Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

10x More Potent

Lust via sexual fantasy isn't (by God's grace) a chronic problem for Rob, though for the majority of my post-pubescent life, it was a big, big problem that I can wholeheartedly say I was in bondage to.  And oh, how I wish that hadn't been the case.  For all of those lust-fueled sexual fantasies separated me farther and farther away from both my God and my wife (whilst married).

I distinctly remember using lust-fueled sexual fantasies when I initially began masturbating in late elementary school.  It was super easy for me since I was "imaginatively preconditioned" as a boy thanks to my penchant for the ubiquitous sci-fi / fantasy (Star Wars / DC & Marvel comics) play that most boys enjoy so much.  As such, sadly enough, all my grey matter was well suited to segue from those innocents to the sexually explicit with the onslaught of testosterone.   

But I still sometimes fall into this trap.  Even today, as a 48-year old, (almost) 25-years married to my sweet wife.


Because narrated masturbation (lustful sexual fantasies) is 10x more potent (sexual pleasure) than simply masturbating for masturbation's sake.


I'm convinced that very few men ever consider separating massaging their wiener (with their fingers) from lustful sexual fantasies (either porn enhanced or not) because the two go together like a delicious grilled hamburger patty and toasted hamburger buns (with all the 'fixins), and this results in a combination that's delectable to devour holistically.  

Also, masturbation is widely panned as a boyhood pastime, therefore what business would a grown man have participating in such frivolous activities (particularly if he's married)?  To focus exclusively on that physical act is akin to spending time plugging / unplugging your butthole with a pointer finger.  

What's the point of that?

I've had many men staunchly disagree with the notion of masturbation being acceptable in the eyes of God - under any circumstances, and this despite the fact that God gave us appendages that are ideally positioned to explore our genitalia whenever we feel so moved.  

Nonetheless, I don't fall into this camp of labeling masturbation as sin, and my grounds for this approach is what I've researched on my own in Scripture combined with wise counsel from godly men whom I respect.  But, I completely respect the Christian man who vehemently (or otherwise) disagrees with me on this.


During the early years of my marriage to Angie, I found myself doing exactly as I did during my college days (living four years within a dorm room with four individualized roommates) prior to going on to sleep.  The (two to three times per week) routine consisted of listening for the other person (wife or roommate) to fall asleep prior to throwing back the covers, very carefully removing my skivvies, closing my eyes, and marinating in lust-fueled sexual fantasy (most of which were homosexual in nature) as a transcendent escape from the cares of the day. 

There are simply too many times to count how often my wife has been startled awake depending on how intoxicating my fantasies became (and in turn vigorously I massaged by wiener).  This would result in her being greatly annoyed by my antics, and oftentimes, the next morning she'd sheepishly ask "what were you doing in bed last night?".  Had I answered her honestly, I would have told her I was expertly choreographing / producing a lust-fueled sexual fantasy that was perfectly synchronized to the stroking of my penis.

On numerous occasions, the orgasms from these episodes were so intense that I came (sorry) very close to passing out.  Seriously.

And for the record, yes, these sexual experiences were far more potent thanks to the lust-fueled sexual narrative playing out inside my head.

I realize that's probably a lot more detailed info than you care to know about me, but I've no shame in telling you this if it might destigmatize something that's so commonplace / mainstream relative to dialogue - outside church circles.


This morning, I shed a few tears as I laid bare the well worn asphalt path (Lakeland Drive) to my office.  They were tears of regret, having returned last night to the "Fast Pass" masturbatory experience involving lust-fueled sexual fantasy.  And I did so lazily.  Aloof is truly the best description I can use to describe my state of mind last night.  It was as if I'd no past recollection of the ensuing shame / guilt associated with the ramifications of this sinful behavior.  And that's what made it all the more an anomalous experience.  

I'd even, prior to turning in, emailed my Silas in an effort to give him an update regarding my weekend plans (we typically try to rendezvous every other weekend).  And looping him in there was gratifying in and of itself.  So where did this fallback originate from?

All I can come up with is twofold.

One, I ran yesterday evening during my oldest two little sinners' piano lessons, and there at Parham Bridges Park, were scads of walkers, runners.  From the throngs, I did identity one young man who was particularly beautiful.  I never did see anything but his back, but that was enough.  He was blessed with a body that few Mississippi men every come close to inhabiting.  It was splendidly proportioned and athletically built from head to toe.  

Two, I was really, really tired (having not rested well the night before), and as such, my aforementioned run was no fun whatsoever.  I trudged through it, only able to complete 60% - 75% of my usual coursework.  Running whilst tired is akin to having intercourse whilst tired.  


Lazily.  That's the perfect word for describing how indiscriminate falling back into sin like this truly is.  We all at times find ourselves exhausted.  We all sometimes let our guard down.  Nonetheless, it doesn't change the fact that sin has no excuses.  Does no less harm.  Is no less serious.

May God strengthen my resolve to never again return to lust-fueled sexual fantasies under any circumstances. 


Recommended Reading (Desiring God blog post)

 Escape the World’s Infatuation with Sex | Desiring God

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Archetypical Sexual Prowess Of Leading Men In Television / Film: A Powerful Straw Man

The valedictorian of my high school class chose not to speak during our convocation service.  In his place then resided our Assistant Principal, Dr. Vernon Sills.  Unfortunately (at least in my humble opinion), Dr. Sills was mostly seen as a joke at our private academy (Madison-Ridgeland Academy).  He'd only been with the institution for a few years, and you could tell he really didn't care for any of us or his job.  Plus, the man was simply tough to look at due to the fact that God had done him no favors in the looks department, at least at this point in his life (Medicare years).  All in all, it was easy to simply cringe whilst encountering him traversing the halls, all the while on the constant lookout for troublemakers. 

Within his speech, Dr. Sills emphasized to us Class of 1990 high school graduates to cultivate our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves whilst venturing out into the world.  By doing so, he extrapolated regarding the importance of proper nutrition and exercise, relational connections and faith (via Christianity).  What he left out though was anything at all related to our sexual prowess, and of course, this made good sense.


Television was a huge part of everyone's life in the 1980s.  There were only a handful of channels via CATV (by today's standards), therefore the limited amount of programming had a monumental girth in terms of its influence on our big hair / mullet culture.  For example, millions upon millions of viewers watched evening soaps like Dallas, DynastyFalcon Crest, and Knots Landing week after week.  The characters, portrayed by stunningly beautiful actors / models, infiltrated our everyday narratives, propelled forward by yet another hourlong episode the upcoming Friday night through the fall / spring. 

The white people dedication to these TV soaps was akin to our current blind devotion to Facebook and other forms of social media.

EVERYONE LOVED WATCHING THESE TV SHOWS.  I simply cannot emphasize that word EVERYONE enough in this regard.

Why was this?  The leading men.  It was almost always centered on the beauty and sexual prowess of the leading men.


I'll never forget seeing the scene I posted above.  Not only was it pivotal in demonstrating how preposterous these idiotic narratives were (this scene was the retcon of all retroactive continuities at the tail end of one of the later seasons of Dallas), but simultaneously, all of this "intellectual audience abuse" was instantly forgiven once we'd had the opportunity to join Mr. Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing) in the shower - of all places.  Now, by today's standards, this is a very familiar scene / ploy.  Therefore, you really need to reverse time a fair bit here to realize two things.  One, was the reach this soap opera had in terms of its broadcast viewership, and two was the scene itself.  Go back and watch it again.  Pay attention to just how intrusively perceived (startled) then welcomed the camera is directly inside the shower.  As if to say, I'm turning everything over to you, viewer, leaving nothing whatsoever to the imagination.

What this moment said so clearly to me as a boy was the following:  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  Your sexual prowess / value as a male is indicative of your looks, your voice, your build.  

And, of course, all of these items I had no control over.  At least as I understood it.  You may ask, why exactly did this make such a distinct impression?

My parents, like most others, orbited their entire week around forthcoming episodes of Dallas.  Everyone talked constantly about this rich white people soap.  You can read to your heart's content about the show here.  I cannot underestimate its impact culturally during this time.  Every character became like a part of our family, but this was especially true of the leading men (& to some degree their character's wives).

As children, we typically adhere to / respect / revere that which our parents gravitate towards / elevate, and as such, if Maw & Paw are BOTH hyped up for the same thing, there's a darn good chance it's going to make a decided impression on the offspring.  This occurs by demonstrating to the little sinners to pay attention, look sharp, digest, believe because we're all on board here.

It comes down to relaying / demonstrating trust in something / someone to your children and the powerful influence this can have on your child's gullible mind.  


Now let's fast forward 21 years.  For many younger men, the film 300 represented their first exposure to what I'm describing above but at a much more explicit and stylized level.  And one could argue, because this was film, that it had just as much impact via its cinema presentation as all the hours upon hours that Dallas had whilst being screened on my 'rent's 19" RCA CRT TV.   

I've heard younger Samson guys discuss how their first screening of 300 at the theater similarly served to radically imprint within their psyches the exact same hyper-warped magnitude of cultural relevancy, though graphically demonstrated within a R-rated film.


But what's really going on here?

There are some really hot guys out there, many of which have made TV, film, video game, etc. production companies millions upon millions of dollars with their looks / charisma onscreen.  But these men are one in a million.  Plus, the production companies have to be successful in locating actors who're vain enough to participate in this soulless visual patronizing.

God gave us eyes to see other men with.  This is a fact.  But most, if not all of what we see on TV, film, or in video games is not at all in line with reality.  TV / film / video games expose us to photographic (or near photographic) imagery of individuals that are far less real than anything we might encounter on the street, in school, at work, church, etc., and of course, there's no more impressionable medium relative to entertainment.  Particularly towards children.

Recognize the end goal of TV, film, video game production companies:  It is only to make lots and lots of $$$$$.  They're uninterested in whom their content influences or how.  They take zero responsibility for your impressionable soul. 

As a Christian, this should truly be a disturbing truth.  

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Isn't It Fun To Look Back On Your Journaling?

September 28, 2014


Here’s what I want today:

1.     -  No more Shame or Guilt.  Shame for being same sex attracted – I want it [shame] to go, especially knowing I had nothing to do with it.  Guilt for being fired from DSU – That was over a year ago, & it happened outside the boundaries of reasonability (not my exclusive opinion).  I want it [shame] gone.  It doesn’t belong here.  Shame & Guilt for being addicted to gay porn – I don’t want to deal with that anymore!  It feeds off of [emphasis mine] my same sex attraction for pete’s sake!  I don’t allow myself to have sex with men, therefore I want to use gay porn to create a virtual circuit.  All that’s understandable.  I’ve moved on knowing how foolish utilizing gay porn really is.  Shame for being an illegitimate child – I had no control over that!  Guilt over my Mother’s infidelity – I don’t want that anymore.  I’ve forgiven her.  Shame over my Father’s emotional retardation – I want that to cease.  I cannot change Bob or Darlene.

2.     -   No more worries about my vocation.  Right now, I’m in counseling with Dad and that’s only due to the fact that I’m employed by him.  It’s the only leverage I have with him at this point.  The counseling is with Don Waller who is awesome.  We’re beginning to scratch the surface of our broken relationship.  My Dad will let me know where and when to do what needs to be done regarding my job. 

3.      -  To love myself.  My body – as is.  My mind, my soul – all of it.  To no longer see myself as anything other than loved and FORGIVEN by Christ exactly as I’m am.

4.      -  To enjoy life again.  To have fun and anticipate.  To serve.  To recognize Providence and allow it to wash over me daily.