Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Keep Them Emotions Underneath Your (Hairy?) Armpits (For Safekeeping)

My Silas is a profusive sweater.  I wouldn't be privy to this factoid had he not volunteered the info, and even then, I'd likely not have acknowledged it 'till I witnessed it firsthand (our first rendezvous was at a local park on a typically muggy May morning in Mississippi).

My wife is similarly physiologically-wired relative to perspiration.  And her dad was just the same.  But, the difference (perhaps) in my wife and Silas' perspiration antics is hers is more often tied to anxiety.  In other words, when she experiences anxiety, she sweats profusely.  From there, she becomes that much more anxious (due to the embarrassment over the sweating), therefore she just sweats that much more.  

It's the sweat cycle.  And it is the weirdest thing.  Thankfully none of my children inherited this, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few of my grandchildren aren't "blessed" with this supersweatiness.  


When I was in middle-school (back in the '80s), my mother enrolled me in a Shotokan Karate class at the aerobics studio where she worked (bookkeeper).  It was a Tuesday / Thursday class, and the exceedingly kind Sensei who instructed us (mostly) tikes was from across town (Clinton).  Terry Vandeventer was a reptile scientist, by trade, who no doubt had a big heart for children.  I'd never met anyone like him (he drove a beat-up station wagon that more often than not had caged baby alligators in the wayback).  

As everyone knows, karateing requires you wear a canvas bathrobe.  I have no idea whose idea this was, but it's seemingly universal.  Of note was Mr. Vandeventer's Gei (the uniform's official karate moniker) for it always had these disgusting greenish stains underneath his armpits.  

And I could never get over that.  Yuck. Gross.  Ick.  It was so bad that I always wished he'd simply use his legs whilst karateing versus his arms or simply just go Gei-topless during our class.

Fast forward to my second boss (post college) who was an architect reared in Vicksburg.  This man had purchased shares of a thriving Jackson architecture firm (where I was now employed) early in his career.  He resided with his sweet wife in Madison, having designed and built his '70ish abode during the late '80s (he was off by a decade).  

I can recall driving out to this house in order to bring him his left-behind-at-the-office briefcase one afternoon after work.  Upon my arrival, both he and his sweet wife (at the time) met me under their carport.  Unsurprisingly, my bossman had removed his dress shirt prior to my arrival, therefore only his tee shirt remained across his very lean torso.  Carl would always brag about the heaping amount of Italian blood within his veins.  Hence, he was olived skinned and hairy to boot.

Immediately, I took note of the profuse green / brown staining under the arms of his tee.  And I simply wanted to puke.  Right there underneath his structurally shifted carport structure.  Yuck.  Gross.  Ick.


As grown-ass men, our feelings must not be allowed to control us.  There's simply too much responsibility we shoulder for our emotions to have that level of free reign.  But, our feelings very much matter, and therefore should not be dismissed / minimized.

Everyone knows that our emotions can't be completely trusted at times.  For Rob, those seasons have usually been those where I've found myself deeply wounded (traumatized) at the hand of those I genuinely respected / admired.    

Nonetheless, whilst certainly taking those inevitable moments into account, it is our duty to harness our feelings in such a way that we can rely on them to assist us (& therefore those we serve) as men.  


A year or so after I graduated ('95) from architecture school at Mississippi State University, I surprisingly found that a number of my colleagues chose too to stay within the Metro Jackson area to find work.  Our class was +/-40 in scale, and 12-15 of these were within this group.  Of note is the fact that the architecture degree program at MSU is five years with the fifth year occurring within a separate studio in downtown Jackson.

A handful of these (12-15) were far more polished than Rob was (that's not hard to believe, is it?), and much of this was akin to their being older (they'd pursued architecture as a second degree).  Of note was the fact that this group had taken it upon themselves to organize a "Young Architects' Forum" that was sort of a sub-association group to the Mississippi AIA (American Institute of Architects) chapter.  And this YAF had absolutely taken off, even to the point of gaining some national notoriety.  And this was all very cool.

I volunteered some of my time to assist these "go getters" who'd so brilliantly brought this exciting idea to fruition, but what happened soon thereafter, truly put my deodorant to the test.


I have closely trimmed my armpit hair for as long as I can remember.  In fact, this is one of my sweet wife's routine duties for Rob (along with trimming my neck hair).  I know for a fact that this habit is tied to the aforementioned gross-out experiences I detailed above.  

It's not that I'm against armpit hair.  Not at all.  I'm just against any semblance of nasty sweat stains being visible on Rob's (or any other western man's) clothing.  

It's oppressively hot & humid here in Mississippi more often than not.  Our climate is sub-tropical.  Therefore, were it not for perspiration, we Mississippians would likely instead be Canadians.

This makes me thankful for sweat.  I just don't want to be grossed out / gross anyone out by it (sweating is to be felt but not seen).

I will likely gift each of my pubescent grandsons with rechargeable hair trimmers.


I attended some sort of "Young Architects' Forum" mini-banquet (at a then uber popular Jackson restaurant) in order to be recognized for my involvement / contributions as a volunteer.  Unbeknownst to me, the YAF Board President's intention was to "pass the baton" to Rob immediately following this shindig.  

I was clueless until I realized what was being implied during his presentation.  

I'm certain my armpits became moist as I sat there eating my chips and salsa.  For I felt duped and taken advantage of.  Not one word of this had been broadcast to me prior to this evening.

All I knew was that I'd no leadership experience combined with very little interest in sophomoring their group.  The current President had made it clear that he was moving away from Jackson and wanted out of the position of President (which he'd put himself within as the author of the org itself 18-months prior).

After the formalities were over and everyone began to disperse from the restaurant, I asked to speak with the board members privately out in the restaurant foyer.  And this was the first time, that I can remember as a grown-ass man (age 21 / 22), of Rob tapping into "my gut / instinct" (emotional core) relative to standing up for myself.

And the reaction to what I had to say was not at all respectful / pleasant.  In fact, the Board President was so offended by my refusal to go along with his assumptions that his emotions were most definitely allowed free reign.  From there, my reputation as a "noteworthy volunteer" changed to one of "unreliable schmuck".  

Keep in mind that I did not belay my disgruntled feelings in an asshole-like manner during this intense exchange.  I was respectful of his contribution / authority yet also pointed / direct relative to my own point of view regarding this "misunderstanding". 

Considering the age difference (me being 3-5 years younger than the board members), I came away quite proud of how I handled myself in contrast to the reaction I received.


God gave men armpits for good reason.  They're wonderful repositories for emotions.  Whether they're positive or negative, my advice is to keep them there for safekeeping.  This way, they're useful but not intrusive.  Controlled but also accessible.  Plus, emotions favor warm, moist, and dark.  Hence, the armpit is both a conveniently ideal environment.

My only request regarding this approach is that you do your part as a man to keep from grossing anyone out.  Even if you have to pay thousands to have your armpit hair lasered away, do us all a favor and get it done.  For sometimes, even the most effective antiperspirants simply won't cut the hairy mustard.

For goodness sakes man, think of your clothing!  Yuck.  Gross.  Ick.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Feeling Overlooked

As I believe I've mentioned in the past, my Silas and I have regularly scheduled face-to-face meetings throughout the month.  One of these is a scheduled lunch and the other is a more intimate get-together at a local park (in the evening as it's too steamy during the day).  

In anticipation of one of those scheduled rendezvouses, I've been rehearsing within my head what I'm going to share relative to where I've been over the past 3-4 weeks.  Hence, I'm really revved up about this forthcoming meeting.  To expound on that a bit, I made a statement at one of the more recent "Make Thursdays Great Again" Samson Society meetings that I was feeling quite emotionally constipated.  Well, once again, I'm there.  Hence, my hope is during my forthcoming Silas meeting, I can "empty my lower track".  

If there were a theme to what I've decided to share / dump, it would be that I'm feeling woefully overlooked as of late, and I believe the primary driving force behind this feeling is how much caregiving I've been doing relative to my family (immediate & extended).  And I'm absolutely fine with caregiving.  Rob is a giver by default, but I've been doing a boatload of it over the past month or so.  As you can imagine, because of this overload, there've been ramifications therein that I've regretted.


I took a few moments tonight to express my overlookedness to my wife, and I came away feeling like I'd royally disappointed her.  As such, those feelings weren't nearly as intense as they should have been (considering reality), but as a giver - & particularly as her husband - it made me feel remorseful for speaking up.

I'm officially queued up for my Silas.  Please be in prayer that he's in a good place to receive what I'm needing to relinquish and that neither of our calendars are hijacked - in the meantime - by the unexpected / unplanned.

Recommended Reading

 Oldest Lie in the Book: ‘You Will Be like God’ (thegospelcoalition.org)

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

"I Hope You Took A Walk For Me" - Garry Eoff

My dear friend and co-worker, Donna, traveled with her family to a Florida beach in May 2015. Due to multiple issues with a daughter-in-law, the retreat was often an opportunity to relieve herself of the trials this family member put upon Donna's grandsons and son. It was while she was on this trip, that I decided to write this expression of how the beach can affect one's life.

I hope you took a walk for me

On the beach of course that leads to the seaIt is there that I feel the wind blow strongAnd from my life take away all that is wrongThe waves crashing, the gulls callingAs I walk away from all in my life that is fallingSpray from the waves just wound round my feet, my soul, my lifeEach step forward and many more left behind in the strifeTake it away Old Man of the SeaAnd bury my troubles far away from meThe silence is not really silence, no it is not quiet at allFor it was IN THE BEGINNING that He made the callTo breathe life into the heavens and the earthIt is here that new life seems to give birthI never grow tired of the feelingIf I had wings, the beach my runway, the wind to carry me for the sky hath no ceilingIt is here again that I cherish the moments where I can beMy heart, my mind, my body are for just a moment let loose and freeFor a minute, how I wish it could be more than an hourFor me to hide in the never ceasing caressing winds that express so much powerMust I return to reality, a place you have momentarily taken me fromThe time spent with you in words I can not sumThe time spent with you my soul did renewIt was time to work out the things that were askewSo dear friend as you walked the sands each dayA time for you and loved ones to be awayMy hope for you was that just for a spellYou take some time for yourself and on the beach our Lord to tellOf the beauty of the heavens and of the earthAnd everything that has since given birthAnd selfish me as I thought of you thereI knew that you would not have one, no not one, single careSo, I hope it was there that you took a walk for meOn the beach of course that leads to the sea

"Success Denial" - JR Everhart

This year has been an amazing year for my concert production business.  Everything is growing and moving exactly the way I had hoped.  But for some reason, I still feel like it’s not real, or that I’m on the verge of disaster.  It’s a haunting fear of failure that I constantly deal with.  I triple and quadruple check even the smallest details of every job, yet still feel as if it’s one step from complete destruction.  All this in the face of constant praise regarding the quality of my work.  Only an adult child could feel these feelings of distress while people are patting him on the back and showering him with additional opportunity.  If you don’t know what an adult child is, I highly recommend the “adult children of alcoholics and dysfunctional families” (ACA for short) program, or at the very least, purchase the “big red book” and read it.  I have it on audio book as well, so I can listen to it while traveling, which I do a lot of. 

For those of us who grew up under the same roof with addict-type dysfunction, which does not always assume the chemical component - such as drugs or alcohol, this type of thinking makes perfect sense to you.  An adult child could get mugged and still blame themselves for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  We internalize everything because during the developmental years of our lives, we were taught that we were not good, and brought very little value to the world. Some of us were made to feel like we were the cause of our parents' sorrow and, as such, a hindrance to their happiness.  This childhood distortion can then result in an adult who struggles with self-worth issues, and has a very difficult time believing good things can happen to him.  This would be me.  Here I am achieving everything I’ve worked the last 30 years to build; all the while waiting for it to blow up in my face.  It’s insanity on the deepest level!
The enemy loves this cycle of thinking and for some it eventually gives birth to sabotage.  Success can become so fearful and unbelievable to them.  Eventually, they will self-destruct and burn it to the ground.  This is one of many tactics they use to feed their victim mindset.  “Poor me… I can never get a break… blah blah blah…” I’ve seen this play out amongst friends.  It was only after several conversations that I could enlighten them to see this cycle they'd entered into.  Fear has the ability (when reinforced with faith in that fear) to bring things to pass in the same way faith in Christ can bring things to pass.  Faith is that strong and all of hell understands this principle.  Why do you think hell works so hard to rob your faith by replacing it with Satan’s vernacular for your life?

As Christians, we can duly celebrate the fact that the entire New Testament is about hijacking Satan’s identity plans and realigning them with our identity in Christ.  Our flesh bears witness with Satan’s lies, but our spirit aligns with God's truth and therefore its true identity in Jesus.  My aforementioned feelings of fear-based failure (that are haunting me right now) are the fruit of decades of dysfunction which the enemy has been weaving into my life.  

It isn't 'till I sit down and start journaling my thoughts that these lies start to surface.  My fear of failure is not based on reality.  It’s based on an emotional reaction - to the voices in my head.  Voices from my childhood telling me I can’t do this because I’m not strong enough, or smart enough, or emotionally capable enough to handle the stress that comes with success, etc.  THIS IS NOT THE CULTURE OF HEAVEN!  These accusations are THE CULTURE OF HELL!  Once I recognize this, I’m then equipped to extinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy with the shield of faith. 
Here’s how a well-adjusted Christian should handle my situation:  With success comes high levels of responsibility.  I will do all I can to resource my efforts as it pertains to a safe and successful business.  I will cover all I do with prayer trusting God to protect me and my business from catastrophic failure.  I will not fear, and when fear does attempt to creep in, I will respond with faith in God's grace, mercy, and protection.  I have nothing to fear, God has promised me that he will work all things toward good on behalf of those that love him and are called according to his purpose.  God knows I love him, and I will attempt to live that out in my day-to-day life.  I am also doing my best to live according to his calling on my life.  Anything outside of this mindset, I place under God's grace, mercy, and protection.  I don’t have to have all the answers, God does, but I also don’t have to stand at the tree of lies and temptation and argue with the serpent.  I am free to turn and walk away, trusting only in God's promises.  Promises revealed in his word for those who love him.  This approach robs the enemy’s lies of their power, setting us free from the cycles of thought-life failure.  Everything else matters not, therefore I MUST refuse to place poison on the table that I eat from.  

Monday, September 5, 2022

"Bo's Cafe" By John Lynch (Reviewed by Scott Tomlin)

Self-Protection & Shame - I have always used coerciveness to get what I want.  It has protected me at all costs.  I grew up in the home of a Raging Alcoholic, and I was often the focus of his rage.  So, it's understandable that this mentality to jump into a Bunker and protect was HARDwired via my upbringing.  

I learned that no one was going to protect me; instead that EVERYONE WOULD abandon me.  So, I told myself that I had to protect Scott and take care of him.  From this pattern of self-protection, I trapped myself in a fortress.  A fortress that was intended to protect, allowing me to not feel ANYTHING, which was what I needed to survive.  Because I was too young to understand, and too small to escape my father's rage, I learned to emotionally disconnect from myself too.  This provided me with the methodology to enforce an inner vow I'd made.  And that vow was:  to never allow my dad to see any emotion.  Hence, I could control my emotions by disconnecting, and that was about the only thing for which I could completely control.  This coping skill served me well and allowed me to survive, but it also made it difficult to extend/give emotions to others.  My innards, as a result, became hardened.  

As a grown ass man, I found that I couldn't show up emotionally.  I missed and I lost out during many years; ultimately, I didn’t know how to express how I was feeling.  I lost out on the opportunity to distribute the slow, daily, continual deposit of my love within simple actions; actions requiring me to be present by expressing my emotions in the small moments.  As such, I couldn't give the following to my wife - the look in my eyes nor the touch of my hands as a means to provide her with that daily deserved affirmation!  I missed out on the opportunity to express my true feelings in lieu of me protecting myself.  Ultimately, my feelings were still (remember by boyhood) closed up in the fortress of self-protection, all because of my wrong belief about vulnerability.  In essence, I saw vulnerability as something to be feared due to it exposing me (to potential emotional pain), and this felt extremely unsafe.


Shame has always said to me, “You are not worth it!”, and unfortunately, I believed what shame said. 

In reading Bo’s Cafe, I wholeheartedly identified with the main character, Steven.  Like him, I've always attempted to control others in order to not feel any shame.  In my adult life, I have foolhardily harnessed my pent-up emotions.  These were emotions that were usually hidden as a means to control others.  Essentially, I've, at times, resorted to weaponizing my Anger, Remorse, Sarcasm, Aggression - you name it.  This I have used to "back people off of me" in an attempt to protect myself.  All under the guise of staying in control.  When things are not going the way that I think they should go, my need to control increases, and I quickly take action.  In essence, The VOLUME of grown ass Scott increases - to a deafening pitch - and I don’t stop…CAN’T STOP…until I feel that I am in control of all the possible outcomes!

In this effort, I won’t allow my wife or my children to simply be themselves.  If I allow them to be who they are, then they might not be who I think they should be at any given time, therefore this could cause others to think poorly of them (Scott) which would consequently have others thinking poorly of me.  If this were to happen, then I would feel SHAME which, in turn, induces me towards controlling everything and everyone.  As a result of this self-protection ruse, when they refuse to come around to my way of thinking (controlling), I judge them!  Therefore, Scott is implicitly right, and everyone else is WRONG (Scott the asshole)!

Secondly, the character, Andy, is a Protector (of those he loves).  My resolve towards this character is one of disconnect and unrelatability.  For I've always been singularly my own self-centered / self-focused Protector.  Considering this, God’s specific design was that I would allow others to protect me.  To be very specific, I would need to allow my wife to protect me.  She certainly was able to provide a clear, present visibility / assessment of Scott.  Visibility that could clearly observe Scott beginning to dis-regulate and enter into Freeze, Fight or Flight.  

Unfortunately, when I feel this coming on (vulnerable), I see it as a NEGATIVE thing which feels unsafe, therefore I feel that I MUST protect myself.  In doing so, I have rarely experienced what God intended within my marriage, which is for my wife to truly be my Helpmeet and not my Adversary.

This book helped me to ask of myself this important question: Safe from what?  I finally saw, for the first time, me reflexively feeling unsafe from my own Shame.  Shame which kept me in this continual effort to protect myself.  My thoughts were as follows: if anyone actually discovered the real me, they would reject me, abandon me, and not love me!  To take it a step further, I often, in these moments, felt hatred for myself!  Who I had become as well as the collateral damage - from my decisions - and all the pain which I had caused in my addiction.  

And finally, within the character of Steven, I saw my own behavior cycle as well as my Core Belief, “I am NOT worth it”.  Shame simply echos my Core Belief, therefore I immediately begin the hustle!


What did I take away from this book?

In order for Scott to dismantle the fortress of self-protection which had been built over 45 years, he must stop looking to others for his approval.  When he does this, he places this massive pressure on his loved ones to tell him, “You're OK.”  My wife is usually within the direct line of fire relative to this expectation.  However, I never let her in because my Shame is saying, “if you knew me, the real me, you wouldn’t love me.”  So, I send my representative, the Imposter, out to meet with her.

Imposter Scott will bring all his good works to the meeting, all the good things he has learned in Recovery, at his Samson meetings, at his last Therapy session.  As such, he'll lay it all down at the sacred alter of Self-Protection, in an effort to say, “Look how much I’ve learned about me and how I have hurt everyone else…doesn’t this make you want to tell me ‘just how much better I have become?!’”

It’s kneejerk behavior, this need of mine to achieve something in order to hide my Shame versus LETTING IT GO!  The truth is that my Shame was paid for when it was crucified with Jesus!  Only when I allow Shame to be reconciled can the authentic Scott Tomlin come out of hiding.

I really want to be Fully Loved.  My 2-year-old self, my 8-year-old self, desires to be FULLY LOVED, and so does every other age of Scott.  However, the only way for me to be fully loved is to be fully known.  I have to drop my protection, take off my armor, and come out from behind the fortress of Self-Protection.  In this, I can step into the light of vulnerability to be the man for which God intended (as described within Psalm 139).  Christ never intended for me to believe the Enemy's message of Shame; my sin was paid for even before he made me!

Thanks for listening…I’m Scott.

"Golf" - Andrew Zimmerman

I used to escape with golf. A lot. I worked at a golf course in the summers during the first few years of my marriage, so golf was free. I cared so much about my score and how many holes I could squeeze in during a day. If I got to play 9-holes, I wanted to play 18. If I played 18-holes, I wanted to play 27. These days I have more responsibilities, so I don't get the time to play like I used to, which is probably a good thing.

As I traveled this road of recovery, I realized that my obsession with golf was not healthy. I pursued activities that provided me with the space to avoid and escape reality, and golf was one of those activities. Who I was on the inside didn't match who I was on the outside, and I had to protect that.Fast forward to today and the flip side of that coin is also true - golf is not inherently an unhealthy activity. Tonight I realized I needed some time alone, so after the kids were in bed I went out and hit some putts. There is something about being outside that the indoors cannot offer me. Somehow I sense Him more when I can be present in His creation. I need my time outdoors, just like I need my brothers in Samson Society, and tonight golf was that avenue.