Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Protecting Your Children From Their Mother's Boyfriend(s)

The original Samson Society website wasn't nearly as competitively designed (& aesthetically pleasing) as the current one, but within it were resources that are no longer available today.  One of those was recorded testimony of obscure Samson men - on a number of recovery oriented topics.  Mostly these talks focused on the low points / descent tied to their eventual transcendence out of chronic (sexual or otherwise) sin.  From what little I remember, these recordings were executed at some of the pilot Samson Society retreats.

I remember vividly, one in particular, that focused on a Samson guy's story as it related to his willingness to bed women - no matter the cost / repercussions towards / to anyone else.  His frankness relative to his callousness was actually quite jarring (even to me).  Therefore, all and all, these testimonies didn't gloss over the warts of the individual, which certainly was is in the spirit of SS.  Instead, most took their time and chronicled so much of their own stories coupled with their understanding of the inner workings tied to their stories as it related to their own circumstance.  Talk about eye opening and absolutely delicious to hear!  It was very rich stuff that you'll certainly never hear the likes of in Sunday School.


Men want respect.  As it pertains to women (being received from), this can easily be gifted to their romantic partner via satisfying sexual experiences (whether they're legitimate or theatrical).  In turn, many "God fearing" men will continue to feed the relationship (even if), so long as they continue to receive said respect in bed.  It's like a woman's magic elixir.  This being the same erotic potion that keeps prostitutes in business.

Ladies who're adept at this wield monumental influence over their romantic partner (husband, boyfriend).  And those women who're divorced mothers (who choose to fornicate) can and at times do use this influence to their self-serving favor (remember they're oftentimes looking for some semblance of security).

To return to those aforementioned Samson website tales, I remember one distinctly where a Samson guy was detailing his sexual pursuit of a divorced mother who had a couple of small children that she had sole custody of.  What he made very clear within his tale was his disdain for those kids.  And this was rooted in how they were the only thing that stood in between himself and their mother's vagina / breasts / ass.  He went on to detail his varied attempts to create distance (both physical and relational) between the children and their mother, in order to improve his standing (priority) with her versus their biological (innate) own.  As you can imagine, for her children, this made for a home life that was akin to living not just in the sewer but within the sub-basement of the local wastewater treatment plant.  Fun stuff indeed, wouldn't you say?


This Samson guy's story reminded me of spending time with my best friend in middle school.  He and I would spend Friday nights together at his recently remarried (for the first or second time) mother's abode in rural Madison county.  On one occasion, her new stud, I can recall vividly, made a distinct impression on me with his insults towards my lackadaisical rapport (we were all sitting around watching satellite TV in their living room).  It was as if he was trying to say to me, "I already have two children to tolerate in this house that aren't my own...".

Those insults effectively removed any further interest in me overnighting with my friend, and obviously at the time, I had no truthful idea, as a 13 year old, why this new stud was being such a dick towards me.  But, I can tell you this.  It made a very effective impression that lingered for some time.  And grown men can do this easily to children.

But now, today, I understand.  He chose to be a dick because that's all that was important to him at the time.


To wrap this up, they're plenty of Samson men who're in the thick of this juvenile posturing, as I've described above, even today.  I know it because I've seen it with my own two eyes.  And my goodness, I shudder to think what Judgement Day will look like for them.  And oh, dear God, how I hurt for their girlfriends' children.

My hope, if you're reading this, is that you don't fall into this category and therefore cannot relate to this at all.  Instead, my hope is that your marriage is intact, and that if you have children, you'll recognize the importance of thinking forward on their behalf relative to your potentially not being there to give a damn about them were you to not stay married to their mother.

Sometimes, when circumstances are truly horrific within an existing marriage (or on the opposing side of that equation - the grass looks incredibly green elsewhere), it's best to consider just how much more chaos can exponentially ensue, for all parties involved, were the initial institution to be dissolved.

If your marriage is on the brink, do your children a big favor and commit to Samson Society today.  Perhaps it can serve as a resource to you (and indirectly your children) as you plumb the depths of your marriage looking for hope.


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