Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Metro Jackson Samson Society - Annual Bonfire tomorrow night (12/30/20) at 6:00 PM - Rural Hinds county

Location:  5550 Williamson Road Clinton, MS 39056.  This is a gravel road (not a house) go through double gate and go left follow road to turn around. Bring Camp chair please.  If you get lost call me at 601-946-1290; Lance 601-862-8308; Tu 601-540-2429.


We are serving Chili (Chef Andrew) I will need a head count – text me or reply to email (dwaller@fbcj.org) that you are coming by tonight (12/29/20) please.  We also need waters, cheese, soul cream, bowls and spoons, looking for volunteers to bring items.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 2020 Samson Society "No Bull Briefing" Newsletter


Franklin, TN

Merry Christmas!

'Tis the Season ... Matching Gift Update

As of this NBB we have raised $22,993 (128 contributions) toward the $50,000 Matching Grant. A special thank you to all that have participated in this campaign; almost half of the contributions are recurring monthly moving forward! Now, with 10,000 men in Samson Society, let's see if we can reach our goal of matching the $50,000 by year-end!
Click HERE to join the campaign and help us reach the Match.

Available NOW:

"On My Worst Day: The Narrative Changes When Redemption Enters In"                   by John Lynch
John Lynch was the featured speaker at our 2020 Virtual Retreat and, no doubt, everyone who attended will be ordering this new offering from John. The tapes we play in our heads are often deceptive, but all that can change when we start playing the new tapes of redemption. Order now on AmazonSmile.
You can watch John's retreat talks on our Patreon page HERE.

Share Your Story

An integral part of any Samson Society meeting is the sharing time. The first few times are usually heart-pounding, sweaty-palm moments, but in time we learn it is liberating. We're collecting stories of how Samson Society has helped men in their recovery, marriage, family, job, etc. If you'd be open to sharing your recovery story to encourage the broader Samson community (first name and last initial attribution only) CLICK HERE.

"Porn Drives Demand" Part 3 by Roger C.

Dietrich was born into a large family in Breslau Germany.  The year was 1906 and young Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the son of a psychiatrist father and a schoolteacher mother would have seven siblings.  Later in life, he, along with his brother and two brothers-in-law would be executed by the Nazis during World War 2.  But before that end, Dietrich completed a Doctor of Theology degree when he was only 21.  He rose to prominence as a paster-theologian during the 1930s, as the Nazi Party was also rising in power.  His strong faith, exposure to the social injustices in American black culture, and the church’s ineptitude to address them gave rise to his evolvement as a leading voice against Nazism.  One of the Nazi’s first actions after they assumed control was to seize sectors that shaped public opinions – the arts, cinema, and radio.  They removed anything they did not see as supportive of a new vision and favored arts that reinforced the narratives they wanted the German people to think and feel.  They made laws that oppressed what they deemed racially inferior people and created death camps to systematically eliminate them.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer openly opposed the Nazis, led an underground seminary, and joined a resistance effort to remove Hitler by planting a bomb at his hideout.  He argued that Christians should not retreat from the world, but act in it.  He was sent to Flossenburg concentration camp and hung two weeks before US troops liberated the camp.  He was 39. 

Don't forget to visit our Patreon site
to watch past retreat speakers and workshops. We will continue to build out the site with more and more resources.

NOTE re: Donations By Check

Beginning January 1, 2021, Samson House will no longer process contributions by physical check at our Franklin, TN location. ALL contribution processing will be done by our contribution processor, New Horizons. Not only is this an effective outsourcing of a critical administrative task, but it also streamlines our 501-C-3 accounting to the IRS. You can donate HERE from now on.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Reruns 'till '21

The month of December is my busiest at work and on the home front.  That fact, plus my being slated to take yet another securities exam on (12/31), is why I'm sending our blog out to pasture 'till 2021.  

I believe I've posted far more this year than last, therefore if you simply can't wait for my freshly minted posts to return in January, there's always re-reads...

Be encouraged men to continue following The Path.  Even throughout the holidays.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Respecting & Dialoguing With The Visual Contrarian (Pervert)

One of the most pivotal (conscious & subconscious) moments in my life was during a counseling session with Mr. Don Waller (facilitator of the FBCJ Wednesday night SS meeting), and it was during this particular session that I'd invited my father to come along.  My dad was kind enough to do this on occasion, probably out of pity more than anything else.  Keep in mind these counseling sessions were back in 2014, therefore I'd only been working for him for +/-12 months.  

During this session, I felt compelled to put a photo (via my smartphone) on display primarily for my dad to see.  This photo was of a man who represented my masculine archetype.  As such, the image was of a professional underwear model doing his absolute best to look hot.  And the photo was spectacular.  It was one I'd harvested online from the Aussie Bum URL.  Whilst being very upfront as to what I was attracted to, I reminded my father that it was the pursuit of this kind of imagery that resulted in my 2013 job loss.  But my primary focus was to "level myself up" relative to Robert, Senior by finally saying "to hell" with all this beating around the bush.

My dad recoiled in disgust for the few seconds I held my pocket computer up to his face.  And I sort of enjoyed observing the impact all of this exhibitionist (dare I say bold?) behavior was provoking.

Nonetheless, I smiled broadly.  It simply felt so freeing to own up to who I really was right there one on one (almost) and subsequently make that connection back to Robert, Sr. as his only son.

I don't remember what exactly prompted me to do this during the course of the counseling session, but I do know the setting really bolstered my confidence.  Thank you always, Mr. Don Waller.


My first Silas, pre-Samson Society, agreed to sit down with me one evening in front of a laptop.  During this endeavor, we took some time for him to reveal to me what he was drawn to similarly (as to what I described above).  This was AWKWARD and frightening, but well worth it from the standpoint of demystifying his particular hook (for him) whilst also garnering further trust between the two of us.

I can only speak for myself within these blog posts.  I say that as a reminder.  Therefore, your experience / narrative related to visual imagery may be light years different than my own.  I suppose that's my disclaimer relative to this post.


The first man I served as a Silas towards within Samson Society had been a minister prior to being ushered into the group.  This man's family was devout all around, and this was a wonderful attribute.  His father in-law, in particular, was an every opportunity proselytizer, to the point of carrying around Holy Bibles within his backpack.  This middle-aged man could not sympathize / empathize with his son in-law on any level regarding his sexual hard wiring, and he took this approach as if he himself were a eunuch.  

But I've always wondered if, man to man, he simply wasn't interested in lowering himself to the younger man's level in order to tap into their shared gender as well as the father in-law's past adolescent narrative (growing up years).  Unless maybe he really was a eunuch.


Pride is often fueled by the love we have for looking down on our fellow man - especially those who're perceived differently (slightly or massively) than we are - and the most efficient means to elevate ourselves is to shun (either directly or indirectly), gossip, etc.

Choosing instead to forgo shunning, etc. - of any ilk - takes supernatural gusto, but with the Holy Spirit's help, we can certainly rise above our denigrating defaults.  

And that's where respect comes in.  That altogether most cherished gift that men desire.  

If you're looking to build a bridge between yourself and another male, garner him the gift of respect.  It is ambrosia of the highest order.  A recipe for seeing where others aren't allowed.  

In closing, most men desire to be known by those around them whom they've entrusted a bit of their heart to.  Attempting to understand another man in regards to their sexuality is well worth the risk.


As Men, The First Time We Opt To Attend A Samson Society Meeting Can, At Times, Feel Quite Overwhelming (Not Unlike A Thrill Ride). And Those Ladies Back Home Will Be All The Better For It.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A Timely Message From Dr. Tom Moucka (Samson House Executive Director)


TODAY Is Giving Tuesday!

This year's Giving Tuesday is special due to a Matching Gift of $50,000.00 - every dollar given will be matched with another dollar up to $50,000.00! That doubles your contribution.
As of today, we have received 88 contributions totalling $11,570.00. That is good news, but even better news is our Matching Gift contributor has extended the Match period to December 31, 2020 in order to include year-end givers and tax-advantaged stock gifts.
To double your contribution, simply click HERE. Of course, recurring monthly contributions are appreciated. If you'd like to gift stock, click HERE (note "gift of stock/securities" in the body of the email).
We continue to rescue families by helping over 10,000 men in 33 countries live in the freedom of authenticity. Thank you, one and all, for paying your recovery forward and supporting the mission of Samson Society.

Tom Moucka, president 
Samson House

Why Does This Blog Exist?

Samson Society is awesome.  Stupendous.  Wonderful.  Life-changing.  Intense.  Unique.  It's also free.  Supplemental.  Non-mandatory.  Charitable.  Voluntary.  

It's a men's ministry that's built on Christian men giving of their time and hearts within organized weekly meetings and one-on-one friendships.

Therefore, this is (mainly) my way of (hopefully) paying homage to all of that which Samson Society is.  

I tell people that Samson Society found me, and when it did, I was ready to be found, having sunk into such deep personal despair relative to the prior trauma that I'd endured.  

For those of you who read this blog, thank you.  I'm always glad to see days when the numbers are up.  Also, if any of you wish to post here, I welcome you to reach out to me today.  The only caveat to writing within this venue is that the work should in some way harken back to the core principles of the Samson Society itself (which is pretty much summarized within the second sentence of this post).