Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Very Personal. Private Blessings.

This is the year I turn 50.  Going into '22, my goal was to take stock primarily of how God had blessed me through service to him.  And I've done a good bit of that work, and it's been wonderful to look back.

As you know, much of what I'm ruminating on personally - in real time, is written about here within this blog.  Because Samson Society is such an integral part of my life, much of it is pigmented as such.

Considering that, this is a season where what God is doing specifically - within my life - simply cannot be documented here.  And my reasoning behind that is my emotional state of mind therein.  That being awe and deeply affecting humility. 

We serve a God who knows us down to the very last cell.  He wants to bless us personally in line with his understanding as our creator.  No portion of our humanity can portend to expect how these blessings might pan out.  So often, these blessings are relational, and at times, those relations can be mind-blowingly catered and timely.

The last thing I'll say here is about preparedness.  Be expectant.  And allow that joy to carry you through the worst days.  

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Let's Talk Samson - "Hyper-Independence"

Note from Stephen: Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some short posts titled "Let's Talk Samson..." The following post below originated from the Samson Society Facebook page. Specific permission was obtained from the Samson Society in order for the Jackson Mississippi Samson Society blog to re-post and share the contents. The ideas and thoughts presented here originated via the Samson Society's Facebook Page, and permission has been granted to share both ideas and images via this blog. At the end, I will add my own personal commentary and reflection; these will be presented in bold, italic lettering to designate my personal views as they pertain to the original posting. ~ Stephen


Children who experience emotional or physical neglect learn to replace the deep craving for connection with "not needing anyone."

It's an instinct to self-protect and is an effective coping tool to survive an unsafe and/or painful environment.

Hyper-independence numbs the deep craving for love and connection. It takes the pain of rejection, abandonment, sadness, and grief, and transforms it into a perceived self-confidence:

▪ "I don't need anyone."

▪ "I can do this on my own."

▪ "Why let you in? Everyone eventually leaves."

When we’re used, betrayed, or disrespected, it’s easy for us to create the belief that we can’t rely on anybody else. We don’t want to feel that pain ever again, so we protect ourselves by believing we can walk on this world without the help of others.

This mindset leads to:

▪ taking on too much

▪ saying no to help

▪ having trouble with delegating tasks

We may think being on our own is much better than letting people in, but what we’re really doing is closing ourself off to life.

This is why community, such as the brotherhood of Samson, is vital to our journey of recovery, healing, and just "doing life."


Stephen's Commentary:

I am not a fan of social media and partake of it sparingly. I am a very private person, and I thank the good Lord every day that I grew up in a day and age when social media wasn't even a word that existed in the vernacular of Americans. Still, social media does have its moments and it also has certain areas in which it demonstrates usefulness. One particular way that I have found social media to be useful is via the Samson Facebook page. A few weeks ago, I came across a post that stopped me dead in my tracks. Quite literally, it stopped me dead in my tracks and caused me to have to sit down and pause for a few moments. Very few things that I have ever read online have pulled a sucker punch on me like this post did. Many thoughts raced through my mind at once: "This is me...this is who I am...Whoever wrote this looked right through my hardened veneer into the depths of my soul...They get it...they understand...maybe there are others out there like me..."

I have always been a "hyper-independent" person. Until I read this Facebook post, I didn't realize that there was even such a term to describe someone such as myself. Through the work I've done over the past 6 years via Samson, I have been able to re-trace the steps back through my life to see exactly when and where I started down the path of becoming "hyper-independent." Prior to Samson, I didn't know how to begin this process, nor would I have even cared to! Being a "hyper-independent" introverted person is very painful at times. Even though I can be an extroverted-introvert (ambivert) at times, the "hyper-independence" within me still reigns strong. "Hyper-independent" is perhaps the strongest over-arching character trait that is present in my life.

Being "hyper-independent" is DANGEROUS. Being such a person usually means keeping everyone at arm's length. As a husband and father, "hyper-independence" still, at times, causes me to be withdrawn and emotionally unavailable to those who need me the most...my family.

Being "hyper-independent" is EXHAUSTING. Being a chameleon in order to demonstrate a wonderful "outward" appearance while often struggling internally is both mentally and emotionally exhausting. 

Being "hyper-independent" is extremely LONELY. A few weeks ago, my son was very sick, and was hospitalized for a week in the local children's hospital. My wife never left his side and spent the week in the hospital with him. My days consisted of working half days and running back and forth to the hospital during the remaining time to take care of my family. At night, I was at home caring for my three dogs. Aside from a few people we told, I did not reach out to anyone. Even though I was mentally exhausted and emotionally drained by the end of the day, my "hyper-independence" caused me to not reach out to anyone and struggle alone with my fears and my thoughts. It was a rough week.

Being "hyper-independent" is not who I want to be. Above, I have included a screenshot of the original post. The words I have highlighted in yellow describe me. That is Stephen. And I need help moving past that. But my "hyper-independence" assures me that I do not. I need people who will continue to convince me of the need to abandon my desire for "hyper-independence." ~Stephen


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Honoring The Mother Ship's (First Baptist Church Jackson) Cherished '70s / '80s' Pastor - Dr. Frank Pollard

(Note: I am posting this on behalf of Rob Turner

 ~ Stephen)


Summit Counseling (First Baptist Church Jackson's proprietary counseling ministry) wouldn't exist had Dr. Frank Pollard not wholeheartedly supported its creation / funding during the '80s.  

This ministry was firstly overseen by Dr. Ron Mumbower, and it offered individuals who were members of the church professional therapy / counseling within the four walls of the church itself.  For a Mississippi church, this was cutting edge in ministry thinking. 

The Jackson Mississippi Samson Society's original face-to-face group, facilitated by Mr. Don Waller, has always met within the Summit Counseling suite, which today is located within the First Baptist Church Jackson Christian Life Center.  Don has been part of Summit (as a licensed therapist) for many years, and his involvement in facilitating the initial Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society group speaks to his passion for helping men in crises via relational accountability (via The Path).

But it all points back to the now long deceased Dr. Frank Pollard, and his vision for integrating professional counseling into First Baptist Church Jackson's suite of ministries.


Dr. Frank Pollard was a master communicator, and as a means to honor his legacy / vision (which we as local Samson guys have benefited from), we'll soon be posting - once per week or so - transcripts from a handful of his The Baptist Hour radio / TV broadcasts from the late '70s.  By doing so, we're hopeful you too (like us) will recognize the opportunity here.  For these transcripts represent the creme de la creme of Bible teaching of its day.    

Therefore, without further ado, here's an introductory piece that provides both a partial "Table of Contents" and summary of what The Baptist Hour was during its heyday.

We're looking forward to sharing more soon.  Thanks for reading.

Recommended Reading - Mr. Joe Rigney Could Be A Samson Guy

 Submit Your Felt Reality to God | Desiring God