This past weekend, I dropped in on a former friend who also happens to live within our 'hood. Keep in mind that we'd only seen each other in passing over the past 14 years simply due to proximity / logistics (our neighborhood is not large), and more often than not, I refused to even make eye contact due to the discomfort his presence caused me.
My reason for dropping in was obligatory, but what I wasn't expecting from him was his warm welcome on this Sunday afternoon. He ushered me into his living room, and despite the fact that we immediately got down to business, I could sense that he didn't want me to rush in the least. What was reconciling too was returning to that very space. His living room. That's where our friendship had last left off.
As a result of this juncture, it was apparent to me that the fly in our platonic ointment had somehow been seemingly removed. Therefore, I took hope from this reboot relative to my rejection scar eventually healing up completely.
And to top it off, he agreed to my formal request (tied to why exactly I was there to begin with). So, all in all, I walked out very different than I had walking in.
In looking back on this tonight, I believe my former friend's change in outlook relative to my value (to him) as a human being was tied to me proving him wrong. And this was in regards to me having been faithful (in spite of his unbelief in me being able to do so) to who I set out to be (in his eyes) 14 years prior.
I remember distinctly my former friend / neighbor having an awful lot of baggage (as did I) that he brought with him into the relationship when we were both so much younger. And it was baggage that he at least wasn't willing to explore / unpack with me at the time. And unfortunately (or fortunately), I found this out via a swift decoupling.
This guy was intelligent too. And we had similar interests. Close to the same age, etc.
It sucked to see this relational schism occur, but I prayed for reconciliation nonetheless. I just had no legitimate ill will against this man. I could not discount his hurt despite how he hurt me.
Who would have thought reconciliation would actually someday occur?
I know we all have experienced friendships that naturally fall apart for various reasons over time. And those are simply part of life's circumstances (to be included as well within the dynamics of Samson Society). But, hopefully few of you have experienced a friendship literally jumping the tracks as this one did for me back in 2006. When this occurs, it's jarring and concussive. Literally to the point of leaving you not knowing which way is up. And it can have you questioning repeatedly your own motives whilst perhaps too losing faith in the concept of friendship as a whole.
Thanks be to God for what occurred this past Sunday afternoon. I'm still smiling.
If you, dear reader, are still holding out hope for a (seemingly) long dead friendship, continue to pray for healing. Reconciliation is super sweet and well worth the wait.