Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November - The "No Bull" Briefing Newsletter


Happy Thanksgiving!

There's Still Time To Register for This Weekend's Virtual Retreat!

John Lynch, KaKa Ray, and Nate Larkin LIVE! Plus highlights from the in-person retreat, live small group interaction, Andy Gullahorn concert, Tom Moucka's "State of the Society," and a special presentation you won't want to miss. Register HERE.
Rumor clarification: just after he arrived at the Annual Retreat, our featured speaker, John Lynch, found out he had been exposed to Covid the night before. Since Tom Moucka drove him to the retreat, out of an abundance of caution, both of them returned home in order not to become "super spreaders." Both have since successfully self-quarantined.

Matching Gift

Double Your Gift

We have been blessed with a Matching Gift of $50,000.00! To date, we have raised $4,974.00 toward that goal. This is an opportunity of which we simply MUST take advantage. The matching donor has agreed to extend the deadline from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31 in order to include year-end giving. Guys, please consider a sacrificial gift equal to the benefit you have gained from Samson Society. If you have realized significant gains in the stock market this year, you can give a gift of appreciated stock without impacting your monthly budget. Just email Chris Rosenhahn at New Horizons (our contributions processor) and he will walk you through the process. You will receive a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock and you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciation. If you can make a special gift toward the match, Donate HERE. How will we use the match? Much needed administrative help, web development, improved SEO, improved onboarding platform, Silas training, improved Slack experience, and hopefully a post-Covid coast-to-coast community development road trip.

Secondary Addictions

A fellow Pirate Monk writes, "I got into Samson Society six years ago to deal with porn addiction, and as I got healthier, I discovered it wasn't my only bad habit - I was also a compulsive gambler." Our experience is, the Samson Society community can help brothers with multiple addictions. If you have discovered you have a gambling addiction and would like to join a Slack channel dedicated to gambling recovery, email Larry at riskman1@gmail.com.

Prayer of St. Anselm

O my God, teach my heart where and how to seek You,
where and how to find You.
You are my God and You are my all and I have never seen You.
You have made me and remade me,
You have bestowed on me all the good things I possess,
Still, I do not know You.
I have not yet done that for which I was made.
Teach me to seek You.
I cannot seek You unless You teach me
or find You unless You show Yourself to me.
Let me seek You in my desire,
let me desire You in my seeking.
Let me find You by loving You,
let me love You when I find You.

(from Graham J on Slack)

Amazon Smile for Your Black Friday

You can make an impact while you shop for Black Friday deals. Simply shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/82-2082396 and AmazonSmile will donate to Samson House, at no cost to you.

NOTE re: Donations By Check

Beginning January 1, 2021, Samson House will no longer process contributions by physical check at our Franklin, TN location. ALL contribution processing will be done by our contribution processor, New Horizons. Not only is this an effective outsourcing of a critical administrative task, but it also streamlines our 501-C-3 accounting to the IRS. You can donate HERE from now on.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Priority Of Singleness

Most Samson Society men are married, at least based on my knowledge of the men I've connected with inside our community.  Most married men are fathers - across the board.  I can count on one hand the number of husbands I've met through the years who've not reproduced.

Marriage is sold to us here in the West as THE NORM.  Bachelorhood is frowned upon.  If you're a bachelor, you're typically pitied and often poked fun at for being as such.

One of the most interesting aspects of God's Word is it runs counter to this.  And this is huge because singleness is no doubt a much less (all around) demanding position to be in.  In other words, like so much of God's word, it lines up with pragmatism.

Christianity is a relinquishing of our individual rights.  We're called instead to a fellowship of suffering with Christ which involves us finding family, meaning, and identity within the church, Christ's bride.  

The apostle Paul was content in Christ.  His writings exhort that fact.  His life was tethered not by responsibilities to a spouse or children.  Instead, he followed the great commission's lead and through the Holy Spirit evangelized to the gentiles throughout three separate missionary journeys.  And all along, he did this with a number of close male friends (as well as married couples) at his side.


So why is marriage elevated as it is within our culture?

Marriage (of any ilk) is good for the bottom line.  It's as simple as that.  Statistics prove that populations made up of married folks spend more money on just about everything, but mainly on loads of unnecessities - a bigger this and a bigger that, more of this and more of that.  The men (& now the ladies too) work their hineys off too.  Much moreso than bachelors, if you consider the white collar males' (& now female's) race to "the top".  And this is due to that perceived marital obligation - that ever present drive to provide, provide, provide.  KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES, BABY!


Therefore, taking all of this into consideration, we husbands / fathers are no doubt at times overworked and underpaid - physically, emotionally & spiritually.  And that's the liability found there versus that which our bachelor friends experience.

Hence, we often need to retreat.  Even if it's a virtual one:


Virtual Retreat & Matching Challenge Grant

Virtual Retreat

Okay, so we had to limit the size of this year's Annual Retreat due to Covid restrictions, but we are refusing to "cave to Covid" (though we came close!) On November 20-21, we will be holding our first-ever VIRTUAL RETREAT. This will be a hybrid of recorded sessions from the in-person retreat AND live sessions from speakers that couldn’t make the retreat … WITH NO COVID! That’s right, John Lynch will be there LIVE, KaKa Ray will be there LIVE, and Nate Larkin will be there LIVE. There will also be time for questions and answers and small group discussions.

Only $49 - Register HERE - limited spaces, register today!

Schedule • Friday, November 20
7 PM Central Time Welcome 
Welcome, Instructions, and Opening Remarks by Aaron & Nate
7:15 PM Central Time Keynote 
Opening Message from John Lynch
8:15 PM Central Time Concert 
Songs, Stories and Recovery Wisdom by Andy Gullahorn
Schedule • Saturday, November 21
9 AM Central Time Launch 
Friday recap and Saturday preview with Aaron & Nate
9:15 AM Central Time Keynote 
Second message from John Lynch
10:15 AM Central Time Personal Work 
Individual reflection with guidance from John Lynch (45 minutes)
11 AM Central Time Small Group Sharing 
Pooling insights with brothers in breakout rooms
Noon Central Time Midday Break 
1:00 PM Central Time Workshop with Kaka Ray 
Where Addiction and Trauma Meet
2:10 PM Central Time Workshop with Nate Larkin 
Regaining Your Footing After a Relapse
3:20 PM Central Time Workshop with Aaron Porter 
Stop Trying So Hard!
4:30 PM Central Time Workshop with Andy Gullahorn 
The Spiritual Discipline of the High Five
5:30 PM Central Time Dinner Break 
6:15 PM Central Time Small Group Sharing 
Pooling insights with brothers in breakout rooms
7:00 PM Central Time The Grand Finale 
Special Presentation by Dr. Tom Moucka, and closing message by Aaron Porter

Matching Challenge Grant

As announced in last month’s No Bull Briefing, Samson House has received an anonymous Matching Challenge Grant. It is a dollar-for-dollar match up to $50,000.00! The deadline for the grant is Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2020. To date, we have raised $2,499.00. All one-time gifts and new recurring gifts are eligible for the match. Gifts of stock are included and have the added benefit of a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock and you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciation. NOTE: The Cares Act of 2020 provides special benefits for charitable donations, even if you don't itemize!

This is a HUGE opportunity for Samson House to acquire much needed administrative and IT help. We have experienced significant growth in the last six months, and it shows no sign of letting up. With additional funds, we will be able to expand our Slack community, redesign and launch a new app, and add additional native-language groups around the world. If all goes well, we will also re-launch our coast-to-coast road trip!

To give toward the matching grant, simply click on the donate button on our home page. You will be re-directed to our contribution processor, New Horizons. Follow the prompts to complete your gift. If you would like to make a gift of appreciated stock, contact Chris at New Horizons at (800) 531-4075 or click here to email him directly.

Thank you ALL so very much,

Tom Moucka