Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

It's A Woman's World! [But I'm not a woman.] Thank God for Nate Larkin!

Women are drawn to all manner of things that provide feelings of security.  Men are drawn to all manner of things that provide feelings of respect.  These two truths are determinants for so much in our world today.  They represent the why of how our western culture works.

Within our technologically laden, post-industrialized, free enterprise society, catering to fulfilling women's emotional need for security is the end goal of institutions, corporations, churches, etc.  They won't ever admit to this, but it's how they operate.

Years ago, a friend of mine disclosed that his wife chose a particular SUV make / model due to the inclusion of a sizable electronic touchscreen in the dash.  The screen displayed maps and had virtual buttons and so forth.  There were plenty of lesser models that were just the same size / motivated by the same engine, but it was the illusion of security that the electronics provided that sealed the deal for them.  Therefore, they gladly spent in excess of $15K more for this particular model.

I'm convinced the entire SUV craze is an end result of women's need for security.  The SUV sits higher up from the road and subsequently feels safer to her and her family due to its size / shape / design.  Today, women purchase as much or more automobiles than men, therefore the manufacturers cater to their needs firstly.  It's genius of them to do so.  If you're as interested as I was earlier this week in seeing Car & Driver's take on the 20 ugliest SUVs, click here.

At this time in history, automobiles (not taking inflation into account) are more expensive than ever due to their SUV scale and all of this integrated tech (hyper convenience / safety).  Nevertheless, consumers are not daunted to put down the necessary cash / go into debt for something that feels more and more secure, and the manufacturers + their shareholders are loving it!

Secondly, let's take a looksee at the pocket computer (cellphone).

Who exactly were these devices made for?

Originally, the mobile phone was for security.  There's no denying that.  But then came the pocket computer (iPhone) that also happened to function as a mobile phone.  Today, social media is the primary function of pocket computers.  Social media, I would argue, would not have near the global penetration if our planet were only populated with men.

There is nothing technologically that provides more effectively feelings of security than social media.  The notion of being connected to a ginormous community of algorithmically vetted individuals (of your "choosing") that's constantly contracting and expanding is the ultimate security safety net.  And this community is right at your fingertips 24/7 - 365 days a year 'till you die!

I have friends whose wives spend upwards of 9 hours a day on social media.  Now that's meeting some needs!

And lastly, there's religion or parachurch organizations.  Both operate similarly.

If women are the target audience, the organization will typically grow.  Of course, this should be one of the end goals.  Please know too that I'm not saying God isn't using some of these.  That's not my point here.  My focus here is understanding the target audience whom also happens to play a sizable role in the decision making.

Let's consider two parachurch organizations.

Back in the late '70s, Dr. James Dobson launched his radio ministry, Focus on the Family from southern California.  Dobson's ministry skyrocketed in growth across the globe as he wrote books to support his commentary on Biblical family life.  Dr. Dobson's demeanor / presentation was (& still is) the epitome of intelligent, stabilizing soothe.  That's the best way I know to describe it.  He represented the antithesis of a shock jock in every sense of the word.  Therefore, women flocked to support his work, and it became a global phenomenon - almost overnight.  It was their daily dose of personified Christian security, centered squarely at the western woman needs as well as her perceived needs of her family.

At some point in the past 10 years, Mr. Nate Larkin launched the Samson Society, a ministry for men who are looking for authentic community.  In tandem with the launch also came a book, Samson and the Pirate Monks.  Nate is intelligent and passionate about building community, but the last thing he seeks to convey to anyone through this ministry, which he started in middle Tennessee, is intelligent, stabilizing soothe.  And that's a ubiquitous truth regarding Nate.  You'll often hear him talk about how tough his marriage is as of late due to his wife's ongoing medical issues, or he'll mention how needy he truly is (begrudgingly) as it pertains to being within the company of his brothers within Samson.  Nate is usually dressed for comfort and not for appearance, with a ballcap on his head.  The podcasts that he and Aaron Porter produce are low production resulting in almost accidental-feeling diatribes.  Hence, security is absolutely not in anyway shape or form what he's expertly conveying to the masses.  Really, in many ways, it's the opposite of that entirely.  Therefore, neither Nate himself nor his ministry, the Samson Society, appeals on any level to women-folk, and I would argue that simple truth is why he's garnered the respect that he has as a leader of men.

What an unusually anamolous gift the Samson Society is to men today.  May God continue to use it to support men through relational accountability within authentic Christian community!

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