Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

"I Found Jesus In Prison..." Ethan #2


"For it is true, we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.  And so, it's those we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them - we can love them completely without completely understanding."


Norman Maclean ~ A River Runs Through It

Recommended Reading

 Clancy Martin Is Making Peace With His Suicidal Tendencies (fatherly.com)

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Control Or Freedom" - JR Everhart

I was listening to the Pirate Monk podcast today with special guest John Eldredge.  There were many things discussed that struck a nerve with me, but in lieu of writing about them all, one statement hit me hardest.  John said, ”You either choose control or freedom.  But you can’t have both…” 

Being a habitual control freak for most of my life, this statement really made me dive deep into the foundations of my control issues.  I’ve worked very hard to untangle my control issues and discovered that the first few layers of this compulsive behavior had been built on fear.  In my sick, addiction brain, I thought I could control the world around me.  Control the harm that effected my loved ones, and do damage control regarding Murphy’s Law of:  “if anything can go wrong it probably will…”.  

Fear of someone seeing me unable to be completely self-sufficient, fear of not being enough, and the biggest one that caused the most damage in my life… fear of abandonment.  Obsessing over control lies to us, telling us (mostly on a subconscious level) that we can save ourselves from the pain of this world if we can just control everything and everyone around us.  My hardest test within my day-to-day life was allowing my kids to make poor choices.  I always desired to step in and control the situation in order to save them from their own free will.  Whilst reflecting on that, I often wonder how hard this same hands-off approach must be on our loving Heavenly Father as he to sits back and watches us do the same.  But that’s a different discussion. 
At times, codependency is riding shot gun with control.  Control - who's driving the car at 130mph while both of them are screaming and yelling like mindless idiots, heading straight for a 10ft thick brick wall.  That brick wall is absolute destruction relative to any hope of peace and harmony within our lives.  From there, then chaos may very well creep into the control freak's life by whispering lies of impending doom.  For decades, I could never realize why I had no peace and harmony in my life. No matter how hard I tried, I always felt like total calamity was just around the corner.  I still fight this sense of eminent failure, particularly as it relates to my career.  I have layers of redundancy built into everything I do because of this.  I spend sleepless nights playing out the next day's events over and over in my head trying to find a crack in the wall or any minute detail that I may have overlooked.  It’s exhausting and brings about mountains of stress.  I’ve had to learn to do my due diligence and then let it go.  This whole process of control that I'm in bondage to is insanity that I can never find peace with, and it's all due to me acting out these control behaviors.  
But there are times when I’m able to draw boundaries and simply breathe.  This is when freedom arrives, and I’m able to have peace again.  I’ve had to learn to be okay with watching my loved ones fail.  This is very hard!  But what I’ve come to realize is that it’s only through those failures that they can truly grow and learn the lessons life has to teach.  So, I’m actually doing them a disservice by trying to control everything all the time.  Failure is a part of life, and the sooner we get comfortable with allowing others to discover God's purpose inside their problems, the sooner they will mature into the strong, adjusted people we had hoped for all along. 
For years, I couldn’t figure out why my loved ones weren't hearing my words of direction in an attempt to correct their trajectory.  Eventually I realized it’s because you can endlessly tell a person to not put their hand on a hot stove before seeing them choose to do it anyway.  As a result, the burn they receive on their hand teaches them far more deeply than my words ever could have.  Letting go of the desire to police everyone’s life is like mana from heaven.  It opens up our hearts to receive great wisdom.  Letting go and letting God, delivers the freedom and harmony that control promises but never seems to deliver on.  John Eldredge talked about praying this one simple prayer - “Lord, I give everything and everybody to you…”  He does this repeatedly, letting go of the stress and anxiety.  I think I’m going to start giving that one a test drive in my own prayer life today. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

A Very Important Samson Announcement


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

"I Found Jesus In Prison..." Ethan #1

"For it is true, we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.  And so, it's those we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them - we can love them completely without completely understanding."


Norman Maclean ~ A River Runs Through It


As I begin to share Ethan's writing with you, I felt it appropriate to begin with an article he wrote some time into his incarceration. In this article, he was thinking about his eventual re-entry into society, and reflecting upon his time spent behind bars. It is a fitting way to begin this series.




Monday, May 22, 2023

"I Found Jesus in Prison..." Ethan Intro.


"For it is true, we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.  And so, it's those we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them - we can love them completely without completely understanding."


Norman Maclean ~ A River Runs Through It



I found Jesus in Prison…


Throughout my 30's and into my 40's, I have been in and out of our state prison system many times. But somehow, only by the grace of God, I have always managed to get out! It's like I tell my son all the time: "going into prison isn't necessarily a bad thing...just make sure that you can get out!" The old cliché would have you believe that a good number of men who enter into prison find "religion" and subsequently find Jesus. Many, however, do not. I suppose that is true to a certain extent, as I have seen a great many men who have experienced a heart change that made them desire something that only Jesus can give. I figure that there is something about hearing that big, metal door slam shut behind you that will make you realize that there is no way out, and no hope for the future except through kneeling at the cross of Jesus!


Back in February 2011, I was invited to join Kairos Prison Ministry International. While I was initially very apprehensive about going inside the walls of a prison, I prayed about it and quickly felt as it was indeed God's will for my life at that time. A year after beginning my involvement in Kairos, I was asked to help start a "re-entry" mentoring program that had been the brainchild of one of the executive directors at a local television station. Normally, the rules of Kairos state that you are not allowed to be a part of another prison ministry while concurrently serving in Kairos. This program was one of the few exceptions made, and my dear friend, "Buddy" and myself began mentoring men inside the walls of Central Mississippi Correctional Facility.


The program was designed to mentor men who were within one to two years of release, in order to prepare them for re-entry into society on the outside. Buddy and I had the opportunity to go through the mentoring process with two separate individuals, both of whom went on to be released.


I met Ethan in the fall of 2012 when I was around 32. He went through a Kairos weekend that I was serving on. He was only around 21 or 22 years of age, but was such an old soul. Indeed, what struck me was that he possessed a depth that very few early twenty somethings could lay claim to. Ethan was quiet, soft-spoken and very humble. He had found himself in prison due to series of tragic events that had taken place in his life. When he was in high school, Ethan's dad, a healthy, fit man in the prime of his life, suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack; I honestly believe that this had caused Ethan's life to derail for a period of time.


It wasn't too long after the Kairos weekend ended, that Buddy and I began to wrap up mentoring our second "mentee." I needed a break, and had planned on not mentoring for a period of time while I took a sabbatical. However, Ethan had mentioned during the Kairos weekend that he was looking for a mentor and had just been accepted into the re-entry mentoring program. He found out that I was involved with the program, and had approached me asking if I knew of anyone willing to mentor him.


After the weekend, I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan, and what it would be like to mentor him. After much prayer, I called Buddy and hold him what was on my heart. I asked Buddy if he would be willing to work with me for a third time so that we might mentor Ethan. Buddy said yes, he would, but he shared a very surprising revelation with me.


There was a longtime Kairos volunteer by the name of "Mickey" (yes, like the mouse) who had served on the last Kairos weekend where I had met Ethan. Mickey had never been a part of the mentoring program, and had never mentored before, but had been a part of many Kairos weekends both at CMCF and at Parchman penitentiary. On the weekend, Mickey had recognized Ethan, and had mentioned to Buddy in passing that Ethan's late father had been his best friend in high school as well as his roommate in college. Ethan knew of Mickey, but two had not really had a chance to connect over the Kairos weekend. Ethan was apparently the spitting image of his late father, so it had simultaneously been both a bit of a shock and a moment of dé·jà vu when Mickey had seen Ethan on the weekend.


"I really feel like you should call Mickey and ask him to mentor Ethan with you…" had been Buddy's response when I asked him to join me in a third round of mentoring. While Buddy was willing, he wanted to give Mickey the opportunity to connect with Ethan through mentoring. Normally, mentoring match ups were done on a random basis, but since there were currently no mentors available at the time and Ethan had been accepted into the program and was waiting on a mentor, the powers that be gladly honored my specific request to begin mentoring Ethan. And began the season of life that found Mickey, Ethan, and myself meeting twice a month for the next year and a half. Those were some really sweet moments as Mickey was able to connect with Ethan through the common ground they shared with his late father. Ethan taught me a lot, as we went through Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life together and other studies over the course of the time that we had together.


It was through mentoring that I discovered that Ethan had a love of writing. As a college English instructor, I was able to connect with him in that way and offer him much encouragement to pursue his love for writing. Ethan's grandmother owned a small-town, local newspaper in Alabama. Ethan's late grandfather, Hollis, had been a newspaperman and editor until his death. While locked up, Ethan began writing a column titled "Penned Behind Bars." His columns were interesting, thought provoking, and in general, were well very written.


After his release, Ethan went to the University of Southern Mississippi, then later moved to Alabama where he took over as editor of the newspaper. The next year, I became a dad and super busy in my own way. I always kept up with Ethan, but time and distance slowly worked their way into our relationship. Ethan was very successful and became a leader in his community in Alabama. But Ethan had always carried a huge weight in his life. He had internal battles that he fought, and scars that he never truly healed from. In spite of having a huge support system and many friends, Ethan sadly ended his life in October of 2021. I remember the day I got the news and how this huge gaping wound opened in my heart. Time has helped a little, and now the wound is not as big. But it's still there and I still wish I could see Ethan one more time. I wish I could give him one more hug and spend one more hour with him. I loved Ethan like a brother, and told him that on more than one occasion. He knew it, and he also had SO many others who loved him. But it wasn't enough.


There is a quote from one of my favorite books, A River Runs Through It. In the book, the author states that "…it is true, we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.  And so, it's those we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them - we can love them completely without completely understanding."


We can love others, and we can try to reach them in the best way we know how. But sometimes, our best just isn't enough. Sometimes, the candle of the person we care about simply doesn't have enough strength to keep burning here in this old world that we live in. And so it dies out. But there's a place on Heaven's bright shore where candles burn bright with an eternal flame. A place where all the flames extinguished here on Earth have been re-lit. Ethan's candle burns once more. The arms of Jesus wrap around him, and Ethan's earthly scars are gone. One day I will see him again, along with everyone else that I dearly miss. Over the next few months, I will be sharing some of Ethan's writings with you each Wednesday. For me, it will be a somewhat difficult and bittersweet trip down memory lane, as I have not looked at these in years.




The only scars in Heaven, they won't belong to me and you…

There'll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new…

And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down…

Is that the only scars in Heaven, yeah, are on the hands that hold you now.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

"Too Much..." - JR Everhart

In an effort to continually address my self-focused tendencies, I’ve had to look in the mirror and face some very hard truths about myself.  I am A LOT… really too much for most people.  I’m a huge personality / commanding presence, and many times, I say too much or over share my struggles and failures.  Sadly, this can sometimes leave the wrong impression on people about who I truly am.  Weakness is defined by our culture as not being strong enough to be self-sufficient.  Strength is often times measured by our ability to keep our warts hidden.  As such, in my opinion, this is why the world is so very messed up.  We’ve isolated ourselves inside of toxic self-sufficiency, to the point of becoming over reliant on our many insecure attachments, therefore we have very little confidence in our ability to be loved on a real and genuine level.  To be more specific, the bigger your personality, the more people very well may see you as weak or empty.  When in reality, we’re simply desperate to be heard, and therefore connect with people that might be able to empathize with our shortcomings / pain.  Most cannot, making for a struggle to know who / where those people are. 

This gives birth to textbook self-absorbedness.  Subconsciously, we turn inward when we’re not heard and essentially become people who take for themselves to feel alive.  Let me describe it this way:  The kid who has a warm loving connection with his parents has no problem sharing his toys on the playground of life.  He gives and shares without thought.  But the kid with insecure attachment due to an emotionally unavailable parent (or otherwise) has real problems sharing his toys, and as such, will sometimes bully the other kids on the playground before stealing their toys for himself.  We, as adults, do the same thing with our "playthings" (our emotions). 
I’ve spent the last ten years trying to unravel this type of behavior and lament the loss of relationships I’ve destroyed over such emotional fallout.  I regret it with everything within me, and if I’m not careful, will allow this regret to fuel self-hatred, believing I will never have a healthy relationship with anyone (particularly a romantic one).  There’s no worse punishment to one who's self-focused than being cut off and ignored (which only feeds the insecure attachment paradigm that created all this mess in the first place).  It’s a psychotic circle, I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy! 
But there is hope! Once I started learning the principles of being an actor instead of a re-actor to the world around me, I slowly started to unravel my self-absorbed tendencies.  It’s taught me to wait before talking or reacting to things.  To ask myself if this situation is worth the effort of investing my emotions into.  So far, I've discovered that most of the time it is not.  I’ve learned that not every hill is worth dying on.  

All that said, I still feel like I’m too much most of the time.  Some of this will probably never go away due to be being my own worst critic.  But at least I have measurable progress and that gives me hope to keep marching forward, not listening to the lies of failure the enemy enjoys whispering to me every day.  The light of the gospel shines bright in the darkness of his accusations.  Accusations that are a distortion, only to be pulverized via the blood of my risen savior, Jesus.  Thankfully, I serve a too much God.  So, he has no problem welcoming me into his house at my prepared place there at his table.  Glory! 

Recommended Reading

Flee the Gospel of Me | Desiring God

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

"Never Enough" - JR Everhart

My life is a constant battle against the lies of the enemy.  Here are just a few…“You’re never going to find love again, you’re far too broken and polluted by your struggles for any woman to ever put up with, or much less love…” or things like “Gods never going to use you, and if he did you would only embarrass yourself and the Christian name when people find out your sexual sins…” oh and let’s not forget my all-time favorite one, “You serve no purpose, you have no value, and no one would ever miss you if you died tomorrow.  Why wait?  Freedom from this world's disappointment and struggle is one trigger pull away…”  I've been hearing that one since my mid-teens… Presently, I’m 50 years old. 

So many times, my sin and reckless behavior seem to support these lies.  The enemy knows this, that’s what makes them so effective and dangerous.  I don’t live my life close to God's throne for just educational purposes, I also press into his word and heart to quiet the lies in my head.  The only time I can’t hear them is when I’m in his presence, meditating on his words or listening to Christian music that speaks of Godly brokenness.  As such, in our world of pagan self-sufficiency, I am solely 100% dependent on the grace and mercy I’ve only experienced within my relationship with my Heavenly Father and his loving son Jesus Christ. 
Nowhere else can I experience unconditional love and acceptance as I do when I’m in the presence of God.  In this world, I’m never enough… never smart enough, handsome enough, good enough, or loving enough.  But in his presence, I’m always enough.  No matter how beat, battered, or lost in complete failure I am, he always welcomes me in to sit down and converse about all that's surfacing within me.  He always challenges me to be better, and more disciplined but with a heavenly kindness that can only be described as a warm, loving mother warning her son to stay away from the hot stove while she’s cooking.  She places her hand on her child’s cheek and speaks with words of affirmation, then kisses his forehead and sends him away to play in the next room.  The child has no fear because he always knows mom is just in the next room ready to run to his rescue and calm his every fear and anxiety.  I never had a mother like that, or a father like that.  My parents were far too broken from their own childhood trauma to be able to connect with any of us 12 kids on such a vulnerable level.  But they did their best, yet it was a mess.  But in God's presence amongst his healing and restoration, there’s peace and acceptance that we will never know during this life otherwise. 
It took awhile for me, during my recovery walk, to separate the dysfunction of my earthly father from my loving, emotionally available Heavenly Father.  Even more so, it took even longer for me to stop molding God into an image of my own shaping versus me choosing to be molded into his.  We live in a world where everyone sees themselves as their own God, and the knowledge of good and evil feeds our pride in thinking we can dictate justice within our lives far better than our Heavenly Father can.  That's the original sin, alive and well in the hearts of the sons and daughters or Adam and Eve (us).  This pathway is founded on insanity - with our definitions of good and evil - changing from day to day.  Ultimately, this creates the perfectionist's paradigm that only leads to never feeling like we are enough.  And the enemy uses our own lies against us, bearing witness with our fleshly desires to condemn us to a failure-focused life.  Never able to come up for air and experience the truth of the gospel’s message of hope without getting lost in its uncomfortable confrontation with our ego.  I’ve been a Christian since 1994, and still fight, most days, the justification of sin (rebellion) in my life.  I too can easily fall right back into becoming my own god and reimagining the God of heaven in my own image, thereby essentially rewriting the gospel truth to fit my lifestyle.  But then again “I’m never enough to rightfully divide the word of God…” and so the battle rages on…

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Volunteer Group Catch-22

Catch 22:  A dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.

I've been involved in volunteer organizations throughout my life.  Starting with First Baptist Church Jackson, back in the '80s, I was a consistent youth group member.  I served vocally (Youth Choir / Ensemble) and showed up for most every retreat, Disciple Now!, and Bible study that I reasonably could.  I did this because I was a new Christian, and I craved discipleship and youth worship.  

As a teen, this experience quickly taught me that I had to make a choice relative to annoying people (youth or adults).  I could either 1) choose to tolerate them, 2) tolerate them and talk bad about them behind their back, or 3) simply walk away from youth group (stop attending).  I tried hard to choose the former, and I believe I did so because it seemed pointless - & out of line with God's will - to choose otherwise.

I didn't dabble much in volunteer orgs during college (MSU's the Maroon Band notwithstanding), but eventually, post-graduation, I did dabble in a "young architects" version of the American Institute of Architects, join Young Business Leaders here in Jackson and continue forward with church attendance.  From there, I've been involved in our 'hood's homeowners' association as a board / committee member for many years, and on and on.


As we age, we're more easily annoyed by others.  This is an undisputed claim.  Everyone, for the most part, falls in line with that statement, though there're some unusual exceptions (these are truly exceptional people).

Why is this?

A lot of it has to do with reduced patience, but much of it is centered on our inability to truly be curious (as we once were).

Innate curiosity peaks when we're young.  Children are curious about everything and everyone (even annoying people so long as they're not too intimidating).

Children too recognize their own annoying tendencies.  As we age, we're much less adept at this.  As such, we become comfortable with our own sense of "settled perfection".


So, what does it mean to be annoying?

Annoying:  causing irritation or annoyance

So often, annoying people behave in ways that are just similar enough for us to recognize, but almost within a wholly distinct language (temperament / attitude) of their own.  We then take a bit of offense (we believe our way is best) to this, and from there, find ourselves irritated by their sloppiness, stupidity, immaturity, etc.


All of this points me to Samson Society.  Again, one of those volunteer organizations that's filled with all manner of guys relative to backgrounds, location, faith, pedigree, nationality, educational background, sexuality, professional credentials (or lack thereof), marital status, parental status, demographic, vocation, personality, temperament and on and on.

Lots of opportunity to become annoyed with someone due to diversity alone.  Don't you think?

Whether it's whilst rubbing shoulders during a Samson Society meeting (face-to-face or virtual), retreat (National or Intensive), Slack posts, video messaging service, etc.

So, what're your options?

Same ones I had back during my time in youth group at First Baptist Church Jackson.

Remember, whilst making your choice, that the latter two are exactly in line with what Satan hopes for.


We've talked about gossip here prior, but not so much making a discreet exit from Samson Society (or other parachurch men's orgs) due to annoyance.  

If you attend multiple (3+) Samson Society National Retreats, you'll see ghosts everywhere.  It's disturbing.  Proving that so many men simply don't stick around for longer than a handful of years.  As such, I would argue annoyance plays a factor therein.

Therefore, what can we do as Samson men to combat annoyance?

-  Distance yourself from the annoyers to the best of your ability (remember, Samson Society is a BIG place).

-  Pray for the annoyer(s).

-  Let go of your "list of grievances" that you've amassed against the annoyer (wipe your slate clean) & choose to put down your pen.  

-  Take a hard look at your "curiosity quotient", and if it's "in the negative", ask yourself why.  The last thing Samson needs is an(other) ornery old man.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Recommended reading

Men's group chats: you think you know what goes on in them, but you're probably wrong. (slate.com)

Thanks Be To God For Mormon Politicians

Accessing Porn In Utah Is Now a Complicated Process That Requires a Picture of Your Face (vice.com)


"Isolated Darkness" - JR Everhart

Sometimes love is lost inside our selfish pride.  Sometimes that pride writes checks that we don’t have the emotional dexterity to cash.  Sometimes we stand over the battlefield of injured people who suffered at our hands of narcissistic dysfunction, and there’s nothing we can do to ease their pain. The damage is done and it’s so bad for them that they can’t even stomach having one more conversation with.  Realizing all this creates pain and suffering in your own life that's intensely personal.  An amends only goes so far and has no guarantee of reconciliation.  Also, some individuals are so broken from our actions, they will never receive our apologies.  Thus, our sincere regret only falls on deaf ears.  Sometimes, the damage is final, and you just have to live with the guilt, shame, and paralyzing loneliness that comes with a broken clumsy life.  Some things will never be fixed…

But after a time of grieving, this does not have to mark the rest of our lives.  You can make room for forgiveness even when you yourself don’t believe you deserve it.  It takes time to get to a place of healing and restoration; it is a long hard road of potholes and uncomfortable growth.  Many of us hurt so deeply that we welcome the guilt, shame, and suffering because we feel like we deserve it.  We subconsciously wish to suffer, as a penance towards the pain we caused our family and wives.  But this is a counterfeit sacrifice of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for our sins at Calvary.  In our sick and twisted minds, we somehow believe that we're expected to pay the price for our transgressions.  Yes, we will suffer for the poor decisions we’ve made, but choosing to live in that self-sacrificial state is in direct conflict with Jesus’ work on the cross.  A work that God's grace bought for us by his death and resurrection.  Choosing to stay down, bathing in that sorrowful / regretful pain is sometimes as addictive as the sin itself.  For some of us, that pain becomes our identity and imprints itself on our emotional DNA.  It tells you that you’ll never be free of it, and will likely never find happiness again. These are lies of the enemy whose only purpose is to hold you down and rob you of any joy in your life.  THIS IS NOT GOD'S WILL! 
God is always turning what was meant for evil into good.  He is always inside the dark carnival of our lives masterfully pulling his good purpose out of our struggles.  Throughout, we must learn to reach out for help and let him love us.  Man, that can be hard when we don’t feel like we deserve love anymore.  I’ve been there, and always describe my walk with Christ as him loving me even when I didn’t know how to love myself.  It’s a process, taking considerable time to open up and learn to love yourself again.  Even when you don’t have much of any self-worth left.  If we will embark by faith, he will heal our wounds and teach us how to love ourselves again.  I’m writing this having walked every road I've since written about.  I've lived through long seasons of self-hatred.  It’s easy to get stuck there because the enemy is really good at making us see how we deserve this suffering.  Sin will always bear witness with our flesh the same way grace and forgiveness bears witness with our spirit.  The enemy knows this, and if he can keep you in a flesh-level of thinking, it will always feel like you deserve to be there (stay down).  The only way out of this pit is to hijack your focus and start digging into God's word, thereby re-identifying yourself to the Holy Spirit / God's truth.  It’s easy to believe you deserve pain when all you can see is the pain you’ve caused others.  That’s flesh level thinking.  But once you own your mistakes and make amends (to the best of your ability), it’s time to start believing that your past doesn’t dictate / define your present & future.  Just because you make big mistakes in the past doesn’t mean you’ll do that again.  Especially if you're active in programs that support healthy living. 
Learning to love myself again was and is the hardest part of my recovery.  I still, at times, get stuck in a mindset of regret and depression.  But now, I refuse to stay there.  Life is a rollercoaster, and we have to ride it even if we are scared of heights.  But there is hope for a better tomorrow so long as we don’t let the shame of yesterday rob us of it.  God once spoke to me and asked me why I couldn’t love myself the same way he loves me.  Why can’t I be kind and gentle and longsuffering with the mistakes I make / made and just forgive myself the way he has forgiven me?  It was a game changing my thought process that lead me to restoration.  Choose today my friends, to let go of the pain and step into freedom in Christ Jesus.