Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

"Confessions From The Dog Pound" (Bull Butter) - JR Everhart

No man is nicer to a woman than the one that hasn’t slept with her yet.  Pay attention ladies, he’s a completely different person after he’s had your best and is now bored and looking for his next challenge.  

I see this all the time, and if the truth be told, I myself was this guy during my younger years.  That was a season where I was in constant pursuit of excitement, and addicted to the power trip of seeing how easily I could manipulate and control a woman.  I was very good at playing this game.  The second that all the work of a real relationship would start kicking in, I’d get bored and start looking for the next intimate high.  It’s not easy to admit these things, but many years ago, it was the pattern of my life.  So much so that I became stuck in a cycle of failed relationships and didn’t realize why. 

The truth is many men are in this season of their lives.  A season of just looking for a good time and trying to live life to the fullest.  It’s not 100% their fault; they are fed a steady diet of toxic masculinity and sexuality from the earliest ages, and once those teenage hormones kick in, it’s off to the races!  Many of these guys grew up in broken homes without a father to teach them how to treat a woman with love and respect.  Or, even worse, they have a father that’s every bit the dog they've chosen to become.  In the end, when you’re in that self-centered mindset, it’s hard to see outside of your own desires, much less how your actions are impacting others.  Throughout my recovery, I returned to as many of the women as I safely could in order to make amends for my actions.  At this point, I’m standing over the ruins of a reckless romantic life with a clear vision of where I missed it and who I now need to be moving forward. 

But I see young men - all the time - making the same mistakes I made.  Some of these are married with children, living a double life, and some are just bachelor's puppeteering women - allowing them to orbit so these guys never have to be alone.  That was me!  I was frightened to be alone and would lure women into my web of bull butter.  These women, I knew I’d never truly "long-term relationship" date.  Instead, I positioned them just to have someone to make me feel alive and wanted.  Sadly, many of those women were the ones that treated me the absolute best, having the purest feelings for me.  Nonetheless, I used them before throwing them away like yesterday's newspaper.  Those things haunt me now, and if it wasn’t for my faith, I would probably find myself consumed via regret.  It’s been a long, hard battle to claw my way out of that pit of self pity.
None of us men have any reason to talk about how crazy women are when we ourselves have treated them like slabs of meat and soulless robots in order to fulfill our carnal desires.  It’s enough to drive anyone crazy when you really stop and think about the truck loads of bull butter they’ve put up with from us.  As such, their constant flinching is no doubt justified.  Imagine being promised connection and commitment in exchange for the most valuably intimate parts of yourself, only to have that thrown away 30mins - 3 months after you’ve surrendered those precious gifts to the person promising you these things.  How would that make you feel?  Used! 

I finally, in a desperate attempt to find peace and harmony in my life, started looking in the mirror at whom I had become.  God was kind enough to show me how I had destroyed my reputation and therefore was now viewed as a dog by most of the women in my life.  This was a hard pill to swallow!  Even the women I held in high regard and respected, started to tell me how lost I was in this constant pursuit of physical satisfaction.  I was stuck and didn’t know what I truly needed or even wanted.  Carnal Desires were not satisfying me anymore, and I had made the horrible mistake of falling in love with a woman that would never be able to love me back.  That was the straw that broke the camel's back.  I was broken on a level that only those that understand true depression can relate to.  I had grown tired of wearing a mask and stuffing my feelings about what I truly needed.  I didn’t recognize the man in the mirror anymore, and I desperately needed to find myself again.  That was over a decade ago. 
The man I am now is so polar opposite from that guy.  I’m still broken, and believe me, I have my struggles, but now there’s art inside my brokenness.  It’s the art of who I am.  It’s a gallery that reminds me that I’m worthwhile of more than who I am (or have been) physically, and that I deserve real connection and commitment.  Only God knows the work I’ve had to do to get here.  It’s been very hard, and still has its challenges every day.  But at least I know who I am now and what’s truly important to me.  Emotional maturity is damn hard work.  And who knows if I’ll ever be fortunate enough to connect with someone on this new plane.  As such, it's unhealthy of me to think on my life in those terms.  Though I must admit that, part of me laments the past and part of me desires (a better) the future.  But real satisfaction is living in the here and now.  So, I put aside the shame of yesterday, and the fear of tomorrow, and just breathe in the moment I’m in right now.  Gods' grace is sufficient for all things.  Even a recovering dog like me. 🙌🏻

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Recommended Reading

How to Overcome Envy (thegospelcoalition.org)

Like so many Gospel Coalition posts, this reads more like a sound bite than an actual article.  Hence, I want to add some personal commentary.

The most practical way to combat envy is to avoid social media.  Never read it, post on it, use it under any circumstances.  It is a monumental waste of your time / energy.

Social media's sole purpose is to generate strife, and often times, its camouflaged weapon of choice in doing so is via provoking envy.  It perfectly positions itself as a "private online experience" that's anything but private.  That combined with the facade-worthy nature of the entire experience presents a truly toxic serpent.  A serpent that's on standby to strike one's sense of self-worth at any moment.

And that's where envy takes root.

As I've shared before, our family chooses to not engage in social media, and I've even gone so far as to threaten my daughters that they'll be written out of the Trust if I ever catch them on it.

Each of my girls has thanked me for parenting them in this way.  For they've seen firsthand (peers) the destructiveness of the serpent.

Delete your social media accounts today!

Recommended Reading - Advice On Getting Out of Your Own Head

How to Love an Immortal | Desiring God

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Truly Loyal, Loving Samson Brother Is Adept At Holding His Nose (If Momma's Not Happy, Nobody's Happy)

This past winter, my oldest Samson friend asked Angie and I to "double-date" with he and his wife to a local 2023 summer concert.  The tickets for said concert were about to be made available (February), and since we'd very much enjoyed ourselves over the course of a few evenings with these two (throughout the past 8 years), we agreed to shell out the cash for our two adjacent tickets.  Keep in mind that my Samson friend as well as his wife are concert aficionados (live music lovers), and we most certainly are not.  Too, this particular artist we'd absolutely no interest in hearing in concert.  Nonetheless, we really liked the idea of double-dating with these beloveds, knowing that this couple, based on past experience, were reliably fun to spend time with.

The night before the concert, my Samson friend called to announce that his wife no longer had any interest in attending the concert.  As a result, my Samson brother too decided to abandon us (out of "respect" for her).  Earlier that week (perhaps over the weekend), this friend had shockingly confessed that he and his wife had been separated for close to a month.  In spite of our time together earlier in the year, we weren't privy to their marriage woes, nor would we have ever recognized it.

Angie and I did decide to attend the concert.  We saw a number of familiar faces in the (mostly) inebriated crowd.  The vocalist sang about a pig, and from there, we decided to leave at intermission, having felt as if we had literally set ablaze +/-$300 (the retail price for our two tickets).

I felt duped, but too, very thankful that my Angie has never relationally humiliated me in an attempt to control / punish me.


A wife who attempts to control her husband, primarily via criticism and posturing, combined with insisting on being his moral nanny, is one of my greatest revulsions.

But some Samson guys are literally wired for this treatment as husbands, thereby giving these ladies the utmost respect and servitude.

I have seen it time and time again.

The easiest way to spot these husbands is via their speech.  

If you were to take a week's worth of their verbiage and examine its content, a decided portion (high percentage) would center around the wife.  As if she's primarily what he thinks about and thereby he can't stop talking about (approval?).

At the tail end of last year (off season), our family was vacationing within the same Gulf Coast resort area as a (fairly new) Samson brother (he too was there with his fam).  I excitedly recommended we merge our clans for a shared meal (restaurant / one of our condos) in hopes of having the opportunity to mingle with his fam.  He relayed to me that was not an option due to the fact that his wife refused to "dirty herself & her children" with her husband's perverted Samson Society friends (me & my girls).  Hence, he and I agreed to a meet up early one morning (coffee) before either of our respective vacations expired.  He spent the majority of our time together talking (& weeping) incessantly about, can you guess?

His wife.

I pitied this man.  For it was obvious that he was moreso in bondage to her than any sort of compulsive sexual sin.  Yet, he dutifully seemed to feed off of said bondage / attention.


During my time working as an architect (during the late '90s), I had a colleague who no doubt had codependent tendencies (I had no formal understanding of this word at the time), and it was his wife who obviously fulfilled that role.  It was the creepiest marriage relationship I'd ever seen.  I remember becoming nauseous (along with most everyone else) every time I'd see the two of them together (which thankfully wasn't that often).  

Fast forward.

A longstanding Samson brother too fell into that same codependency camp.  His marriage though was decades and decades in length, and shockingly, this couple had only engaged in intercourse three times throughout their entire betrothal (both husband and wife were perfectly healthy, middle-aged white people).  It was during one of those three fucks that his wife became pregnant with their only child.

My friend would lament that his wife would privately berate him incessantly regarding how he had destroyed  / was destroying their marriage due to his compulsive online porn use (among other things).

And he seemingly fed on this criticism / nagging.  For he was hooked onto her criticism like a babe is latched onto his mother's teat.    

Whenever I rub shoulders with this couple today, I have to resist the urge to fall to my knees in order to thank God for my Angie.

But that's just me.  


All this leads me to a young Samson friend who's agreed to his wife's demands relative to real-time slip-up ("acting out") communication / confession.  

I've told him how stupid this agreement was / is, but he refuses to stop doing it.  And, of course, his wife uses it to control him, knowing full well that she's receiving privileged information that's giving her the emotionally-strategic upper hand.  

I could go on and on.  There are Samson guys who take regularly scheduled lie-detector tests for their wives or provide their wives with pocket computer apps that allow them to read their husband's text messages - in real time.  

I've seen Samson guys who share an email address with their wives, encouraging them to read them in kind.  

I've even befriended a Samson guy who allowed his wife to install a camera in their bedroom in order for her to be able to spy on him - at her discretion - whilst away from the house (via her pocket computer).

Weird shit, indeed.

All of this, ultimately, puts the wife in the marriage's (emotional) driver's seat, and these husbands are absolutely thrilled to be relinquishing that responsibility.

Thanks be to God for my sweet wife, Angie, who has no interest in behaving this way within our marriage, but again, this is how I'd prefer it.


In closing, what should you do if you befriend a married Samson brother as I've described here?  

Hold your nose, and never, under any circumstance assume that he's not parroting every word / detail you speak to him back to his "mommy" (I've made this mistake!).


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