Anger towards Lucifer (Satan), I have found, can be quite the distiller. And sure, we all should be generally angry towards him and evil overall. This generalized approach can serve to provide clarity as to (in opposition) the believability of God's character. In other words, a sizable number of individuals recognize their need for Christ / comprehend the gospel as an outgrowth of their distinct run-ins with evil (& more often than not, this manifests itself within childhood) either within or outside of themselves.
But what I'm referring to here by saying "taking stock" is specific disgust / vitriol towards the ruler of this world as we know it. Specifics pertaining to you and yours - both historically and present day - and how / what damage has been wrought.
Why? Why embrace that justified anger towards a being we as Christians clearly know is there but we cannot see?
For me, I find it serves to defuse so much of the machinations he's used and continues to use - specifically towards me - relative to his consistent accusations.
The Bible clearly states that Satan is an accuser, and that he's the ruler of this world during this present age. But, we also know that Satan is leashed by God due to God's overarching sovereignty and will.
We know that Satan was one of many fallen angels who were thrown down from heaven as punishment for an attempted insurrection that was centered on the notion that Satan arrogantly considered himself superior to God.
We know that Satan was the most beautiful of the angels (with no doubt an ego to match).
The Bible states that Satan is bent on stealing, killing, and destroying, and that he prowls around like a roaring lion anticipating his next victim.
Satan is a spirit (bodiless), therefore he's unable to age or die of natural causes.
Satan's reign of terror has a definitive endpoint according to God's word during the last of days.
When Jesus ministered during the final three of his 33 years here on Earth (before ascending to heaven), he engaged often with individuals who were possessed by demonic spirits (both singular and plural). Too, Jesus, prior to the official start of his 3-year ministry (but after he'd been baptized by John the Baptist), engaged directly with Satan during a lengthy (40 days) period of "testing".
How do we then, take stock, of Satan's wicked influence within our lives? Here are my recommendations.
I believe the only way it's truly possible to accomplish this is to humble yourself firstly. For it's through humility, I believe, that you can see with more clarity behind the "veil" of this emotionally charged existence of ours.
A humble heart takes the bottom-up approach. Think of it as observing life whilst lying down at the bottom of a deep swimming pool. Whilst there, you're cognizant of the weightiness of the water and the pressure differential between you and the surface. Hence, you're keenly aware of your quite vulnerable "place" within the grand scheme of things.
In short, we can dub it fearful and therefore nonjudgmental observation.
From there, it's all about asking the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, and my recommendation therein is to start with those closest to you (siblings / parents / grandparents / uncles / aunts / friends). All of which, no doubt, have made a significant impact on you yourself from which love has been borne out of.
The end result is to Listen. And Look. And Record. And from there, experience the slow burn that comes with becoming enlightened to / cognizant of Satan's influential track record.
A lot of Samson guys use the word "triggers" to describe catalysts for "subversive thinking". It can be anything that gets them mentally / emotionally off track and headed south. For me, one of the most powerfully armoring defenses against these unscripted events is one's keen focus on / holistic recollection of Satan's wiles - both personally and familial. Sort of like a manageable, sobering dread.
Take, for example, viewing Internet porn as an end result (breakaway) of a supposed triggering experience.
As we all know, Internet porn, on the surface is incredibly alluring, beautiful, customizable, and so forth. But if you take into account all that you've witnessed secondhand via Samson Society (or otherwise) regarding the fallout / destruction Internet porn usage can cause to a Christian man, his family, etc.; this may very well serve as combustible material towards the aforementioned incendiary burn.
Another example and one much more personal.
At least once a year, I stop by to visit an old college friend's gravesite in Louisville, MS. His death was premature, and more than likely, it was self-inflicted. His story is desperately tragic, no doubt one of regret and despair as Satan influenced primarily through a massive embracing and wholehearted trust of our entertainment culture.
And on and on it goes as the bodies seemingly pile up all around (particularly as you approach middle-age).
In closing, how do we master this taking stock without becoming jaded?
I think the only answer to that is as follows. In tandem with this measured, curfewed pursuit, staying as hopeful and sure of God's promises towards us as seemingly possible (Bible study / prayer). Remembering always too his consistently working to save, transform, and redeem us in and through our obedience and faith. Journaling with this specific focus is an excellent tool to accomplish this.
And finally, always, always keeping a healthy sense of humor alive about everything (including yourself). Laughter is a gift from God that works in perfect opposition to the hydration of a callous outlook.
A bittersweet understanding of life, I believe, is in sync with how Christ modeled God the Father for each of us. This has been one of my most powerful weapons whilst standing my ground against our greatest enemy.
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