Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Olympic-Sized Lust / Pole Vault Ass Cam / Erection Marketing

Earlier this week, an old Samson friend met me for lunch at a swanky, posh Jackson, Mississippi eatery that's a magnet for rich, white people, and on this particular sultry Mississippi August day, they were out in droves.

Most of these rich, white people were women, many very beautiful women with seductive figures and cosmetically accentuated countenances, some wearing Buck Rogers-inspired tight-fitting attire or little to bare minimum in clothing in order to stave off the relentless summer heat (whilst showing off their curves).  

Hanging from the rafters within the outdoor dining space of this particular eatery was a massive television that just happened to be screening the Summer Olympics, and wouldn't you know it, the women's pole vault competition was in full swing!  Needless to say, beautiful asses and tits were circumnavigating us.


Many years ago, I had lunch with another old Samson friend at a similarly swanky Metro Jackson, Mississippi restaurant, and we actually had to cut our meal short in order for him to vacate the premises.  I remember one particularly stunning female traipsing in, and as she did so, I watched all the blood drain out of my friend's face as his eyes latched onto to her longingly for a few intense seconds.  

I had commented earlier that eating there felt as if we'd been whisked away to Los Angeles, California, and soon thereafter, this beautiful woman walked in (which served as further evidence).  And then we walked out, leaving our protein bowls and frozen greek yogurt behind.

And by the way, this particular Samson friend now resides with his family in one of the most rural spots (that I'm privy to) in beautiful Mississippi.  Far away from the posh, swankiness of suburban Jackson eateries frequented by rich, white people.  And this allows me to sleep better at night.


Decades ago, I was attending a northeast Jackson, Mississippi 12-step group somewhat sporadically, and within the group I befriended an intensely personable - native Mississippi man who was close to my age.  This man's story shared similar traits as my own, and as such, our budding friendship was the most compelling reason for me to remain engaged within the group (everyone else was a lot older than I was).  Around this time, the Summer Olympics were being held, and I recall receiving an unexpected landline telephone call from my new friend regarding this one Saturday afternoon.  

He'd been screening the men's gymnastics, and as such, was feeling overwhelmed by his now very sexually aroused state.  Watching those young muscular men, wearing nothing but skin-tight tanks / leggings, left nothing to the imagination (especially between their legs).  Therefore, my friend felt overwhelmed with sexual desire when arguably most viewers were simply interested in the rankings.  Or were they?

This telephone conversation set in motion for me the notion of decoupling myself (& my family) completely from CATV.  And it wasn't long afterwards that I did so.


Dr. John Piper as well as his entire Desiring God troupe exult the notion of squashing lustful thinking with "a greater joy".  That "greater joy" being one's intensely desirous allegiance to pleasing God.  Not out of duty but instead love.  Love for a spirit that cannot be seen nor touched except through our heart of hearts.  Intense love and affection that's grown out of saving faith.

But we are not a culture of heart seekers who're interested - in the least - with the internal much less the eternal.  Instead, we're groomed to solely focus on the external (visual) - all the time 24/7/365 within the present.  Head to toe.  Backwards and forwards.  Whether we're sizing each other up whilst out and about or watching our ever present entertainment via those ubiquitous flat screens.  

So what do we do about this?  How do we re-wire our brains to look inward at both ourselves and others?


Take drastic steps.


My Samson friend, whom I was eating with earlier in the week at the aforementioned posh Jackson, Mississippi eatery, just did something in this regard that I greatly respect.

He went from a longstanding commitment to a suburban mega-church to a newfound commitment to a Podunk country church that's essentially just one suburban municipality over.  Now, this move was justified with circumstantial logic, but in terms of spiritual pragmatics, it made all the more sense for him specifically. 

When I'm around this friend (especially within public settings), it's so apparent how enslaved he is to the external (visual).  His overall focus is reduced dramatically due to this (which annoys me greatly).  And it's been this way ever since I've known him.  

To be more specific, I know this friend so well that my heart hurts to see how vulnerable he is - in real time.  It makes me feel powerless.

So, how might a church membership move - from suburban mega-church to Podunk country church benefit him in this regard?

I would argue that Podunk country church is mainly attended by parishioners who're only there to take in God's word, worship, and serve.  In lieu of (a handful) these same earnest folks (at the suburban mega-church) co-mingling with a boatload of socialites who make the time to attend in order to strut their hot bods whilst talking politics / their golf game out in the luxury SUV-filled parking lot.

Notice I mentioned "who're there to strut their hot bods".  That's a key point.  Don't miss that about certain churches.


The first pastor friend of Rob's (+/-12 years ago) was an Associate Pastor.  This meant that he rarely preached, but instead did his fair share of (exemplary) behind the scenes organizing, etc. at the church where he served.  And this guy was content with this work at the time, which honestly was quite weird, because he was an excellent preacher with far more potential than had been tapped into.  Nonetheless, he was willing to befriend me, therefore I kept my mouth shut regarding this and simply enjoyed our time spent together.  

My Associate Pastor friend's wife was a knockout.  And she knew it, and loved to flaunt it.  So much so, that she'd at times show up to his church - just barely - dressed.  

This blonde bombshell loved to exercise (she was hyperactively anxious which fueled her exercise obsession), and as a result, her expertly toned body displayed her hard work for every heterosexual man (& homosexual woman) to potentially lust after.

I remember seeing her on one occasion leaving the church house on one Sunday morning at quite a brisk pace (but with a sly grin on her countenance).  She rarely attended any church functions besides worship on Sunday mornings, and today was likely no different.  Having perhaps slipped in a tad bit late to worship, my assumption was her Associate Pastor husband had given her a look of disapproval (in response to her choice of non-attire) that really only served to reinforce / confirm her rebellious bent.  For her, it was like a dance between the two of them - where she was always in the lead.  

And I knew him well enough to know that he secretly loved participating in this sensualized marital dance, elevating it far above the reality of his calling / duties as a pastor.  For it was as if he'd won the lottery, having her beautiful tits and ass to lie next to (or on top of) each and every night.  As such, her seductive attention more than made up for the doldrums (& low wages) of his Assistant Pastoral duties.


Let's wrap this one up by dropping a bombshell truth that no one wants to hear (much less say).

The primary value (monetized) of a female, within our western culture, is in her sensuality.  And this is a distortion of Biblical truth for women were not created to be primarily valued as meat or eye candy.

This distortion has come about / been proliferated by / through technology.  Mainly photography - still and video.  As such, women are elevated as objects of intense lust in high definition.  Billions and billions of dollars have been made by exploiting this distortion - by selling everything from lust itself to real estate, cars, and every manner of widget known to man by firstly bringing on an erection.

Now, the same, of course, can be said of men - as objects of lust.  Just not at all to the same degree.

For women's bodies are decidedly more holistically beautiful with their curves and "hidden features" (internal sex organs) that leaves much to the imagination.   

In closing, flee from sexual sin / temptation by making drastic changes to your life.  Do whatever it takes to get off the fence regarding this.  God hates the lukewarm.  And he is not interested in the external (remember Dr. John Piper).  Hence, neither should you be.

And do know that my Samson friend and I have already discussed finding another venue to dine at when we rendezvous next.  One that assists him in keeping his eyes (& head) out of the ditch.

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