Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Intrigued / Taken Aback By One Heck Of A Barrel-Chested Pastor


I'm fairly certain, over the course of my adult life, that I've never encountered my masculine archetype preaching from within the pulpit, but this morning was the exception.  What I'm referring to is the physical build / attributes of men that I'm sexually attracted to.  In order to break this down, I'll offer up the following extensive list:

-  my height or (preferably) taller
-  dark skin
-  dark hair
-  lots of body hair (but not necessarily facial hair)
-  balding / bald
-  athletically built / exceedingly muscular (sans steroids)
-  below average waistline
-  stocky / barrel chested / "stout" / swole / buff
-  medium to deep voice
-  athletically-cut short-sleeved shirts, shorts / pants that are tight around the ass


This morning during the church service I attended (where the pastor in the photo above delivered the sermon), I found myself having to get up from my seat and exit the auditorium (about 12 minutes into his delivery).  I simply couldn't take my eyes off his nipples; for they were clearly visible (& I was seated midway back within the darkened 400+ seat auditorium) through his shirt(s).  I kept wondering if they actually might be as sizable as a female's are, taking into consideration how pronounced his pecs (breasts) were.  

Too, I wanted to find out more about this gorgeous man in short order, therefore I hoped (forlornly) to locate some sort of church info literature (hard copy) out in the "Pre-Function" space (keep in mind that I'd never stepped foot into this church prior to this AM). 


During the portion of his sermon that I did hear, he cited starting each day really early in order to "hit the gym".  No doubt, his impressive physique testified to this regime.  But too, it was his demeanor / confidence combined with his slacker apparel (for he was dressed identically this AM to how he was photographed above) that all played into his sex appeal.


You've heard of the Billy Graham rule.  It's centered on a pastor's "rules of engagement" relative to the opposite sex, particularly as it relates to private interaction / dialogue.  But one thing that's rarely talked about, in tandem therein, is Billy Graham himself.  In particular, how he presented himself to the millions upon millions of "parishioners" who he had the privilege of preaching to.  Decade after decade.


Off the charts sex appeal, for men at least, is a result of both blessed DNA and consistently hard work.  Hard work that for some individuals is quite enjoyable to engage in on a repeated basis.  Perhaps these great habits took root for these men in high school / college, and they've since never relinquished the routine.  Bravo!  For looking fine and being in exceptional health are wonderfully collaborative goals.  


pastors who are as such, need to realize they're facing individuals like Rob, every time they stand up to speak.  And I believe this should give them pause.  Enough, at least, for them to take the time to ponder the entirety of their audience of this present age.  

What does this mean for these pastors?  Here're a few of my thoughts therein.

1.  Parishioners who "fall in love" with a pastor's sexiness, can't possibly listen (test) without prejudice.

2.  Putting confidence in a pastor's looks is going to make demands of him that eventually (disability, advanced age, chronic illness, demands of life) will become impossible to meet.  

3.  Becoming expectant (enmeshed within) of those inevitable attractions between himself (hunk pastor) and select parishioners (same or opposite sex) may eventually weaken a pastor's resolve to never seduce.  And seduction's intent is never, ever good. 


I suppose now I can say that I've truly seen it all after this Sunday's service.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

For Tenured Samson Guys, Church Can Seem Awfully Saccharine

Being reared in a megachurch (First Baptist Church Jackson) with the pedigree of a Huckleberry Finn, I simply stood back in awe of the spectacle, masses and outstanding preaching.  As a teen, I was there during the late '80s when Dr. Frank Pollard (Senior Pastor) was in his prime (during his second appointment there).  We attended both Sunday mornings and evenings, giving nary a second thought to driving all the way from humble (back then) Madison to downtown Jackson twice (+/25 minute car ride) on The Lord's Day.

Church provided teen Rob (only child) with so many good opportunities to be cared for by adults who weren't Bob and Darlene.  Therein, I was lassoed in by the gospel at the tender age of 13.  In many ways it was religiously idyllic.  Especially considering the setting being Mississippi.


Today, Samson Society provides the caring adults who support Rob, done so at a level (appropriately so) that's far more nuanced and intentional.  

So where does that leave church?

Church, to me, is like going to the Y for a workout or down the Reservoir multi-purpose trail for a run.  It's time well spent, but mostly, it's routine more than anything else.  

Now, we tithe our 10% every month, and I sing in the Chancel Choir for both the Christmas and Easter cantatas, and I will keep doing that.  

But, I don't work hard to make close Presbyterian friends, participate in either the domestic or overseas mission projects or aspire to become a deacon / elder at Lakeside Presbyterian Church.  

Hence, some Sundays can be monotonous and thereby fatiguing.  

But, there is one regularly scheduled church programming event (Fall / Spring) exception to this.


One of the things I really like about our little community church is Wednesday nights.  And not just due to the food line ("Family Night Supper").  

When I was in late elementary school, Bob & Darlene would bring me to megachurch (First Baptist Church Jackson) for Wednesday evening service, and though the food was great, everything else about it sucked.  

Primarily this had to do with the facilities, which were vast, but on Wednesday evenings, the attendance numbers were miniscule compared to Sunday mornings.  Hence, the megachurch building felt daunting and frozen due to its emptiness.  

As such, their formality was amplified that much more.  

After that singular year (1985?), we discontinued attending Wednesday megachurch services because none of us liked it one bit. 

Fast forward to today, and there's no doubt that Lakeside Pres' facilities are on the opposite end of the spectrum.  They're not even, by definition, modest.  Haphazard is the best descriptor I can think of.  Yet, in so many ways, it's a perfect reflection of the community it serves, and this is due to the fact that the Reservoir area is such the Hodge Podge free-for-all / redneck resort paradise of the Jackson Metro.  

Today, Wednesday nights at Lakeside Pres are typically jammed packed with middle to upper middle-class Presbyterians, easily stretching the seams of the '70ish facilities.  It's borderline raucous.  And I like that about it because it doesn't - in the slightest - reek of church.  Plus, there are even a few occasions where Bible studies are enacted, following dinner, that are well worth the weekday evening invested. 


My wife, Angie, isn't involved in The Sarah Society (a women's equivalent to Samson Society), therefore her relationships at Lakeside Pres are (aspiringly) tantamount to the ones I enjoy via Samson.  Therefore, on Sunday mornings, she lingers far longer than I do - after the service - to chat meaningfully with her friends.  Angie's also far more likely to interject prayer requests during Sunday School, and she frequently attends a ladies' breakfast gathering amongst her middle-aged (& a few older) peers.

Angie loves Lakeside Pres.  In fact, were she forced to choose between it and her husband, I'm pretty sure she'd choose Lakeside Pres.  

And that makes me really happy because I believe church today is mostly geared towards women and meeting their spiritual needs.  In conclusion, finding one where my wife feels communal makes me one quite content Samson guy.