedback from this equalization paradigm, but overall, the key, in my experience, is always tied to who exactly you're working / living with in this vein and how you're treated in turn / given an opportunity to treat / serve in return.  Specific ingredients make the recipe either soar or fall flat.

4.  And finally, here we are back at the beginning relative to acknowledging an understanding of God's word and how it can be applied to our lives today as Christians.

As an aside, my Silas and I meet weekly and we're embarking this year on taking some time to study specifics on certain Biblical men including:   

-  Moses

-  Joshua

-  Job

-  David

-  Daniel

-  Paul

-  Barnabas

I'm tasked with coming up with five questions that will be used to analyze each well.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Friendly Friend To A "Super Silas"

Being a Silas to another man within Samson Society requires patience and stamina.  I recently used the analogy of serving a pro golfer as his caddy.  Hence, you're at his disposable all during the game, whether you're listening or simply walking alongside praying silently that he'll stay the course.

When I first took on this role beside another Samson man back in 2014, I immediately felt the weight of emotional responsibility bearing down on my shoulders.  Having only served one other friend (pre-Samson Society) within this capacity, I at least didn't consider myself a complete novice.  But, that being said, it was still very hard.  And what a commitment!  To answer my cellphone irregardless of how I felt at the time, to listen to my friend talk about whatever as I attempted to draw out his feelings / learn as much as I could along the way, all before ending with prayer.

In many ways, it's not unlike having an unexpected man-date two or three times a week.  And these weeks can add up to months, sometimes years.

Now, keep in mind that not every Silas relationship worked as I've previously described here.  Some were always always face to face dialogues, whether over breakfast, lunch, or coffee, therefore the rhythm of communication was different.  It just depended on the Samson man, taking into consideration his preference.  Again, it harkens back to that caddy analogy.  You serve the man you're committed to by answering the phone, responding to the text message, and showing up on cue in order for the other man to not be alone.


And this that I've described so far is a tough truth that most Samson men deduce fairly quickly relative to how the Silas portion of The Path actually works.  Hence, some men's trepidation to commit to such a role.  From there, you end up (within the Samson Society community) with what I'll dub "Super Silases", and these are men who seem to take on the aforementioned Silas responsibilities with aplomb, thusly - inevitably - formally connecting with a plethora of other men as the years rock on.  "S-U-P-E-R  S-I-L-A-S!"

And I'm fortunate to be one of those men, and it is really cool to say that because each time I've been approached to serve within the Silas capacity, I've been further humbled as a Christian and as a friend.


But for Samson men who're not necessarily hardwired to serve as a Silas, they're like the golfers who're solely focused on their game.  And golfers, as we all know, are all about their game.  And I get that.


In closing, I've been serving as a Silas as of late to a man in Florida.  I was referred by Nate Larkin to this man after Nate spoke at his church in Orlando.  This man is currently and throughout 2019 involved in a Christian's men ministry dubbed "Conquer", therefore he's seen a lot of sanctification occur through that ministry alone.

Of all the stories I've heard whilst serving as a Silas, none have come close to my new friend's story.  In fact, even after walking closely with him now for a number of months, I sometimes still cannot believe what's he shared with me relative to his sin travails - over the course of his decades-long married life.  All and all though, taking into account everything I've said here, I can say wholeheartedly that it is amazing to see God work within men's lives.  To witness redemption up close and personal, as I've seen, is tantamount to being part and parcel to miracles.

But, on occasion, despite the commitment (again, detailed at length above) as another man's Silas, there's an element of obvious appreciation and connection that can sometimes develop, and this involves the golfer stopping short of stepping back up onto his pedestal despite it being his rightful place.  And that's where I'm at today with my Florida friend, and it's a gift, taking into consideration the zenith of wreckage his story represents, within my own journey, alongside many as their Silas.

As of today, I have to admit that I have less and less tolerance for listening to men.  And this makes me wonder as to whether God is tamping down on the supposed "Super Silas" that I once felt I was.  Perhaps back then it was the massive trauma from 2013, which has long since been healed, that relegated me to having the needed compassion, or maybe I'm just as arrogant, pigheaded, and impatient as I ever was.  I'm inclined today to believe it's likely the latter.  Who's to say these truth-be-told attributes aren't being exacerbated by the fact that I'm simply less inclined to be tolerant of my own frustration(s) with other men due to my present-day comfort inside of this particular Christian community of men?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Philippians 2:4

Our family took a short vacation over the past few days up to Yazoo county.  My wife's deceased uncle left his 4 children a spectacular farmhouse there that we're privileged to gain access to on occasion.  It sits on 60 pastoral acres, and the terrain there is quite un-Mississippi like (hilly).  To sum it up, the hardwood trees are spectacular and the 3 ponds bucolic.  We absolutely love spending time there, stealing away (pro bono) from the city.

Not long after Angie and I were married 23 years ago, this same uncle hosted Thanksgiving at his home in Yazoo City (the county seat of Yazoo county).  I remember driving up with my wife's family and her brother to spend Thanksgiving lunch with everyone there.  Their home (now sold off) sat on the country club golf course and the layout was very much unlike what I expected to see ('70s modern).  This was the only time I recall Thanksgiving being hosted at this venue.

After a couple of three hours of familial investing around the dinner table, we departed for Jackson.  Our time there had been delightful.  My wife's family was so welcoming and engaging.  I was thrilled to have had the opportunity to take part, therefore even today, as I'm coming off of our mini-vacation, I'm nostalgic relative to that day decades prior.


One of the first attributes of my in-laws that I was made aware of as their son-in-law was their refined palettes.  It was obvious from the getgo that meals for them were especially savored, whether they were served at their home or eaten out.  This was not what I'd ever witnessed prior within my own home.  The Turners didn't take the time to savor food.  There were too many other things to move on to after breakfast / lunch / dinner, if you know what I mean.  And honestly, I believe my in-laws sensed that, and thought less of me for it (which whilst looking back, I can understand).

As we were backing out of the driveway from the aforementioned Thanksgiving meal in Yazoo City, I remember distinctly that the food critiquing was kicked off by my brother in-law.  From there, I was in awe as I listened to everyone precisely adjudicate the meal we'd just partaken of as one would critique a film / play at the local movie house / theater.  I had no idea just how outmatched / out of my league I truly was, therefore I just sat there with a big grin on my face.


My mother is what I'm going to dub here as an amateur interior decorator / gardener, and her feng shui is hyper-focused on popular trends.  In fact, the trendier, the better.  One of her favorite pastimes is touring other people's homes / gardens in order to critique and steal ideas for her own home / garden.  As an only child (boy), I was always interested in hanging out with friends in order to counteract the inherent singular boredom.  My mom, on occasion, would strongly hint that hanging out at other kids' abodes would be doing her a favor in light of the work that entailed having to tidy up her masterpiece after us "hoodlums".  I share that here as an example of just how invested she was / is in her home.  It is and always has been truly spectacular.


There is great wisdom in looking closely at one's surroundings in order to understand to the best of your biased ability who you are in context to those around you, but to also do this with other people's feelings / spiritual value in mind is truly an extraordinary feat.

In order to do so, one must have humility overlayed with care and concern.  And those traits are not of man's flesh.  Not at all.  Hence, the mandate of the transformational gospel must come into play.

One thing, I have found, that helps though is being cognizant of your own brokenness (sin nature) and exactly how crippling it truly is / has been.  Being able to name it, explain it, quantify it - so to speak - puts your outlook at an advantage here and hopefully will guardrail you from ALSO dragging others under as well (when you do choose to give into your rebellious nature).

But, I have to admit, it's finding that balance that's such a challenge for me.  I can be so critical whilst tapping into my observational / critiquing skills, never once taking into consideration how my adjudication might be received.  And the opposite too can occur.  Years ago, I took it upon myself to compliment another Samson man's courageous approach to an outdoor endeavor we both chose to take part in one Summer afternoon, and from there, due exclusively to my approach, I put our friendship over the edge.

It is very hard for me to know exactly how to execute the wisdom of this verse day to day.  Nevertheless, I do believe the best approach is a cautionary one mated to that age-old reminder (for me and everyone else) that I'm truly the most fucked up of all.   May God grant me the wisdom to live out Philippians 2:4 to his glory within 2020!

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Emotional Achilles' Heel

I believe every man is wise to work to identify his emotional Achilles' Heel.

Not an emotion itself, but circumstantially (in general terms), what might very well bring about emotional trauma.

I realize we cannot forecast how vulnerable our hearts are situation to situation.  It's impossible to know exactly what emotional fallout (if any) will occur 'till we experience it, but we can, again in general terms, look to our needs to identify our potential weaknesses.

For me, it all points back to what I discussed within a former blog post which focused on mentoring.