Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Monday, November 11, 2019

This Impossible Digital, All Access Culture

Testosterone, as far as I've been taught, culminates from a man's testes.  It is the hormone that during gestation changes a female embryo to male very early on.  It's obviously a powerful force that has massive influence over how men feel, look, react, and so forth.

And I've also been taught that men are at their sexual peak at age 18.  Therefore, in terms of virility, that's when they're most adept at conceiving children.  Of course, to conceive, a man needs to introduce his sperm to an egg.  And that's where intercourse comes into the picture.

My dad was 18 when I was conceived.  Darlene was a year younger.  Obviously, he'd no desire to impregnate my mother.  He was simply out to express his testosterone-charged self through his genitalia.

Testes are factories for sperm and the prostate is a gland that's all about assisting that factory in efficient delivery of said sperm.  Fairly regularly, men will discharge on their own whilst sleeping as needed in order to "bleed the system" so to speak.  But most men this day and age never experience this due to the impossibly ridiculous amount of all access smut that has now defined our western culture.  This, in turn, culminates in men masturbating themselves to ejaculate their semen as their arousal template spirals them towards loss of control, or worse, inserting their penis into a vagina, mouth or anus (that's in no way connected to their marriage bed) in order to achieve the same.


Most men are highly visually stimulated.  Whether it's live, print, or video, it's his eyes that first seize the opportunity to start down the path towards overt lust.  And this is usually accomplished by taking a mental snapshot (considering real life), saving an image (online), or scrolling, scrolling, scrolling to find additional images (social media).  And we're not even considering the realm of hardcore smut within that breakdown.  Why is that?  Because there are plenty of men who feel right at home treading the surface of what's appropriate and what's not relative to cultural norms.  "No harm done.  Right?"

What's with the voluminous amount of salacious material available for men to be visually stimulated by?  Who or what exactly set that precedent in motion?

 We men willingly (or perhaps unwillingly at times) relinquish our sensibilities in order to experience visual arousal.  Take for example this massive ad campaign for the SoloFlex home gym back in the late '80s.  This mail order product was monumentally overpriced and subsequently, highly ineffective in providing results, but it sold and it sold and it sold some more as the ads played and played and played on cable television (eventually as infomercials) for years.  All thanks to the power of the visual (along with compelling voiceovers & that seductive electric guitar playing in the background).

Culturally, thanks to our free enterprise system, we're now completely zombiefied by this wicked spell, therefore everything we're presented with - in almost every "cultured" environment we find ourselves within, is sexually charged and therefore unabashedly biased towards the sexually-charged visual.


So men, especially younger men (remember that previously referenced stat), find themselves dealing with some state of arousal at most every waking moment.  Like a low roar, it's always there from 1 to 100 as they go about their days - lounging, working, churching, schooling, etc.

And this is why men end up participating in stupidity unlike at any previous point in the history of mankind (at least in my opinion).  To be more specific, eventually, he's going to start dripping precum, and from there, he's just about at a point of no return.  Then comes stupid.

Really stupid.  Really, really stupid.

So, what must a Christian man do?  What must he do to short circuit the inevitable testosterone fueled escalation?  Knowing that there's no one else he can look to but himself for leadership in this regard.

He's got to take action to protect himself by removing his eyes from cultural norms.  First and foremost, he must avoid any and all opportunities to be gratuitously visually stimulated, starting with social media - Facebook, Instagram, and so forth.  From there, YouTube and similarly infinite databases of video everything should be relinquished.  Chat rooms, message boards, Internet groups, blogs, vlogs, and so forth should be avoided.


Possible.  Just stop.  STOP!  Refuse to be an average Christian man.  Embrace being abnormal.  Let your life reflect your faith.  Stop conforming.  Take a stand.  For yourself, your God, your family, your marriage.

Your testes are wonderful, exceptionally effective manufacturers of testosterone.  And that's all well and good.  What's not good though is you not owning up to your vulnerability in a world gone mad.  A world where men are constantly strung along by their balls from one arousal template to the next.  Not unlike dogs in heat.  Embrace a visual life and a livelihood that runs counter to cultural norms today.

For a Free SoloFlex Brochure, Call Now.  1-800-421-2000

Remember, with discipline to nonconform, the reward is yours!


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