Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Poem From A Bleak Place - Jason Moore

This inner nausea takes flight.

A familiar tone to the voice

I’m hurt and alone tonight
My actions come down to a choice.

I can see blood under my skin
Clenching my fists in hurt
The deafening tone of sin
The weight of this shameful shirt.

A plea for mercy tonight

A sacrifice to worship my king
I try to maintain my strength for this fight
A struggle to praise and sing.

"Momma's Been Married Five Times."

A few weekends back, I had lunch with a friend from church as an embarrassingly tardy follow-up.  He's one of those (surprisingly cool) middle-aged men who's a contrarian (taking his own upbringing into consideration) relative to his marriage / rearing of his own children.

When he and I dined together initially (pre-pandemic - 2019? - I honestly can't recall exactly), I vaguely remember him chatting a fair amount about his devout Christian mother.  He likely mentioned (the embarrassing truth) her marital track record then, but it must have blown past Rob without registering.  More than likely, I simply had forgotten about this curiosity.  Or perhaps, I felt a pity overflow (for him), and therefore simply refused to allow it to stick.  Considering this latter assumption, I cannot underestimate the fact that today, he presents himself as a really nice guy who simply found himself (as a boy) within the line of fire as a result of his mother's issues.


I have a deceased uncle whose second wife (& mother to three of my cousins) is now married to husband #6 or maybe #7.  She's - at present - essentially estranged from some (if not all) of her three children due to this chronic romantic recklessness.  

Back in the early '80s, she was repeatedly unfaithful (with her eventual second husband) to my uncle which subsequently resulted in their divorce.  

There's a story that I've heard my father (& another deceased uncle - my dad's younger brother) reminisce about relative to some of her infidelity hijinks during this time.  It has to do with the two of them accompanying their brother (her then husband) on an "adultery stakeout" in small town Mississippi.  The punchline zeroed in on her large breasts stalling her from escaping out of her lover's bathroom window (supposedly topless) in reaction to her husband (my suspecting uncle) banging on the front door.  

I recall the first time (+/-15 years ago) I heard my dad and his younger brother awkwardly retell this heartbreaking tale.  For everyone knew that it was her husband's punitive - after the fact - physical reaction (he assaulted her) that gave her clear legal credence to ultimately file for divorce (& gain custody of my cousins).  From there, their beautiful three boys were gone forever.


I never really thought about / considered women being compulsive sex consumers until I became involved in Samson Society.

Years ago, a former parishioner at Lakeside Pres was referred to me (as the then facilitator of the Lakeside Pres Samson Society group).  He and I had dined casually once prior, but circumstances being what they were now, our second sit-down was not at all as jovial as the first.  As a result, he agreed to attend his first (& only) Saturday morning meeting.

The first statement out of his mouth was (during share time):  "My wife is a sex addict.  That's why I'm here."

That's the one and only time I've ever heard a guy make that statement within all the hundreds and hundreds of Samson meetings I've attended since August of 2014.  


I've known of a few older Samson guys who've married much younger (& understandably hornier) women.  Youth = vitality (particularly as it relates to libido).

But that's not what I'm attempting to address here.  This has more to do with women who've allowed sex to become perpetually disproportioned relative to its influence / relevance within a romantic relationship.  And what makes this so weird to wrap one's brain around has to do with how the majority of women approach sex overall.

Sexual activity for a woman is 99% of the time rooted in the notion of security.  Even if it's an illusion or fantasy.  

Women participate in intercourse believing for those few minutes that their lover is their "knight in shining armor".  It's a powerfully securing experience for them that promulgates feminine orgasm.  Anatomically, with men "going into" women with their penises, the act itself demonstrates this consensual act.  Otherwise, it's rape / assault.

As such, sex for women is never cheap because their heart (either literally or fantastically) is involved each and every time it occurs.


But there are those women - no doubt - who're moreso like (some) men regarding sexual perspective.  Hence, it has become a methodology or technique to control / use / abuse, and as such, they themselves see no need for being "protected" / "heart connected" by / to their lover.  Instead, it's simply a pleasurable experience that satiates their horniness for such a time as that.  And this drives them onward, brandishing their seductiveness to whomever they wish to use within their orbit.

To me, this is an ugly description, but especially so if it happens to be your momma.  Yuck.


In closing, when I worked at Delta State University in 2013, I had the good fortune of befriending one of my employees - to the degree that I circumstantially (conflict of interest) could.  He was an absolutely beautiful (physically & emotionally) pagan man with such a sweet spirit.  I was so fortunate to know him for those fast-moving twelve months.

What truly drew us together was him choosing to (reluctantly) answer my questions about his upbringing there in the Mississippi Delta.  And part of that commentary inevitably centered on his mother.  

This man had no issue labeling her a "whore".  This was shocking to hear, but nevertheless, he described how pervasive her routine was at bedding men throughout the impoverished region during his growing up years.  

I imagine, taking his physical appearance into consideration, that she likely had been equally as attractive in her own right.

After Rob was fired from that institution in September of 2013, Angie and I did share one last meal with my work friend and his wife.  Afterwards, he and I sat out on his patio, and I awkwardly shared my story (to the best of my ability at the time).  

From there, we quickly lost touch as our family returned to the Jackson Metro.


The Bible addresses the women I'm attempting to describe here.  One of the most famous is actually within the lineage (bloodline) of Jesus (she was a prostitute).  

I know so little about what promulgates women like this, yet I've seen firsthand the tremendous suffering / shame their own sexual brokenness can cause.  It brings me pause, furthering my respect for men who carry this matriarchal legacy with them - day after day.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

"Inherently Broken" - JR Everhart

I recently spent some time dating an old friend.  She is a great gal ,and I'd hoped to try and take it slow, not mentioning sex at any point unless she brought it up.  

In all honesty, I didn’t even make it two days before steering the conversation towards sex talk.  My curiosity just wouldn’t settle down.  In reaction to this, she was very polite, all the while making it clear that she wasn’t ready for us to broach that topic.  I affirmed this, but my desire to chat about sex only went into pause.  My rationale was as follows:  I’d give it another day or two of deep conversations before testing the sexual waters again.  As a result, I was met with the same polite response:  Not yet.  As described, this manipulative, insensitive cycle continued for a next week and a half.

Today, she is no longer answering my messages.  And I know exactly why, and I don’t blame her!  With everything women have to deal with in the dating scene, the last thing they need is a guy like me who genuinely wants to be a good guy but is still continually struggling with lust.  BUT, this has encouraged me to take part in a self-inventory.  Especially since my wounded response resulted in me taking a deep dive back into porn to comfort the rejection I was feeling. 

I know deep down I’m not inherently broken.  But it sure feels that way.  Honestly, I’ve worn my brokenness like some sort of badge of honor for the last couple years.  Like being aware of my brokenness and having dedicated the last 10 years of my life to try and fix that brokenness makes me special somehow. It does not!  I’m less jacked up now than I was ten years ago, but I’m still obviously, very jacked up!  Jesus can save me from my sin and the death it carries with it, but he’s not transformed me into an obedient robot / reprogrammed my behavior.  That’s my responsibility.  His work on the cross was enough.  Do I somehow think it surely wasn’t because I can’t seem to walk in obedience, practicing the principles I urge others to adhere to within various recovery circles?  No, that’s the behavior of a hypocrite and honestly feels like a cop out.  As a result of this fallout, I know now to better connect with my recovery circles and practice more discipline in my daily time with God.  I fully understand that the more I connect with the Bible and my Christian brothers, the less I struggle.  But I’m not as consistent with those things as I should be.  Whose fault is that?  Mine!  It’s Roman’s 7 all over again. 
All that being said, I get exhausted from the fight and become lazy.  I get bored of hearing the same recovery principles taught, talked about, or shared in meetings.  And if I’m honest, I struggle that way with the Bible - rereading the same stuff over and over - too.  So here I am, after ten years of VERY hard work on myself, I still can’t maintain a normal dating relationship without derailing it via my sexual desires.  I’ve waited and been patient; I’ve prayed and done everything I could do to allow God to fix me, yet here I am only feeling 13.5% better than 10 years ago.  I’ve abstained from sex for over 2 1/2 years now since my divorce.  I’ve only had sex with one woman in the last 10 years and that was my ex-wife.  And it’s been zero fun!  Now I’m so "fixed" and "enlightened" that all I can see in 99.9% of the women I try to date is their own brokenness.  This does nothing for my libido.  And frankly, I’m tired of capitulating to broken women just to see them walk away to someone else.  I simply would like to say, “I’m the guy that did all that work with you, and you can’t show a little grace toward my freaky sexual desires?”  Are you starting to see the toxicity in my thinking? *facepalm* But it’s how I feel sometimes…
It’s like I’m stuck in Bizzaro world.  On the one hand, I’m too healed to qualify (any longer) for “player sex”, yet too broken to be taken seriously by any decent Christian woman.  So now what???  I stay the course and keep mining for those gold nuggets of grace.  Those nuggets that capitalize on my paid-for value in the face of my brokenness.  Ultimately, I know Jesus sees me as reconciled to the father through him. 

But what about the beautiful and intelligent friend I was trying to build something with?  Those regrets are still laying on my plate.  Acknowledging that, I might as well grab a fork and dig in, even if it’s the last thing I want to do. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What Is One of The Necessary Roles Of Journalism? To Promote Decency (Whilst HOPEFULLY Making You Think)

Illinois woman discovers dead husband in closet months after disappearance | Fox News

Hoarding is an extreme form of obsessing over oneself / one's inner thoughts.  It's a deep-seated bondage relative to one's psyche that manifests itself via chronic, compulsive consumption (purchase & stockpiling) of goods.  Oftentimes, for a hoarder, the cable television channel QVC or the URL, Craigslist / eBay, is on par with Internet porn for a Samson guy.

Hoarding is exploiting one's individual rights (related to consuming) within epidemic proportions.  It is being the ultimate PERSONAL advocate to such a degree that no one else's "well-being" is of concern except your own.


The greatest gift to the hoarder is the difficulty therein in hiding their problem (especially when the corpse of a loved one is unearthed within the hoarded goods). 

Immediately following our wedding, 26-years ago, Angie and I moved into our first home (an upstairs 2-bedroom apartment in Ridgeland).  We ended up leasing that flat for four years, and throughout the majority of that time, a hoarder lived beneath us.  I know this because of how apparent it was looking from the outside in.

Though I didn't consider myself a snoop, it was easy getting a clear view inside whilst circumnavigating to the back of our building (in order to empty our cat's litterbox).  I vividly recall how shocked I was the first time I glanced into her windows, particularly relative to her kitchen.  (Keep in mind that her flat's floor plan was identical to our own.)

Our neighbor's hoarding became so problematic that we (upstairs) began experiencing an ant invasion (they found their way into our staples within our small pantry).  Soon thereafter, I approached our downstairs neighbor.  With her being single (with one elementary age daughter), I didn't care to rat on her to management.  As a result (I'm assuming), the ant problem did subside, yet in no way did her overall living conditions improve (based on my continued indiscriminate / concerned observations).

Chronic porn use is exploiting one's individual online rights (related to consuming) within epidemic proportions.  It is being the ultimate PERSONAL advocate to such a degree that no one else's "well-being" is of concern except your own.

The greatest curse to the chronic porn user is the definitive vacuum by which they exist within. 


My first hope regarding finding support as a same-sex attracted Christian man was via reading online blogs (2007-).  These were blogs written by men who looked to be walking the same road I was attempting / had been attempting to navigate.  I knew there'd be no formal support available from my church (I'd looked hard) or within the community (here in Mississippi) at large, and that the professional journalism community (religious or secular) certainly wouldn't touch a story like my own with a ten-foot pole.  

These blog writings that had been published online were like a breath of fresh air within a vacuum.  And many of these men talked too of their struggle with chronic gay porn consumption (which I very much could relate to) now that the Internet was on the scene!

This is why I write here and encourage others to do the same.  Consider it an ode to that first gasp of resuscitating oxygen.

My hope is men can find hope before their inward obsessiveness results in the collateral damage that so often is the inevitable.  Perhaps this blog (journal) will in some way offer support as those aforementioned ones did for me - all those years ago.

Decency:  conformity to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste & modesty, etc.