Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Honoring The Mother Ship's (First Baptist Church Jackson) Cherished '70s / '80s' Pastor - Dr. Frank Pollard

(Note: I am posting this on behalf of Rob Turner

 ~ Stephen)


Summit Counseling (First Baptist Church Jackson's proprietary counseling ministry) wouldn't exist had Dr. Frank Pollard not wholeheartedly supported its creation / funding during the '80s.  

This ministry was firstly overseen by Dr. Ron Mumbower, and it offered individuals who were members of the church professional therapy / counseling within the four walls of the church itself.  For a Mississippi church, this was cutting edge in ministry thinking. 

The Jackson Mississippi Samson Society's original face-to-face group, facilitated by Mr. Don Waller, has always met within the Summit Counseling suite, which today is located within the First Baptist Church Jackson Christian Life Center.  Don has been part of Summit (as a licensed therapist) for many years, and his involvement in facilitating the initial Jackson, Mississippi Samson Society group speaks to his passion for helping men in crises via relational accountability (via The Path).

But it all points back to the now long deceased Dr. Frank Pollard, and his vision for integrating professional counseling into First Baptist Church Jackson's suite of ministries.


Dr. Frank Pollard was a master communicator, and as a means to honor his legacy / vision (which we as local Samson guys have benefited from), we'll soon be posting - once per week or so - transcripts from a handful of his The Baptist Hour radio / TV broadcasts from the late '70s.  By doing so, we're hopeful you too (like us) will recognize the opportunity here.  For these transcripts represent the creme de la creme of Bible teaching of its day.    

Therefore, without further ado, here's an introductory piece that provides both a partial "Table of Contents" and summary of what The Baptist Hour was during its heyday.

We're looking forward to sharing more soon.  Thanks for reading.

Recommended Reading - Mr. Joe Rigney Could Be A Samson Guy

 Submit Your Felt Reality to God | Desiring God

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Recommended Reading - This Is Remarkably Noble. A Literal Laying Down Of One's Life For The Church.

Pastor describes how elderly congregation stopped shooter (msn.com)

Timing Is Everything

I received the above photo (this AM) from an old friend who just recently took the plunge / drank the Samson Society Kool-Aid.  The text message attached to the image read "New reading material for today".

I cannot underemphasize how humbled I am; for this guy is one of those men whom I deeply respect, having known him for well over a decade.

Be encouraged readers.  For brothers in Christ, whom you love, can benefit just as you have via the Samson Society.  It's just a matter of timing and your willingness to share your story / invite them in.

Authentic brotherhood awaits - both in-person &/or virtual - for those men who're ready to commit.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Mr. Justin Schwind's Story - Say The Truth & Not Blame The Truth, & It Will Set You Free - Chapter 1B: "Wandering The Wilderness Of Trauma"

Chapter 1A can be quickly found here.

Trauma was also observed early in my life, and not just physically experienced only through

participating-within-events experienced.  When I was three, my parents were fighting, which they had a

tendency to do.  This time, my mom was pregnant with my middle sister.  I have no idea what they

were shouting about, but as most fights between couples go - it's about absolutely nothing important.  I

remember the shouting became more aggressive, and they got into each other’s faces. The next thing I

knew, my dad had let his rage get the best of him again, and eventually, he shoved my very pregnant

mother to the ground.  I stood there frozen, crying, knowing it was impossible to intercede for I was

only three.  The typically reactive rhetoric came from my mother's mouth, consisting of “I hate you”.

This was the snapshot of an unhealthy relationship, and my desire to run from this utter chaos. Thank

goodness my little sister was okay, and as an outgrowth of that experience, I know firsthand early

destructive experiences within my life. I know there are still parts of me capable of tapping into that

same rage, yet I have become more and more attuned to managing it via healthy recovery.

The neighborhood I grew up in Hitchcock, TX only had girls my age, and we lived there 'til I was 7-years-old.  To this day, I have zero contact with any of those girls I grew up with.  Two of the girls who I would spend time with the most lived closer to me and were closer to my age.  One of the girls was a year older. I will give her the name "Friend 1", and the other was a year younger. I will give her the name "Friend 2".  I preferred to hang out with "Friend 2", but she moved away eventually. Considering that, she would come back and visit every now and again because her grandma also lived in our neighborhood.  "Friend 1" wanted to be in a friendship that involved her being in control and would ask me to do things that would cause me pain to quote / unquote be her friend.  Since I was in a neighborhood with very few friends that were my age, she had the relational upper hand.  The one time I felt she took it too far was when I was in first grade and actually was also playing with "Friend 2".  Too, her parents were alcoholics, though they tended to keep to themselves - always drinking and smoking inside. That was their top priority.  We were in "Friend 1’s" backyard that day trying to find things to do, and we came to a set of holly bushes. I can estimate today that they were about 6-8 feet tall and 10 yards in length.  "Friend 1" wanted to see how far "Friend 2" and I were willing to go to, and told us to climb under and through the thorn bushes knowing it would stab, cut, and force us to bleed in the process.  Both Friend 2" and I refused at first, but without remorse "Friend 1" demanded we do it or leave and never come back.  Even though I considered option B for a few moments, I went into the bush first and the expectations were met in every way.  I started to crawl on my hands and knees and my clothes began to tear as the thorns had their way.  The thorns then pierced my skin as I crawled, and tears began to run down my eyes as "Friend 2" soon followed behind me. "Friend 1" stood there laughing raucously as we pushed forward into the bush deeper and deeper.  I thought to myself - What kind of friend this is? and What the heck am I doing?  10-15 minutes later, I made it through the bush with tears rolling down my face and blood rolling down my slightly chunky 6-year-old arms, back, and legs.  "Friend 2" came right after me, and she received the same outcome.  I had had enough with "Friend 1" that day and headed home.  I had made the decision that I was going to let my parents know what had happened, hoping forlornly to understand why might some "Friend" do this to us.  When I went home, my mom was watching my little sister who was around two. Plus, she was pregnant with another sister. Hence, she was miserable and overwhelmed.  I instantly went from a whimper to an outburst of sadness and tears, screaming to her about what had happened to "Friend 2" and I.  When I was done, my mother calmed me down, but her response wasn't remorseful. Instead, she acknowledged that what had happended was bad prior to following up with a response of - just "don't go over to her house anymore". 

I needed someone to stick up for me and help me slay the dragon with the name "Friend 1", but instead my pain and anguish was passively brushed off.  Through this experience, one thing was reaffirmed to me once again:  I could not trust anyone to be there for me, and trust was a thing that was given in small pieces. As Mr. Dan Siegal says, trust is essential for any childhood - to me safe, soothes, secure, seen.

This sums up several early episodes within my story where trauma and shame tainted my understanding of trust and what the perception of a loving caregiver should be.  I felt I was all on my own and the wandering of the wilderness began along with learning to callous over my emotions and run away from any curiosity of opening up.  Instead isolation and loneliness seemed to make the most sense because there I was safe.