Josh Duggar Sentenced to 12.5 Years in Prison for Child Pornography (
As a society, we love to witness others suffer. And this is especially true of us as westerners. For we are fiercely independent, existing in a world that's customizable to the nth degree. As such, we cannot help but find solace in patting ourselves on the back whilst observing our peers make more and more mistakes.
And this is especially true online. For the Internet represents the ultimate in nuanced freedom. So long as you know how to marginally utilize a browser, anything you can dream up will be at your fingertips in a split second.
Hence, you end up with scads of blokes like this one.
And we're supposed to slowly shake our heads and breathe a sigh of relief now that he's headed for over a decade to prison.
Why is illegal porn available online? Why is it possible to download illegal imagery at all?
I can't get my hands on arsenic. And I believe that's because it's a colorless, odorless poison that I could use to kill with. That makes sense.
Why can someone's employer provide them with a computer that can access illegal pornographic imagery? Why isn't the employer liable to any degree here or perhaps the PC manufacturer?
Why doesn't anyone really give a shit about men like this Duggar boy and his now completely fucked up life?
There is nothing we westerners desire more than maintaining our individual privileges, rights and status quo. For we are a - by default - intrinsically self-focused people. A people too busy planning our next vacation, landscaping our yards, adopting yet another mutt from the animal shelter, or aborting our burdensome, mistaken offspring.
Let this be a warning to you dear reader: You too can be demonized someday just as Mr. Duggar is. The Internet is on the prowl, looking to eat its next victim alive.