Earlier this week, I spent a few hours circuiting through a CrossFit workout in my Silas' garage (alongside the Man). Now, this wasn't the first time I'd exercised within a CrossFit box, but it was a first for me to relegate myself to a WOD (Workout of the Day).
My time there working out with him was uneventful or so it seemed.
This morning, my wife and oldest daughter went to the YMCA to workout. I've been using this Reservoir Y facility for countless years, and as a rule, I treat the experience (as I did this AM) like it's my first visit every time. What I mean by that is I do not socialize with my fellow patrons. 80% of them know me, but they don't know my name (nor do I know theirs). There are exceptions to this, of course. For there are some individuals who simply cozy up to me over time. As such, I try not to be overtly rude, but rarely do I spend more than one or two minutes of my time there chatting. Considering that, if I feel so moved, I do steal away to my parked car long enough to grab a business card from my wallet to covertly gift.
Ever since this past summer, there's been a middle school student in this particular Y facility who's been rigorous (& faithful) about / to his workout routine. I've complimented him a handful of times whilst shaking hands. Today, he again was on the floor, and as we usually do, he and I spoke briefly whilst within earshot of each other. There continues to be a mutual admiration / platonic attraction there.
I sense that this young man lives within a fatherless household. I've no way to confirm that, but more often than not, when a young man is first entering into a workout space (with intentions of making physical gains), his dad is there with him (at least for a season). I've seen this over and over. That's never occurred with this teen (based on my observation). He's always been by himself, with his mom serving as his ride to and from.
Throughout my time there today, I couldn't help but notice the brotherly energy passing between myself and this young man. Positive, affirming, respectful energy. Afterwards, I realized this too had occurred in spades between my Silas and I earlier this week as he and I relegated ourselves to the aforementioned WOD.
My Silas is a CrossFit trainer, therefore he's consistently cognizant of his trainee's form / execution. I was that trainee earlier this week, but at the same time, I was his ally / partner / brother.
I believe he underestimated just how fit I truly am. And that's to be expected. We'd never worked out together, and my exercise routine has never benefited from any semblance of CrossFit. Yet, I'm quite fit for a 50-year-old Mississippi redneck and as such, not at all intimidated by the prospect of learning from the best (CrossFit zealot or otherwise).
Positive energy passing between men. Isn't that the concept Samson Society is built upon? For me though, I've truly found a means to turbocharge that experience between me myself and an old friend whom I deeply respect.
I can't wait for round two (scheduled for early January).
Merry Christmas, dear reader. I hope your 2023 outlook is as anticipatory as mine.