Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

High Risk

My first Silas (pre-Samson Society) believed I was psychic. That supposed precognitive ability of mine (from his point of view) was tied to a heightened emotional state of mind.  I never quite knew what to do with that opinion, but nonetheless, I do know that all of us have eyes connected to a brain and most of those brains have the ability to think / forecast or analyze risk.

I can remember specifically warning him on a few occasions regarding what I believed (or felt) might play out for him in relation to his dealings specifically with those in authority over him.  And suffice to say, those alarms proved to be accurate.

But, I'm certainly not psychic.  Just sometimes quite concerned.  And at times, so much so that I speak up.


I was a high school marching band geek at the private academy I attended in Madison back in the '80s.  One of our band directors during my tenure there was a believer in mandatory band camp.  If you're unfamiliar with that concept, it was a week in the summer spent, usually at a community college campus, learning the rudiments of the fall's marching show(s).  I can't say band camp was much fun, but neither was band overall.  Yet, it was a placeholder for the geeks and freaks of high school, and that was enough.  Everyone needs a place.

One of my bandmates, whom I somewhat remember specifically, was a year older than me.  He was an avid horn player and loved skateboarding.  Everywhere he went, he had his skateboard, but this was especially so whilst with all of us at band camp.

Being a band geek meant you certainly weren't athletic, but obviously riding, jumping, performing stunts with a skateboard was / is best reserved for individuals with some or much athletic skill.  This guy had only a minuscule amount.

But, he tried hard.  Plus, he got a skater's haircut.  Yet, in the end, the skateboard got the best of him, and he ended up with a broken leg.

I distinctly remember him on crutches for what seemed like forever and a day as he hobbled around school with his entire leg within a cast first then a giant stabilizing boot.  That cast / boot threw a wrench in everyone's (mainly his fam) schedule relative to caring for this wounded teen.  Nonetheless, it was sobering to observe from arm's length, not once suspecting that he'd end up with such an injury.

From there, the skateboard went into the garbage, but he kept the haircut (which actually looked pretty good on him). 


When is it smart to speak up on behalf of high risk behaviors / conditions / scenarios in an attempt to warn a brother / demonstrate concern in Christ?

I put the answer to that question into the same category as making a move on your wife in an attempt to get laid.

One must proceed with the other person's well being in mind.  Otherwise, their reaction (no matter what it may be) will potentially make too much impact (positive or negative) on your own self-worth (which should only be rooted in Christ).


Intercourse within the marriage bed is in line with God's design when it's executed with the other's needs in mind exclusively.  And that also pertains to whether or not your spouse is interested in coitus at all at that particular time.  This can be a hard sell for guys, but nonetheless, it's scriptural.

And this leads or points us towards the next level of relationship down from there.  That being friendships.

Your friendship is an investment in another man, but not for your own good.  For his.  Therefore, opening your mouth in warning should never be executed to make you look smart or him not so smart.  It's an act of love through caring.  Caring enough to speak up.

Otherwise, you're simply being too self-centered / self focused.  And that's no good for either your spouse nor your friends.  

Say it with me now.  I.  Care.  About.  You.  Even to the point of risking your rejection of me in relation to my concerns.

Lastly, the older you are, typically, the more experience-based counsel you're privileged to share.  I would argue this far exceeds the value of even being psychic.

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