Weekly meetings available to you are as follows:

Tuesday at 6:30 PM, Truitt Baptist Church - Pearl. Call Matt Flint at (601) 260-8518 or email him at matthewflint.makes@gmail.com.

Wednesday at 6:00 PM, First Baptist Church Jackson - Summit Counseling Suite - 431 North State St. Jackson. Call Don Waller at 601-946-1290 or email him at don@wallerbros.com.

Monday at 6:30 PM , Vertical Church - 521 Gluckstadt Road Madison, MS 39110. Mr. Roane Hunter, facilitator, LifeWorks Counseling.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Crossgates Baptist Church. Brandon Reach out to Matthew Lehman at (601)-214-4077 for further info.

Sunday night at 6:00 PM, Grace Crossing Baptist Church - 598 Yandell Rd. Canton. Call Joe McCalman at 601-201-5608 or email him at cookandnoonie@gmail.com.

Showing posts with label Recommended reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recommended reading. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

"Breaking Free Of Fear-Based Religion!" - JR Everhart

 A friend posted this statement today on Facebook: 

“Ponder how valuable your soul is for Satan to tirelessly pursue it, and the king (Jesus) to lay down his own life for it.” 
This idea blows my mind in about 13 different directions.  Particularly in a world that constantly tells you that you are of no value; hence, a failure, and everyone realizes it.  Jesus is standing there saying, “You are so valuable to me that I gave my own life for you.  That none should perish but all come to repentance and reconciliation with the father through me.”  How am I so very STUPID that I miss this day after day?  It’s because I choose to focus on the obvious laying right in front of me, in lieu of reaching just outside my field of vision in order to connect with God.  It’s because it takes a conscience effort to connect with God versus it being a default setting.  And since it does not come naturally, our flesh wars against the desires of our heart.  Anyone that tells you any different is in denial of how the human experience is framed in this world.  Every day, I feel as if I wake up to demonic forces staring me down.  I haven’t even taken my second breath in the morning before the temptor lays something at my feet.  I could easily live three lifetimes, taking into consideration all the time I’ve spent at the tree of good and evil arguing with the serpent.  News flash!  The longer I stand there talking with that fool, the easier it is for his foolishness to attach itself to me.  It takes a conscious effort to walk away and follow through with righteousness.  Even within my time of prayer, the enemy is there.  Always trying to distract me and feed me his lies.  My only hope is in a savior who's overflowing with love versus a desire to judge and condemn me.  Jesus said he didn’t come into this world to condemn it, but to save it. 
There've been so many seasons where I’ve lived in deep condemnation and shame.  During those times, I sincerely believed Jesus was disappointed or angry with me.  But what I discovered was those feelings were radiating from my own self-hatred and earthly performance-based standard.  I’ve spent years as a confessing Christian buying into the lies of karma over the truth residing within grace.  Why?  Because karma bears witness with my flesh.  It feels right to think that I deserve judgement when I fail.  And while accountability is an established part of the human experience, there is only one accuser whose entire existence is to remind you of how much you have failed, and his name is Satan.  That distortion of guilt and condemnation is a direct reflection of hell.  And I spent decades of my life willingly enslaved to it.  Living in constant defeat whilst blithely waving a false flag of grace and love.  Eventually, I realized that this wasn’t entirely my fault; most of the church culture I grew up in taught that God only loved and cared for the good little boys and girls.  That if I didn’t figure out a way to live above sin, I was going straight to hell no matter how good of a life I lived.  Turn or burn.  That was the message of my childhood churches. 
That entire mindset is akin to Buddhist karma than anything Christian.  And,  of course, I found it impossible to secure victory over my sin via those church teachings.  Instead, there was only guilt and shame ad nauseum simply because I couldn’t get it right and thereby live a perfect life as Jesus did.  Sadly, this whole doctrine is based on fear as well as a complete abandonment of faith.  And those who teach it have no faith that Jesus’ work on the cross was enough for the struggling drug addict or the sex addict (who honestly loves the Lord and is trying his best, but can’t seem to break the cycles of compulsive behavior in his life).  To take it a step further, I found there to be no mercy or grace for the guy struggling with anything “unholy”.  Instead, he was given a period of time to get "right with God" once converted, but after that, you were expected to fall in line with the rest of the church (in order to become a yes man or woman).  I’m still in awe of all the time I wasted within my life attempting to climb these religious ladders that lead to nowhere helpful. 
It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom whereas I was barely hanging onto my life that I was able to let religion go prior to building a foundation on relationship and trust in Christ.  Also, the second I stopped keeping score of my sin (& good deeds) and simply trusted Jesus to be enough for my struggles initiated the beginning of amazing freedom within my life.  Grace is never a license to sin, God forbid!  The Law and Grace run parallel to each other.  It is very much God's will for me to seek holiness, and I honestly try to do this.  But it is not God's will for me to live a life focused on my failures.  Because if all I choose to see are my warts and failures, I will never see God's hand and the good that's being manifest via my struggles.  My Heavenly Father is always taking what was meant for evil and using it for good.  But I’ll be remiss to truly understand that if I’m welcoming the accusatory lies of hell into my life every day. 
In closing, I have to make a conscience effort to trust in the repentance process bought for me by Jesus.  Anything else is another gospel and will only lead me to additional bondage.  Be warned though!  These truths may very well enrage "high-horse Christians" who think their good deeds outrank you in the eyes of God.  Too, pastors who thrive on controlling their flock with guilt and shame are playing a game that church-based religion has played for centuries (they're attempting to get rich and control the masses).  True Christianity asks for holiness that can only be achieved through the atonement / propitiation of Jesus Christ.  Not by JR, and certainly not by your local religious church social club.  King David was not a man after God's own heart because of his behavior.  He was a documented adulterer, liar, and murderer.  No, God favored David because of his deep-seated love for his Heavenly Father.  David placed all of his faith-founded-hope in God's goodness alone.  And this was well before Jesus ushered us New Testament Christians into the season of grace we live in today.  God favors those who trust in him via the faith he imbues within.  Don't allow sin to come between you and God.  Sin is forgotten by God the second it is repented of.  End of story…  There is no other conversation to be had after that.  Grace and freedom are the mindset of heaven.  Accept it as the foundation of your daily walk and watch your world open up and the warm sun start shining down on your life.  Praise be to God the Father of all those that believe in his son Jesus and the freedom that was bought for us on the cross of Calvary.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

"I Need A Hero..." - JR Everhart


This image was posted on a friend’s Facebook wall today, and when it came across my feed, it hit a nerve.  I feel like I’ve spent so much of my life masquerading off into the dark carnival of pleasure and excitement to only find myself lost and unrecognizable.  I’ve spent years of my life chasing validation and comfort, to the point that I've laid my own freedom at the altar of selfish pride and arrogance.  I’ve hurt those I loved, destroyed relationships that I - to this day - regret and wish I could restore.  I’ve stood on soapboxes of prideful declaration, convinced of my own wisdom, whilst speaking the words of a fool.  Over and over again, I was moving through the valley of the shadow of death, all the while in sight of heaven's gates.  Countless times rescued by a loving savior only to wander off again, repeating the cycle of failure ad nauseum.  In and of my own self, I am only worthy of death and judgement. 
But not once in all those years of rebellion and pride did Jesus show me any frustration for my behavior.  He only stood and wept as I turned my back on him, marinating within my evil ways in lieu of a transformative life of healing.  Nonetheless, it only took one small cry for help, and he always came running.  Dealing gently with me as he helped me dig out of whatever pit I had imploded into.  Over and over again, his graceful embrace saved me from myself.  I’m so thankful that his ways are not like our performance-based ones.  That we are validated by his work on the cross and not our clumsy walk through this dark and dying world.  To think that he has never been mad or harsh with me is testament to his eternal goodness and grace. 
The consequences of my struggles in this world weigh heavy on me at times.  Sometimes it feels like it’s more than I can handle, and that I’m helpless to fix all that I’ve broken.  But even in these times of self-loathful mourning, he reaches into my world to say, “give me those heavy burdens.  Take up my yoke and see that it is light and easy to carry…”  I’m so unworthy of such kindness, but that never stops him from running to my rescue and restoring my soul.