Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Why Pray To God?

The most difficult realization we can make as human beings is that we're not God.  Our culture and economic paradigm (free enterprise) constantly tell us that we are the masters of our destinies with rights to this and that ad nauseum.  Everything within our culture sets us up to believe that we're in TOTAL CONTROL moment by moment.

How then do we take heed / stay centered on of / how dependent we actually are on God's mercy, provision, and grace?

Well, it's a gift to see this truth.  Actually, it's one of the best gifts ever to receive.

Look at little children and how dependent they are by nature.  This is where we should be as Christians relative to our outlook on our lives.  Jesus made this crystal clear within his teachings.

Dr. John Piper tells a story of himself as a small boy.  He was unexpectedly pulled under via the undertow of ocean current whilst playing in the waves at the beach.  Nonchalant to what might occur, he was going about his business, having a grandiose time prior to this horrifying pivot.  

And we've all been oblivious to reality just as young John Piper was.  Until we're dealt a blow, making us realize just how vulnerable we truly are.

He continues with his story by vividly describing the experience of having his father thrusting his hand down into the water, grabbing hold of his small arm and then pulling him upward into the sunlight and air above, freeing him from the grip of the undertow / imminent drowning.


Reality grows out of healthy fear, but not fear of undertows.  Instead, out of healthy fear of God himself and his awesomeness.  Awesomeness which manifests itself via his ability to not only alter circumstance but actually choose to do so on our behalf.  Dr. Piper's memory is fixed on the effortlessness his father exhibited in rescuing his son.  As if the experience was routine to the point of definition / purposefulness itself.  He ends the story by vividly describing his trembling fear as he realized how fortunate he was to have been rescued as he was.

So this begs the question.  What truly is a father, Earthly or Heavenly?  What defines him?  

Security.  Security.  Security.  Security.  Security.


Years ago, I had a close atheist friend who would sometimes mock me for investing in prayer.  At times, he'd ask me if my god was like a "big genie in the sky".  Honestly, I was so shocked at his arrogance that I never would even attempt to answer him.  But as I took stock of his approach to life over the years that we were close, his point of view made sense.  Everything revolved / orbited around my friend.  His point of view was never from the outside in but the from the inside out.  And as such, this was a seemingly very safe position to be in.  As I've grown older, his point of view has made more and more sense to me despite the fact that I don't take stock in it as my own.


My own earthly father unfortunately didn't demonstrate security for me circumstantially nearly as adeptly as Dr. Piper's did, but still, something from within me came to foundationally understand the significance of prayer as an acknowledgement of my own powerlessness.  I believe it had much to do with my observations of older men around me in church.  Hearing these men pray made such an impact.  Watching them take the time to stand up before the congregation in doing so.  And it's to be noted that it was my father who made a point to see that I was consistently in church on Sunday to witness this goodness.

And I remember these praying dudes being buttoned up, put together, professionals.  Just watching them humble themselves like that resonated with Rob, allowing me to see obedience demonstrated firsthand.


As we age, our dependence on God as our Heavenly Father should increase proportionally.  For our understanding of just how vulnerable we truly are, as well as those around us, ramps up.  Not in order to bring on anxiety but sobriety.  

How cool it is that we have a God that's fully available to us via prayer and petition.  May we take heed of that today and invest accordingly in taking time to pray.

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