Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Safety / Comfort Of Playing The Victim Runs Counter To The Ideology Of The Samson Society.

Samson Society was founded by a man who refused to play the victim.  In fact, during the height of his sexual deviance (whilst serving as a pastor & before his chronic sexual sin was publicly exposed), he did the right thing by willingly hanging up his pastoral frock.  By doing so, he properly stood up for not only himself / his family but his flock.  Mr. Nate Larkin did this (as far as I know) sans any external pressures.  Hence, this is why he's my hero.

It is extremely unusual to find a pastor whose humility combined with his compassion fuels enough conviction to make this kind of move. 

I cannot emphasize that enough.

I cannot help but believe that so much of God's blessing on the Samson Society is a result of Nate's character in this regard.


My experience, living here in Mississippi for close to (50) years, is that locally, we're a people group who's deeply unsympathetic to the dramatization of victimhood.  Yet, on a national level, the reverse is true.  And this is because our default on the national stage is so often to play the victim for all it's worth ($$$).  Hence, yes we'll readily admit to being the fattest and the most racially divided so long as you'll keep our federal funding intact and never quit subsidizing our access to entertainment (TV, Internet).

We here in Mississippi are a deeply religious state, yet take great pride in our independent, strong-willed character.  So much so that our overall sympathetic tone-deafness typically serves as a de facto quarantine(r) (between us and outsiders).

Living here, you must make peace with / respect the hyper-conservative (read: fiercely religiously independent) points of view (outlook, temperament) being par for the course.  


I've lived within the suburbs of Jackson (capital city) all of my life (except whilst pursuing my college degree).  Throughout the past 40 years, they've exploded in growth due to individuals choosing to remove themselves from and therefore reside outside of Jackson.  Hence, the energy / efforts / devotion of us suburban Jacksonians has been poured into the suburbs.  And these suburban cities (Clinton, Brandon, Ridgeland, Madison, Pearl) have benefited tremendously therein over the previous five decades.  

What's significant about this?

It speaks to the notion of having the chutzpah to simply abandon the center and move instead to the extremities.  And from there, working collectively to ingratiate this new place / these new places under the mantle of complete independence.  This chutzpah is manifested in and celebrated therein through the successful individuality / independence of these edge cities.


We've considered an overall (big picture) and (somewhat) recent historically distinct portrayal of this place.  How does this modus operandi translate to our hearts as residents of the Magnolia State?

We Mississippians have a penchant for both sexual independence (hop in the sack when you're good and ready) and finger pointing / shaming as it pertains to illicit sexual activity (outside of a straight marriage bed).  As such we're some of the most pejoratively sexually active people.  Loving to hate our sexual selves even while we're conceiving considerably more (than the national average) out-of-wedlock children.

Mississippi is no doubt filled with a lot of exceedingly horny do-gooders / dirty minded holy rollers.    

And frankly, I believe that's where our independent thinking catches up with us.  But that rabbit is there for me to chase another day...

[Please remember, dear reader, that I was a typical Mississippi bastard child, therefore I speak personally here.]


Having written / thought through all of that (as I was typing), I'm wondering now if moreso the opposite of playing the victim is simply devoted obedience.  In lieu of fierce independence.  

New Testament scripture thematically promotes a yielding to the realization / penalty of our sinful nature whilst embracing our newfound glory in Christ.  A glory that's consistently espoused itself towards community - existing under his headship.  

As we all know, today, so many of us men, Christian or otherwise, find that it's our sexuality that's been deeply corrupted / distorted, thereby blanketing us as sure 'nuff guilty.  Samson Society, therefore, is uniquely positioned to promote / drive home the importance of fierce obedience by our demonstrating to each other (& inversely to ourselves) the same - potency of love - that Christ shown within the gospels.  It's a love that should firstly be rooted in our allegiance to him and the example he set for us (no matter the scale of the group).  I'm hopeful to expound on how that's specifically manifested itself within my life about ten years ago inside the confounds of my first Silas relationship.  Stayed tuned for my next post.

Recommended Reading - I Love This. I Don't Watch TV, But I Love Their Candor.

 Aaron Paul. ,ryan Cranston on Their Friendship After Breaking Bad | PEOPLE.com

Recommended Reading - Desiring God Post

 Why Do They Get What I Want? Envy and the Eyes That Matter | Desiring God

Monday, January 24, 2022

January 2022 "The No Bull Newsletter"



In the last two months of 2021 Samson Society raised $67,314.25 in unique contributions, matching and going beyond the Challenge Match of $65,000. That’s a combined $132,314.25 toward advancing the mission of Samson Society world-wide.

When told of the milestone, our founder, Nate Larkin, exclaimed, "beautiful!" That says it all - the commitment of our membership to the mission and vision of Samson Society is beautiful. We are growing faster and accomplishing more in every corner of our society: online meetings, Slack participation, international growth, Sarah Society, volunteer leadership, social media, retreats, connectivity, tech advancements, and on and on.

Let's see what we can do in 2022! And let's keep the momentum going. Contribute here. 

Ciao amico!

We have two international retreats planned in 2022: October 7-9 for Italian men (a short drive from Rome), and October 14-16 for international participants (in the north of Italy). Men coming from the US are welcome at either retreat.
We are still finalizing the costs, but as of right now it looks like the in-country expenses will be very reasonable. If you want to make it a vacation for you and your wife, we will be holding a simultaneous event for women the first weekend.
Start planning now so you can get the most favorable airfares and lodging. If you plan on staying beyond the retreat for an extended vacation, we will be providing updates in future NBBs and on a dedicated Slack channel so you can coordinate with other Pirate Monks.
Oh, and if you're wondering about language barriers...you've got nine months to learn a little Italian (try Duolingo).

Regional Retreat Opportunities

Sarah Society Inaugural Retreat

Sarah Society invites any woman, regardless of marital status, who has experienced betrayal trauma to our inaugural annual retreat. 
Join us April 8-10, 2022, at Five Star Retreat in Nunnelly, Tennessee, for a weekend of soul restoration and receive encouragement and practical tips for navigating the journey of recovery from partner betrayal.
For more information or to save your spot today, visit our website.
2023 Mega Retreat Team
We are seriously considering a MEGA RETREAT for 2023 in Orlando or a similar destination. The planning for such an event is considerable, though, so we are putting together a 2023 Mega Retreat Team to plan and execute the whole event. 
We will need at least 12 men to coordinate travel, location, venue, communication, merch, meals and coffee, sound, video, presenters, registration, and more. The commitment is approximately 5 hours per month from now until August 2023, with more hours needed in the final couple of months.
If we can pull this off, this will be a game-changer event for Samson Society. Interested in joining the team? Email us at samsonhouseoffice@gmail.com

Connect with us on social media!


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Are You Platonically Tone Deaf? (These Are Concentrated Relationships Herein.) Be Aware Of That.

Friendships have a cadence.  A flow.  Therefore, "sight reading" can be vitally important if you're just getting started (with a new Samson guy or otherwise).  It's paramount that you at least pick up on the tempo.  Otherwise, you'll likely fall flat fairly quickly.

Many years ago, I befriended a younger man (this was my first foray), and he admitted to "not knowing how to do friendship".  This admission was quite unexpected as he had an immense amount of personal and professional confidence / ambition.  Whilst looking back on that multi-year friendship, I believe his failed platonic track record had a whole lot to do with his generational wiring (this guy was much younger than I was).  

Relating to people takes being able to read people well enough to react personally (keyword) respectful.  

Never not having the Internet to distract seems to make for some less than stellar - patiently listening / observing - people readers.  And not because that generation isn't capable.  No, I believe it has more to do with either refusing to be distractable, or easily / by default consistently being distracted.  As such, the former attribute is readily perceived as a cop out whereas the latter exemplifies laziness.  No matter, however it's perceived, distraction away from your friend isn't doing your friendship any favors.

All and all (overarching truth), observing people takes an immense amount of curiosity if the observation is to be genuinely charitable. 

And curiosity must be structured as a long game.  Weeks, months, years.  

On a similar note, but quite different overall, is novelty which is momentary.  Hours, minutes, seconds.  Our culture is built on novelty.  It is child's play.  (Watching TV, playing video games.)  Grown ass men need not apply.


Great friendships are built on you depositing the necessary service - expected of your friend - for he / she to then value your own personal needs.  Now, that sentence is referring to a GREAT friendship, not just a friendship.  And ideally, both sides of the steadily growing, anticipated GREAT friendship take this same approach, but I've only been party to a relationship as such - once in my lifetime.

The only way to do this serving, with the proper care, is to listen well both in the moment and long term.  For timing is everything when it comes to relationships.  Hence, you must be present - at all times.

Curiosity, for me, comes into play relative to no particular rhyme or reason.  It's just there or it isn't.  For Rob, the word curiosity can be substituted with attraction.

Without curiosity (attraction), both regarding your friend as well as regarding the potential longevity / outcome of the friendship, there's no other way to go the distance needed relative to service required.


Before Christmas, I handed my business card to a guy at the Y who coached my middle daughter in Upward Basketball many years prior.  I'd re-introduced myself to him a few months prior to this, assuming he remembered me (especially with my daughter there with me in the gym working out alongside).  Whilst handing off the card, I asked him to contact me to schedule a lunch after the holidays, and he feigned genuinely intrigued.

When my daughter was under his Upward Basketball (head)coaching guise, my father was also in the picture as this man's Assistant Coach.  From what I remember, I'd asked my dad if he'd be interested in filling that role (Upward Basketball is a volunteer youth basketball program that utilizes church gymnasiums for practices / games), and he obliged.  How I actually logistically orchestrated that detail, I've no idea.

All of this Upward Basketballing was going on just a few years after we'd returned here from Cleveland, therefore it was around 2015.  Nonetheless, I distinctly remember this very respectful guy who served as the head coach of my daughter's team.  Hence, when he and I bumped into each other at the Y, I felt compelled to speak up.

But I didn't want to.


As an introvert, it is so hard, if not impossible, to motivate myself to pursue.  Knowing how much energy will be needed to do so.

But let me tell you this.  It's worth every drop.

Relating to other men is the very best means to demonstrate our Christ-likeness.  Jesus actively related to those around him.  And he did this through humility and a deep-seated desire to serve.  Physically, Jesus was all human.  Therefore, he too was either an intro or extravert or somewhere in between.  And, in spite of his relatively young age, there were physical and emotional limits he was faced with.  

Allow God's spirit to motivate you to pursue.  To be intensely curious.  And to observe with laser focus.  From there, you'll find your voice as a GREAT friend within Samson Society or otherwise from which a GREAT friendship may emerge.