Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Our Dollar General / Game of Thrones culture. Practically free and tastes really good.

Internet capable devices provide men with the ability to foster sexual fantasies that run in tandem with their day to day life.  Many of these men have fetishes that they nurture through these Internet capable devices.  And oftentimes, they do this whilst utilizing mainstream social media which provides an almost infinitesimal amount of photographic imagery for them to draw from.

This morning after the Lakeside Pres Samson Society after-meeting had concluded, I did something I'd never done before.  That being shopped at our local Dollar General.  This particular store has been there / here for many years now, but never have I felt compelled to shop there.

Dollar General has become a mainstream grocery / staples store for almost everybody in 2019.  They're located literally on most every corner, from urban to rural areas, and for the most part, they're identical to one another.  Their namesake though is their pricing strategy.  Everything's in increments of the good ole American dollar bill.

When I would visit my grandparents as a boy during all those scorching hot summers back in the '80s, we'd at least one time shop at the downtown dollar stores.  In the small Mississippi town that they lived adjacent to, there were two of these.  One was a Fred's and the other was a Bill's.

Dollar stores, here in Mississippi at least, grew out of small town necessity.  Small, uneducated, impoverished populations flocked to these due to the fact that there simply wasn't anything else locally available.


So what exactly is a Dollar General store?

Today, Dollar General represents the adult bookstore version of grocers.

Society would argue that they're commodities.  They're built on the propaganda of being located where "no other retailer will locate", but the truth is there ubiquitous because they cater to those who purchase and consume actual garbage due to the fact that it's practically free and tastes really good.

These consumers don't care about anything but those descriptors.  Practically free and tastes really good.

Practically free and tastes really good.

Practically free and tastes really good.

And Dollar General stores are packed to the ceiling with this garbage.  Their moniker should be dimly lit, smelly (chemical odors), and crammed from floor to ceiling with practically free and tastes really good.

Of course, there is the back wall of actual name-brand commodity products like dish soap and carpet shampoo, but they're not priced any less than what you'd pay at Wal-Mart or Target.  And again, that's not why consumers shop at Dollar General, though they may use it as an excuse to frequent the store.


Many, many men use the Internet as an extension of what they run across day to day to fuel their sexual fantasies.  Men are men due to testosterone.  It's a hormone that is responsible for certain distinct, manly physical attributes, but it also has a lot to do with their sex drive.  Considering those facts, our culture caters to it as a result of corporations of almost every ilk being gluttons to a seemingly conscientiously blind approach towards driving revenue.

Let's say a man is at the pool as I was today with one of my daughters, and during his time there, he takes note of a woman who's also swimming with her children.  And this woman is sexually attractive to the man due to the fact that she has certain body parts that are very well accentuated via her very wet bathing suit.  So, he takes note of her specific beauty, stealing glances her way throughout his time there, and at some point in the future, he jumps online to carry forward his jollies by attempting to fantastically harvest similarly large breasted, very wet swimsuited local women via social media.  Think about the rows and rows of all manner of flavored soda pop / fried potato chips to choose from at the Dollar General which are practically free and tastes really good, and you'll understand what I'm describing here.

Social media (also like Dollar General) is also seasonal!  Did you know that a sizable percentage of Dollar General's profit margin are from seasonal garbage?  In fact, even though it's July, they're beginning to stock their many regional warehouses (one of which is in the Mississippi Delta) with these wares even as I type this!  Therefore, it too all syncs up with our desires / expectations in real time.

And speaking of real time, the season of summer brings with it scantily clad, bikini wearing broads who post photos of themselves and their breasts and their friends' breasts all over social media.  Literally like clockwork - 24/7.  And from there, these men eventually ejaculate in real summertime to their posts.  Over and over again.

It's practically free and tastes really good, and it's happening even as you read this!


Now, let's look to Game of Thrones.  And keep in mind that I've never watched an episode of this smut.  In fact, I don't watch TV period because it's just a huge waste of time.

Game of Thrones falls on the opposite end of the spectrum as Dollar General does.  It's appeal is so brilliantly camouflaged that its creators are essentially modern day snake oil salesmen.  There are some smart (and very wealthy) puppeteers behind the scenes here.

Game of Thrones is superbly lit, expertly acted, and thoughtfully written to appeal to the most hard to please, moody, and bored to tears television audience.  And it also happens to be practically free and tastes really good just like our favorite local retailer, Dollar General.

But it's the former that gives it its present day street cred, and it's that credibility that's used to disguise it's true appeal.

Remember the film, 300?  I believe it was written and directed by a similarly adept snake oil salesman.  300 was a forerunner of Game of Thrones.  Beautiful imagery.  Incredible visuals.  Superbly lit.  Practically free and tastes really good.

So, what's the true appeal?

You may not realize this, but there exists in certain cities sex clubs.  These aren't strip clubs which allow just about anyone in off of the street who has a pulse combined with a sex drive.  They're sex clubs.  Essentially, if you're a member, it's an opportunity to have sex with beautiful strangers in front of other beautiful strangers.  Of course, to be a member of one of these, the first qualification is physical beauty and the second is money.  Pay to lay.

This may seem surreal to imagine, but these do exist in cities all over the world.  You might call it controlled hotness at your local, corner orgy quick stop.  Perhaps one's Church of Semen?

All of this naughtiness appeals to the opposite consumer from Dollar General, but they're still looking for the same:  Practically free (relative to them) and tastes really good.

This is Game of Thrones.  More opportunity for men to entertain their sexual fantasy lives as they engage with the culture just as everyone else chooses too. Think of it as contrived and fictitious as social media but ultra pure in opportune lustful pleasure.  Garbage in 12x concentrated form.  Efficient and effective whilst being intellectually stimulating!

God help us see that practically free and tastes really good are to be avoided due to the fact that they only satisfy us moment by moment, therefore we cannot help but become chained to them as a dog is chained to a stake.  And from there, our minds are dulled as our appetites rage.  And we continue to dream of fantastical sex outside of God's will, eating our vomit again and again.  And this is not at all unlike all those pitiful fools who indulge regularly in so much orange flavored soda, jalapeno flavored potato chips, and heart palpitating energy drinks from their local Dollar General, or the imbecile who embraces award-winning debauchery like Game of Thrones.     

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